Scoop: U.S. put a hold on an ammunition shipment to Israel to World – 284 points –

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You know what hurts innocent civilians even more? Bombing them.

Y’know what avoids both options? Diplomacy.

That time has passed.

Ok, time for war? Sure thing, Macnamara

The discussion was literally about sanctions. Seems like a reasonable step compared to the "war" you immediately jump to, no?

The comment stated it is too late for diplomacy. That means inflicting suffering via outright war or passive actions like sanctions. Both are attacks on innocent civilians.

Ah yes, because telling Netanyahu "please don't bomb children, that is not really nice" has worked out splendidly so far. Diplomacy without being able to put pressure on is nothing more than kindly asking.

Y'know what is the primary method to apply pressure in diplomacy? Sanctions.