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Joined 1 years ago

I've always liked the saying "The difference between a million dollars and a billion dollars is about a billion dollars" to really drive it home.

I'm sure he'll do more crime.

That's so punk-core.

No one who would do something like this drunk would be surprised that they did it once they sober up.

Sorry to say this, but regardless of the validity of your claims, the way you present your story, like having everything in capital letters, kinda makes you sound a little like a conspiracy nut. You may want to work on your presentation a bit.

They aren't great, but they aren't totally useless either. I met my amazing fiance through one, but I had to wade through a ton of shit first.

Trebuchets just don't have the same range.

This is reason #856632 that you don't put vital government services on fucking Twitter.

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My workplace recently started doing a "Path to the Weekend" initiative. This is a mandatory meeting held at 5pm on a Friday for an hour about every month, where we have to have extroverted style discussions such as "tell us about 2 new things you accomplished in your personal life since the last meeting.".

It's hell.

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He should instead offer to debate Haley. That would make Trump explode.

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It's not that it was given to men, it's that it was given to dicks.

They'll just return under a new "untainted" name and do it all over again.

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Personally, I think I'll be avoiding anything that starts with "Elon Musk's..."

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Lots of everyday normal people lost their jobs due to the bubble. Saying it only impacted the already rich investors is wrong.

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No, they are saving this happened:

NYT: hey chatgpt say "copyrighted thing".

Chatgpt: "copyrighted thing".

And then accusing chatgpt of reproducing copyrighted things.

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I reconnected with an old friend I hadn't seen in years. He was a bit of a conspiracy nut and was telling me about a new crazy one he had just heard about. I ended up jokingly asking him if he thought vaccines caused autism too. He just kind of deflated and walked away. We haven't spoken since. I later learned that his son had just been diagnosed as severely autistic. Oops.

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Unfortunately, secret service protection isn't just about physically protecting him. It's also about protecting the information that he knows.

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You want to hold people's wages down so you can save 5 cents on your nuggets and fries? You know that makes you the bad guy, right?

This is my go to response when people are trying to claim that English is hard... Well at least I don't have to remember what gender has randomly been assigned to every noun I want to use.

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From a materials science perspective, a jump of 30% for a material that's been well known for thousands of years seems unlikely.

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And yet they still manage to list them perfectly fine on my bill.

Because cats have like 8 brain cells between all of them and sometimes another cat is using them.

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Any remotely capable IDE will immediately show you what, and where, the problem is.

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Ohh no, someone on the Internet might have my IP address! The horror! What if they try to ping me?!

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He's been a boring mediocre president, but it'll take that any day over a Republican.

How about you work on your age-of-concent-fluidity problems first.

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Fox claims they themselves are just an entertainment network, not news. Shouldn't they stay out of politics just like they want her to?

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It also cuts kids off from voices of reason that might contradict their religious and conservative indoctrination.

He's not even doing that any more.

Is he honestly claiming that electors are not public officers because they only serve for a short time?

It depends on how you define "calling for the genocide of Jews". Some people seem to consider saying "The Palestinian people have a right to exist" to be "calling for the genocide of Jews".

Given the fact that the question was asked by a Republican to what they consider a fairly liberal university, I don't exactly put a lot of stock into it being a question asked in an intellectually honest way.

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The good guys aren't supposed to shoot the hostages.

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Except he actually collected his winnings.

Nah. It comes from the possibility of being held personally liable for any illegal content hosted on your instance. No one running a small instance wants to get thrown in jail because some other instance isn't moderating effectively when that content gets federated to their local database.

It's a real fear that I haven't seen many people address yet.

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Play Store search is horrible. You can literally search for the exact name of the app you want and NOT have it anywhere in the results.

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If you want to do something crazy, like not have a search bar on your home screen, then yes.

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This sounds like it could display ads over your pirated content.

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You know what hurts innocent civilians even more? Bombing them.

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I'm pretty sure this is aimed at websites that have a "download" or "get x now" link on their website that just takes you to a git hub page with no obvious download section. It isn't uncommon, and it can be frustrating. At the very least, it's a bad user experience.

They do, just not at the prices they want to sell them at.