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Joined 1 years ago

Well get your guns and get your civil war over with please. The only way to fight fascists, who believe that "might makes right" and "the eternal struggle" against their enemies, is to meet them with overwhelming force.

Usually Nodachi and his harem.

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Um I can think of a few differences but I think the major one is that one of the geriatric fucks actually promised to end democracy in the US.

So, maybe don't back his team?

Well if it ends up in civil war, can you at least launch the nukes and end the whole world as well, I'm kind of done being alive and going out with everyone else is probably the best excuse for not continuing on.

You do realise that there's a version of Mien Kampf that's four times as long because there's several experts annotating and debunking Hitler's ideas right there on the page.

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From the article, talking about the complaints citing the Moms for Liberty rating system:

“Anne Frank’s Diary” and “Maus” both rate a “2” on BookLooks, with the site’s objections to the latter described as “hate involving antisemitism and racism; violence; nonsexual nudity; and mild/infrequent profanity.”

Would you look at that: non-sexual nudity, oh the shock and horror, children might learn that underneath clothes people are naked 😱

As shown by the complaint quoted in the article they're removing these books because they discuss historical horrors, violence, and hate, therefore your argument holds no water at all.

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the propaganda that is an attack on people that want to sensor books.

How is this propaganda?

Also you are completely incorrect. Those books are ABSOLUTELY are about history and learning.

Anne Frank's Dairy is a first hand historical account of life an oppressed and genocided group under facism. Maus is another recollection of first-hand historical accounts of a polish Jew being interviewed by his son but shown visually in a cartoon graphic novel to make the context more visually palatable for a younger audience without avoiding the horrific events of history.

What next? Are you going to claim the Horrible History books are neither educational or historical as well?

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No, they have shown you to the entrance way marked gonewildaudio.

It is now your choice.

Do you take a deep breath as you delve into romantic and erotic depths you could never have imagined before as expertly written, recorded, and mastered audio dances upon your ears and deftly paints a beautiful scene in your minds eye?

Or do you remain strong, stoic, and resist the alluring audio being sung from the salacious sirens of the subreddit?

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History is uncomfortable. Revising it to tell lovely stories is all well and good for building a national identity.

However, sugar-coating, ignoring, or even flat-out erasing parts of history benefits no one. People started writing events down accurately because the orators of old never intended paint an accurate picture of the past. And therefore lessons learnt from the failures of humanity (lost causes, preventable catastrophies, perspectives of people on the wrong side, genocides, etc.) were also lost.

History should be uncomfortable, so we can collectively learn and have a chance to do better the next time.

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I literally said the opposite. How did you come to that conclusion?

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Literally the article.

How about affirming the two-state solution. You know, the one that everyone sensible has been pushing for to resolve this conflict.

Here's my prediction:

Russia send the NK troops forwards in human waves, mostly under armed with all of the rusty waves. The NK troops surrender when given the chance. Russia waits for the surrendering NK troops to get the Ukrainian troops out of cover and then opens up with artillery and FPV drones on both the Ukrainian troops and NK defectors.

(Laughs in superior Type G)

It is, expect everything to lurch to the right for the foreseeable future. Get ready for more humanitarian crises as we in the west increase sending climate and conflict refugees back to countries of origin or 3rd countries for "asylum processing" as climate change really starts to bite.

Also, I hope you enjoy Cold War 2: Arctic Summer Melt.

Sorry citizen, every time you enter the bar we've got to take a swab from your genitals to check that since you were last here you haven't fucked any kids.

Fucking ridiculous. If you want to prevent CSAM spreading across Europe do this instead:

  • new funding for a cross boarder specialist taskforce to coordinate law enforcement agencies.
  • hide the identity of defendant and victim during trials.
  • offer a slightly lighter sentence to offenders if they successfully help with bringing down the rings.
  • a large cross-boarder sting operation.
  • new funding for therapy for offenders to reform them and during and after they've served their time.
  • new funding for a confidential service to provide prevention therapy to potential offenders before they commit that horrid act against a child.

Investigation and surgical removal of the whole rotten ring of kid fuckers will curve CSAM creation and distribution in the EU.

Then preventative measures to stop creators/ consumers of CSAM because prevention is more effective than trying to cure it.

Child sexual abuse is one of, if not the most evil act someone can commit and they should face very steep punishment for it. And anyone proposing any policy offering help to reform them is committing political suicide.

But ignoring the fact that people have the capacity to commit an evil act of that magnitude, demonising them, and then offering no support network to prevent them is not going to solve the problem. It doesn't work for any crime and certainly not this.

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As we all know Alphas can be stopped by just a sheet of paper: A restraining order.

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I am not going to like the day they remove that.

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Let me save you a click:

They're proposing reducing the age to qualify for train driver training from 20 to 18.

Both the rail companies and the rail unions support this as it means the large number drivers who are expecting to retire soon can be replaced and it gives those who leave education at 18 a career path.

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What's the most flavourful way to oven-roast a baby?

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So the Supreme Court is willing to force states to provide shelter and food to homeless people?

I didn't know the Supreme Court justices were socialists.

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I don't know which of you degenerates need to hear this, but: DO NOT FUCK THE PINEAPPLE!

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Or, ya know, you could just make everyones publicly available by request along with earnings. Like they do in Finland.

Strangely, this seems to lower the amount of corruption in government and non-government organisations.

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Fun fact; under common law you legally can't slander / libel the dead.

The fucker definitely did it.

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A God given right to enforce laws over the public at their own whims?

So... Like a Monarchy and court of the throne?

How deliciously un-american of the Ohio Republicans.

If they'd like to join into a monarchical society, why not rejoin the Ol' British Empire as a Colony?

Shall we get the band back together on a mission from god?

All you have to do is kneel before the king.

So... Go on then... Kneel.

(/S if you couldn't tell, fuck the Monarchy)

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(back creaks) In the old days, some phones had a specific audio format for ringtones that wasn't .mp3 to save storage space.

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Time to write a sequel Alan.

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If your fingers are burning from soldering, you're doing it wrong.

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The plebs aren't breeding enough future workers for us to exploit to deliver the promised renumerations to our shareholders.

We MUST find out the reason why! No it can't possibly be that extracting all the wealth into our dragon hoards, I mean, hedge funds is the reason why they're too broke to support children.

It can only be a LiFeStYlE cHoICe! Like being homeless or poor.

What people think a typical English breakfast is:

What a typical English breakfast actually is:

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Well y'all decided that finding and keeping zero-day exploits were more important than contacting the companies to fix them because you looked at both approaches and decided that intelligence gathering scale > cyber security robustness.

Still not comfortable about him sleeping on those piles of money.

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Get. Your. Guns.

Look, you can howl at every mass shooting and the lack of response for dealing with gun control and a responsible gun culture unlike some other countries in the world.

But you can't play with your dream hand you've got to play with hand you've been dealt.

And in the American game, guns = might = rights. So show up with them and don't act stupid.

Act cool, calm, and collected. Show these chud that if they really want to escalate to a civil war, they're not going to be the only ones firings shots. Don't fire the first one, fire the last.

There's going to be some warcrimes coming. I'm not looking forward to this, nor am I looking forward to the increase of Nazis and Communists using this as justification to tar all Jewish people as evil.

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Ah straight out of the Dictatorship Surviour's Guide for Middle Management playbook.

I mean... At least they're supportive?


Using Reddit on web is no good for me since I can't look at it during work and at home I'd rather watch YouTube.

Baconreader was the only 3rd party app I liked and now Connect for Lemmy is a good replacement for it to check occasionally.

I also like that there's less new posts compared with Reddit so I now spend more time reading than I did before.

Also the community here feels much more welcoming.

Up Lemmy!

If I could download a car I absolutely would!

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Seppuku™ Vibrators

"Finish yourself off, with honour!"

Edit: sorry I misread band as brand.

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Should have been done as soon as the Kiev rush failed.

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They've evolved into Roadmen.

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