Project Veritas Suspends All Operations

Flying to politics – 318 points –
Project Veritas Suspends All Operations

I hope the former members of ACORN are enjoying a celebratory drink right now.


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They'll just return under a new "untainted" name and do it all over again.

Just ask the folks at Cambridge Analytica Emerdata

Or the boys at “Arther Andersen,” the accounting firm in the Enron scandal, nowadays known as “Accenture”.

And Blackwater is forever stained with the blood of innocents. But Academi is totally fine guys.

Accenture actually split off from Arthur Anderson just a little bit before the Enron scandal. It was incredibly lucky timing, since the Arthur Anderson name took a complete shit, but Accenture was able to thrive.

"Emerdata" is bad French for "shitty data".

As much as I hate CA. Its like the third time I've seen them mentioned this morning. Were they in the news or did something happen?

This. They should have been arrested and had the book thrown at them when they trespassed in Sen. Mary Landrieu's office and attempted to wire tap her phones.