New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers to politics – 469 points –
Trump's polling surges prove the charges of "deplorable" and "bitter clingers"

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Maybe. But this just kicks the can down the road. They'll do the same shit with a new messiah figure as soon as they find one that can string two words together and make them feel like they're virtuous for their hatred.

It's inevitable. There is no solution to the problem.

Ultimately, it's because we let them get away with a literal civil war. Here in 2023, almost every protection put in place after the civil war has eroded to nothingness, and they/their ancestors weren't held accountable, and have been allowed to lie a false narrative into being for almost two centuries.

They've told us they still view this as a civil war. I wonder when enough normal people will believe them.