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She claimed she'd face undue hardship because it's during the school week.


She's got a husband. I bet she still has a nanny - she mentioned having one in her book. She's got two brothers that aren't going to be testifying at the same time.

The kids will be in school for 8 hours, and literally any one of those people could watch her kids for the remaining time. Normal people have to deal with this all the time.

19 more...

This is a long standing joke - what do you call someone who believes in Satan?

A Christian.

It's insane how many left leaning leaders were assassinated. And it isn't a coincidence that it was during the red scare. What we KNOW about McCarthyism is crazy enough, now think of all the stuff they wouldn't say out loud to fight the "red menace."

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No one will convince me he isn't doing this on purpose to tank the brand.

He and his buddies were mad that they couldn't compete. So he made the offer in a manic moment, and then was forced to go through with it. Now that he's got it, he's going to destroy it, and use the loss to reduce his taxes from all his government contracts.

And he simultaneously gets to platform fascists and silence people calling out the powerful. Wins all around.

For a normal person, this looks like failing. I totally get that. But rich people can derive massive benefits from stuff that would ruin us, and every single thing Musk is doing benefits him in some way.

14 more...

So, protip: at the beginning of your shift, notate the number of voicemails and notify your boss. Clear out the voicemails correctly. Notify your boss.

Keep track of the time stamps from the VM envelopes. This will help your boss identify who isn't doing their work, and is a "gentle" prompt. It may not happen immediately, but eventually there will be a bulk of data showing that it's particular people on particular shifts.

Doesn't help you to raise a fuss about it, but if you handle it and create documentation around it, it will either get resolved or you will be more justified in a decision to look for a new job. Or to ask for a raise/apply for a promotion/whatever.

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Same as last time - undoing the budget surplus, massive tax giveaways to oil and gas, and shutting off the tap to anything that helps anyone who doesn't give campaign contributions. Last time, they closed all of our state hospitalsand laid off large swathes of the state work force, and bankrupted the state's employee insurance fund. This time, I am willing to bet they gut the emergency fund at the first opportunity.

23 more...

They understand. They just know if they say the shitty thing, it will give their bubba voters a misogyny hardon, which translates directly to votes.

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Exactly. No speaker means the house grinds to a halt yet again. Which is exactly what they want - minimum attention while they lie, cheat, and steal their way into positions of authority for their next coup attempt.

6 more...

I mean, these people haven't even read the laws they're supposed to be deciding cases on. You expect him to read his own website too? The privilege.


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Republicans made a deal with JFK to phase out mental health hospitals and replace them with community based facilities that had a more home like atmosphere.

They did the gutting part.

Then JFK was assassinated.

Republicans decided that they didn't have to do any more after that, and LBJ used most of his political capital to get the voting rights act passed.

That's why our mental health system is so broken.

If republicans wanted to fix the system, they could start with funding the VA. Many of our troops wind up with mental health conditions due to their time in the service.

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Divisive almost always means liberal in these contexts. I find the bible divisive, but I doubt any teacher would get fired for quoting or even directly reading from it.

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Not only is alcohol legal, it was made legal again after its own failed prohibition.

This. It's a signal to the faithful that they haven't flipped. It's to let them know who is still in the hate ecosystem - the ones not smiling will start having the hate machine directed at them very shortly.

Sounds like the real traffickers/groomers. What the actual fuck.

And the rules won't change because most of the Senate loves that someone else can halt things, take the heat, and then they won't have to deal with unpopular decisions.

Not in this case, but they're literally willing to force the military fuck over career professionals so that they can keep their cushy plausible deniability.

This. Trump is the main culprit and threat, so he's priority.

But taking down a corrupt former mayor? That's a feather in anyone's cap too.

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Some countries make their penalties a percentage of income. Makes the sting equal for everyone.

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This isn't an accident.

It's to give plausible deniability to racists who don't want to deal with EEOC violations as often.

Not so much at the moment.

He borrowed 44 bn to buy Twitter and has a 1.5 bn payment coming up.

He is of course more liquid than any of us, but the fact that he keeps not paying various bills seems to indicate that he's having cash flow problems and is having to scrounge for his loan payment.

This is just one of many multi million dollar payments that musk and/or Twitter are fighting.

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As with most things, "free market" is what they demand when they don't get have access to the market or can't command the whole market.

Once they have access or enough of a percentage to set the prices, suddenly the best thing is high barriers to entry and whatever else will help them maintain inelastic demand.

The thing about dictators is that they want more. For themselves. If gutting 100m worth services or taxes gets them $10,000 that they themselves can personally use, they'll do it.

Everyone should read the dictator's handbook, or some other explanation of selectorate theory.

This. I can't solve this, and neither can any other individual person.

It will take a wide spread implosion, but they've got a resilient ecosystem that will just switch messianic figures out once Trump is no longer able to hold public sway.

1 more...

So they admitted they wouldn't be able to honor a child's care plan and that their opinion on that particular matter would weigh more than....the kid themselves, their family of origin, their doctor and psychologist and any other medical team member...

Yeah, they shouldn't even have fundie kids, because who the fuck is to say that the kid's fundamentalism would like up with their own.

There's room for being understanding - but these bad faith actors use our willingness to give the benefit of the doubt so that they can build plausible deniability for themselves, while never intending to operate in good faith.

Imo, three strikes and you're a shill.

Not going to lie, my first thought was to wonder whether and how they controlled for this.

But I took a step back and reminded myself that REDLINING HAPPENED. Well into the modern day. It was only outlawed in 1968, and there's evidence that banks continued to do it through the 70s.

It's absolutely no surprise that there are still disparities, and I would be further unsurprised to find out that the deciding factor was zip code.

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Because if you get convicted of murder, you go to jail for a long period of time and never really make much money again, even if you get out.

Their child support payments would be like 16.53 per month.

6 more...

It's actually an easy explanation.

People were more concerned with a Democrat being likeable, after decades of character assassination, while they didn't care that the republican was a criminal, and also foreign interference and an FBI that was paralyzed by biased agents and management fear of appearing biased, actual outcomes be damned.

It was a perfect storm of regressive misinformation and every individual with the ability to stop the train wreck trying to cover their own asses and pass the buck instead.

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Maybe. But this just kicks the can down the road. They'll do the same shit with a new messiah figure as soon as they find one that can string two words together and make them feel like they're virtuous for their hatred.

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Renewable instead of nuclear, but nuclear instead of coal.

We need a mix. Centralization isn't the biggest problem. Literally anything we can do to reduce emissions is worth doing, and we won't be going 100% on anything, so best to get started on the long term projects now so that we can stop turning on new plants based on combustion.

10 more...

Its either happening frequently and just happens to have been caught on camera twice, or it could instead be related to hearing well enough to understand.

My grandparents were like this. Even if they could hear you, a lot of times it seemed out of context to them because they missed some other important piece.

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Spoiler, they won't. They'll go work for some right wing spin propaganda company or roll out new versions of the same bad faith, likely illegal, operation.

11 more...

Take genetic samples and create some patriot bears.

There used to be. It was called the fairness doctrine. It was introduced in 1949 and was abolished in 1987. It required news broadcasters to present controversial issues to fairly reflect differing viewpoints - in other words, you can't have overt, blatant, "This will cause liberals to eat your babies" propaganda.

There are some issues with it, but it's clearly better than what we're allowing now. The crux, though, is that it only matters for FCC-aligned issues, so actual broadcasting. Cable and internet sources would still be able to lie with impunity, and they make up a huge portion of our disinformation compared to what existed even in the early 2000s.

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I don't think anyone told him he couldn't buy it.

The board of Twitter is who sued to force the sale, since musk had kicked himself in.

That doesn't mean his offer and subsequent behavior with the company isn't market manipulation to be investigated, which is being done by the government.

Both things can be true. He stupidly kicked himself into a deal he was forced to complete, and his behavior since has indicated that he's just gaming the market since he had to complete the deal.

The requirement stems from knowing that if you aren't explicit and specific, regressives will try to ruin your life directly and via stochastic terrorism.

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Check their post history. Next most recent comment is calling Lyft sexist for letting women select the gender of their driver, and the one after that is saying that there should be no limits on landlord's ability to evict.

This is not someone operating in good faith.

My husband has a zfold. Same feedback after a few months, but recently the screen has finally started having issues at the crease. He's extremely careful with it, so this is definitely a phone thing and not just a use thing.

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100%. Most business is just advanced sophistry at this point. Marketing and advertising serves a useful purpose for new products, when the market isn't aware that it exists.

But by quantity and cost, most advertising is just social manipulation and is effectively an extra drain on the economy.

They want to be authoritarians, whatever flavor they have to be to have power.

They don't want anyone else to have power over them.

So when they're in the out group, they'll ramp up the persecution narrative, and when they're in power, they'll ruthlessly repress everyone else.

All makes internal sense, if you're an asshole.

The crazy thing to me is that they said their goal is to stop progress. Sure, they tacked on "for its own sake" to give the base something to latch on to, but if you ask any person impacted by LACK of progress it's for very real sakes and stakes for very real people. Fuck these assholes.