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Joined 13 months ago

How can the Oslo accords be used as an argument against Israeli prosecution if Israel has done exactly nothing to uphold them? What in the dystopian fuck is this?

The Palestinian state is recognised by the majority of countries in the world (currently 145 out of 193, and growing, like recently by Spain, Norway, Slovenia and Ireland).

I suggest you look up UN resolution 181 and see what parts of "The British Mandate for Palestina" (interesting last word in that name) were actually given to Israel, and which parts were left to the "Palestinian arab population". You'll find that Israel is occupying large areas of land that the British did not actually give to them.

Just because Israels propaganda does not want a Palestinian state to exist, does not make it so.

So you blame Palestina for existing and being constantly under attack by terrorists... "how dare you fight back!" man cant make this shit up

That argument works both ways

(Even if you oppose the classification of Israel as "terrorists" - although fair given the definition - replace terrorist in that sentence with "Israel" and the sentiment is exactly the same)

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Always fun how Israel apologists fall back to "you're an antisemite" once they know they have no valid argument left.

You're devaluating "anti-Semitism" by misusing it, and as a result you are hurting Jewish people. Furthermore, by equating Israel to Judaism, you're propagating that any misbehaviour by the Israeli government reflects the will of the Jewish people, further damaging the Jewish people worldwide.

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“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

This is the working definition of antisemitism as per the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. Criticising the Israeli government for behaviour they exhibit does not fall under this definition, and therefore we can't be "antisemitic as hell. By definition".

Stop equating Israel to the Jewish people, they are not the same.

No shit

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I want to see the Israel apologists come up with an excuse for this. This is fucked up and anyone who thinks there's a legitimate reason for this is a psycho.

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Curious to see what the Dutch government will do. They have been one of the most loyal lapdogs of the US and Israel, but with the ICC being in The Hague, going against it is not a pretty look either.

We also have a court that has ordered we can't deliver F-35 parts because it's likely they will be used to commit war crimes, and the government is fighting that order. I imagine the ICC saying the same will not help their case.

Why does Israel need precision-guided munitions? "Lob in the general direction of Gaza" seems to be precise enough for them

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Let me ask you two questions.

If Hamas is using the Palestinian people as shields and is forcefully preventing civilians from moving away from them, that makes the Palestinian people effectively hostages of Hamas. So if the Palestinian hostages happen to be near Hamas terrorists, are they acceptable collateral damage if Israel bombs them?

Eventually, Israel will find out where the Israeli hostages are being kept. Obviously, there will be Hamas terrorists near them. Are the Israeli hostages acceptable collateral damage if Israel bombs them?

If you answered yes to one question, and no to the other, you should ask yourself why you put different value on the lives of innocent human beings. Is it what side of a fence they are born on? What nationality they happen to have? What religion they believe in? The color of their skin?

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They are helping Palestinians survive despite all of Israel's efforts to exterminate them. They are clearly anti-Semitic. /s

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So taking a weapon off a dying person (presumably to help the dying person, which medics tend to do) and giving it to someone nearby for safe keeping makes you a fighter now? Hell the medic might have given the weapon to the hamas fighter to protect him doing his (geneva-convention protected) job while the oh-so-moral IDF was firing at them.

But of course, this one video totally warrants the destruction of several hospitals and the torture and murder of doctors and patients. What a bullshit argument.

This man is literally giving his life and sacrificing himself in the hopes of creating a better Russia. It's incredibly brave.

How deranged do you have to be to think that it's okay to murder more than 200 innocent people to save 4? Imagine that there's a hostage situation somewhere near you, and the outcome is "we saved the 4 hostages, unfortunately 200 bystanders died". I can not comprehend how you can be so mentally disturbed that you can be okay with that.

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Supporting a genocide means you're responsible for it. The US should be ashamed.

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Okay, let's assume only half are innocent (that's generous given the statistics of the invasion so far). That's still more than 100 innocent human beings murdered. Families torn apart, children orphaned, parents that have to bury their children, or families that simply stopped existing. How anyone can celebrate that outcome as a success I will never understand.

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Yeah, 15 guns in a hospital that holds thousands, in the middle of an active warzone? That's probably the lowest density of guns in the whole of Gaza right now. Hell I'm willing to bet that if you were to search any big hospital on the planet, there's probably 15 guns stored somewhere.

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Stop warning and have some actual consequences. At the very least halt all military aid, every bit of weaponry sent to Israel will be used for war crimes. Ideally halt all support to Israel. "Warning" does fuck all.

That's exactly what Israel wants, to normalize the slaughter of Palestinians. We can't let them get away with that, we need to keep calling them out.

Oh they'll take disciplinary action against those who took the videos... Can't have that leaking. Note that the headline does not state "Israeli soldier misbehaviour in Gaza create a headache for army", it's the Videos of part that troubles them

In response, the far-right lawmaker threatened to take steps in his capacity as head of the treasury that would significantly impede the Palestinian economy

This is just fucking evil. The US sanctioning Israel? Just take it out on the Palestinians.

It's so fucking wild to me that we need to resort to completely ineffective shit like floating docks when the reason we can't send trucks by land is that our own ally doesn't allow it, and our governments refuse to hold them accountable. Such a fucking dystopian situation.

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Israel needs to be called out for every warcrime they commit. It's the only thing we as regulars can still do while our governments are fully in the pockets of the Israeli propaganda machine.

Ah yes, an Israeli "AI expert" is really a reliable source of information in this conflict.

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If they would stop delivering bombs to Israel, they wouldn't even have to drop this many meals in the first place, saving literally everyone in the process so much pain and effort.

Nothing left to invade but still about 1.5 million Palestinians left in Rafah that Israel desperately wants to murder

If only Israel could stop massacring innocent civilians and save their weaponry for actual enemies rather than using them to create an entire generation of Palestinians with slaughtered kids or parents, ripe for recruiting by Hamas or any other Iranian backed group, that would be great.

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Go on Israel apologists, come up with an excuse for this fucking horror. We know you have some bullshit to say here.

I'm Dutch and afaik right-wing media doesn't play a role.

I take it you haven't looked at the Telegraaf or PowNews the last months? They definitely played a role.

As is the goal of Israel. Forced displacement at it's finest.

Ah yes, guilty until proven innocent.

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Israel itself has said they dropped something like 6000 bombs in the first week. Imagine that number, and then realize Gaza is one of the most populated areas in the world (like pretty much a city all the way through), how would that number of deaths be anything but realistic? Just think about what would happen if they dropped 6000 bombs in Manhatten, how many deaths do you think there would be? If anything, 9000 sounds of the low side.

Not when reasonable effort to warn civilians is: we're going to bomb you, and if you run we'll bomb you too.

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Annoying huh, international law against ethnic cleansing. You're not even allowed to give civilians the choice between being forcibly removed or slaughtered. It's antisemitic I tell you, what are the poor Israelis to do?

You know they don't have to invade Rafah, right? It's not like ethnic cleansing is Israel's only choice.

That is some dystopian shit, what the fuck.

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Due to the Israeli blockade of goods and travel, these people were happy if they can survive the day to day. let alone fight a regime that even the 4th strongest army in the world is failing to control. But sure, it's their own fault.

Bro your racism is shining through, you might want to check that

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But but but... We were told the hostages aren't receiving medical treatment and therefore Israel could also commit warcrimes

You're not burying people if you don't consider them people taps head

Declaring literally half the population "fools" or "dumb" is a bit extreme, don't you think? If it was 10% sure, if it's 50% something else is going on. Dismissing it as "it's just fools" will do nothing to improve it for the next election or referendum (as you can see with Trump in the US now).

We live in a time where it's all too easy for a small group with malicious motives and money (be it corrupt politicians, foreign governments or rich olicharchs businessmen) to sway the public opinion. That is the problem that needs fixing, by limiting the echo chamber effects of social media, the power of media conglomerates, and better education in general.

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