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Google took its time stepping up, but it’s better late than never

So Apple completely fails to give any kind of fuck that some people don't use their products but might be affected by them... and Google is the bad guy for not being timely enough to account for Apples douchebaggery? I mean, I'm no google fanboy, but jesus christ that's some shitty logic.

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So... in reading the article, it seems he suggest the government is using religion to manipulate people into forgetting about all the aliens they're hiding.

So, not so much with the sanity.

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It's an honored slasher film tradition.

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Its not a corrections system, it's a punishment system; unfortunately.

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They literally pay for exclusivity. It's weird that people seem to selectively ignore that every time someone brings up their desire to get free games from them.

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I think the real reason is that the people in power keep touting this idea of only two distinct parties. Having only two parties means you have only two directions to go. Which is destined for extremism.

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So... they knew the value of their own time and didn't overwork when they didn't have to?

Most office workers could probably learn from that mindset.

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He didn't, he bought in to a company that was already set on doing it.

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Anti-fascists aren't conspiracy theorists, though, they're just people who oppose fascism.

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What is with peoples insistence that we only ever use one kind of power generation?

Wind, solar, fusion, fission, hydro, they all have their uses. Why limit yourself like some kind of console fanboy?

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What if I have a fabulous dick, but the rest of me is blah?

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Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there were syops to radicalize anti-fascist groups to make them less appealing to the masses.

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Considering his track record with his other kids, it's entirely possibly he just forgot he had that kid.

That's about the right amount of words to completely ignore the sentiment of a statement so you can make a vapid holier-than-thou statement based on purported moral superiority.

President Joe Biden's chances of signing legislation that fulfills his promise to provide a path to citizenship for 11 million immigrants in the U.S. illegally have dwindled now that Republicans control the House of Representatives.

Seems more of a legislative failure, to me.

Should make sure to have separate drinking fountains, too, just to be safe.

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They're probably referencing someone else's words. Journalism generally requires sources otherwise you risk libel.

Generally if you see quotes in journalism, it's not the sarcastic use you often see on social media. It's more of a legal safeguard.

I take in oxygen and turn it into philosophical thought.

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If you haven't noticed them doing dirty or damaging things for the last twenty years, feel free to engage with them.

There's more than enough evidence to show their intentions are far from pure.

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You won't get rid of Hamas, or organizations like it, until you get rid of Netanyahu and people like him. Their control and influence is what drives recruitment for terrorist groups.

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How much of that life expectancy was infant mortality? Or preventable diseases that didn't affect the upper class people who would get lifetime appointments?

But I think the idea was to have an impartial third party that was unaffected by political maneuvering necessary for near constant elections.

Unfortunately it hasn't worked out for us so much lately.

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Imagine trying to make the world's most boring politician controversial.

"Don't hate the companies, hate the people who lobbied for copyright laws... the companies!"

Because taking them to task implies that supporting them for the last seventy years might have been a mistake.

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Imagine thinking there's only one solution.

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"Political figure makes non-committal statement, news at 11"

I didn't see any noisemakers or confetti, where are you seeing celebration? I see acknowledgement and respect, but that's a far cry from celebration.

antiwork is filled with people who love to bitch but hate doing anything about it. Staying on reddit because of inertia is exactly the kind of thing that represents them.

You're thinking of politicians. Bureaucracy is the scapegoat they use to cover their machinations. A functional society needs bureaucrats to do all the tasks that makes society work, without them everything would fall apart.

Inflation is great to keep the stock market afloat. That's about its only redeeming quality. The reason that most economists like inflation is the false premise that people will stop spending money if money starts increasing in value... but the vast majority of people are going to spend their money one way or another, cause they can't just stop buying food or paying for rent... and they're not going to skip out on what little fun they can have because it might be a little cheaper later.

Deflation is bad for the rich. Because it means their non-monetary assets are suddenly worth less.

This is my hole, it was made for me.

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Indeed, the problem has been that Democrats have been compromising to keep the government running for decades, and it finally came to a point where the other team decided they could start getting away with anything.

Indeed, Trump is just the rodeo clown to distract the public from the cowboys trying to hogtie them.

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The design failure is only failing to anticipate that people are going to be assholes. The two are not mutually exclusive.

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Also present was Stephen Stills of Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, who subsequently released a statement noting he still backs President Joe Biden and attended only to support Clapton

Oh, well, as long as the misinformation spouting xenophobic racist you're supporting is a musician you respect, then its fine.

Protest about every single issue then vote for the most milquetoast president possible, with a side helping of fascist Russian-puppet as a runner up?

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Maybe the future is not relying on any one technology as our only option.

Nah, that doesn't make sense at all.

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Probably about $13B

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Yes, but he's built up a tolerance over the years, it probably won't affect him too much.

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That's... that's literally what they're talking about. That, because we are forced to decide between two major parties, we have to "vote blue no matter who" in order to not get the worst possible deal.

That doesn't mean that Democrats are universally the good guys, it just means they're better than the worst possible option.

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have another option.