Texas Governor Greg Abbott declares that Texas law supercedes Federal authority and hints at secession

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 769 points –
Texas Governor Greg Abbott declares that Texas law supercedes Federal authority and hints at secession

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How do 1%ers hear this and not immediately pull campaign funding, what would a civil war do to the US economy. When a nation with the most guns in the world has people starving what do they think is gonna happen. I guess they are counting on being kings in the aftermath or that Jesus will come back or something.

See, your problem is you assume the 1% are intelligent. They are not. The attribute they have the most of is greed. Greed can blind even the intelligent, and most of them aren't even playing with a full deck.

Yeah just look at the latest posts by Elon on twi....I mean X...

I think it's more the assumption that things won't change. Plenty of large, previously-succsssful businesses have collapsed because they did not keep a finger up to feel if the winds of change are shifting and instead doubled and quadrupled down on a no longer viable business model.

Yes, and that is a demonstration of how they are not actually inteligent.

Of course they’re intelligent. Lots of people are greedy but most of them aren’t greedy and rich.

Being intelligent doesn’t make you rich, being ruthless to your fellow humans makes you rich.

Normal people wouldn’t fuck over any and everyone for a dollar.

Yes, but being intelligent and ruthless means you're more likely to succeed.

You can have multiple traits that affect things. It's almost never just one thing or another.

Eh, I wouldn’t say it’s a largely influential factor.

Maybe a handful of tech company founders (e.g. Atlassian guy) have some degree of intelligence in their field, but id argue connections, sociopathy, and the right place at the right time are bigger factors. But most are born into it idiots like Trump or Musk.

Well if you don't think so, it must be true, right?

And most of the people who cause all this heinous shit aren't nearly as publicly facing as the ones you mention. Because they're not idiots. They use the public facing fools as scapegoats for their actions.

How does it feel to lap that up?

Just because they're cowards who disavow responsibility doesn't make them intelligent.

EVERYONE knows to not do inhumane shit out in the open, it doesn't tale intelligence to understand that. Even children know to hide bad behavior.

I think you're right that they aren't below average intelligence, but you're giving them too much credit.

I mean, you're literally stepping on the point and not seeing it...

The point is, it doesn't matter if they're intelligent. "Greed can blind even the intelligent." The entire point is they have a disgusting amount of greed. The greed userps their intelligence as their defining attribute.

Intelligent, ruthless (I tend to parse this as “sociopathic”), and lucky. The socioeconomic status from which a person starts has a MAJOR impact on “success”.

Luck makes them more contemptible: They're the morons who are born at the top of the mountain, going, "jee, why's everyone so tired?! You're all too lazy to climb."

Indeed. Plenty of intelligent, ruthless people don't succeed. Luck is definitely one of many significant factors.

Most of them are neither greedy nor smart - they were just lucky enough to be born into wealth.

The 1% use political theater to distract people from the fact that half of Americans can't afford rent.

This is exactly what they want.

Here's the thing: they've got a "self-sufficient" bunker, private military contractors, and have done some martial arts training. So in their mind all they have to do to come out on top in a collapse of society is hide in the bunker surrounded by armed guards and judo chop any guard who tries to take over.

They also know that our current way of society is not sustainable with them hoarding the wealth. So they believe collapse is inevitable.

So why not accelerate the process whilst they're still young and can fool themselves into believing they can survive a collapse of society with all their resources stashed away.

It’s because they know it’s political theater. Bullshit posturing. Virtue signaling. As long as it gets the red state voters worked up so they’re not paying attention to actual issues, that’s what counts.

Texas is not going to secdee.

They just leave the country, invest in defense stocks, and make a bunch of cash

Because it’s theater. It’s part of the tongue in cheek game they play where the Republican leadership all basically play the part of the fourteen year old male imagination. They’re gonna beat up the bully, kiss the cheerleader, and win the football game. Everyone knows it’s fantasy but it’s comforting fantasy that makes them feel big, and they want that. They expect it.

Trump is fascinating because he DID those things. He hurt the right people to satisfy a growing chunk of the core GOP base that have Poe’s Law’d so hard they actually take the fantasy seriously. If he said he’d let Texas secede I’d honestly believe he’s stupid and/or nihilistic enough to do it