
8 Post – 516 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Yeah, pigs don't like to be corrected. Or made to look like they don't know what they're doing.

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This woman has worked in politics for nearly 30 years. She has no idea what work even is anymore.

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Basically trump wanted this guy to lie. He was using a trump pac sponsored lawyer at the time. Smith says “hey we’re gonna investigate you for perjury because we found evidence that you did fuck with the tapes so you might want to get a non trump aligned lawyer”. Soon as he gets a public defender he changes his tune and sings like a canary blaming it on trump et al and now he isn’t being charged since he’s cooperating.

Sounds like trump and his ilk are turbo fucked on this. Only the first guy to sing gets immunity usually.

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Hottest 36 days ever recorded...so far.

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People don’t want to bring children into this capitalistic hellscape. Color me surprised.

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The most invasive animal on the planet.

I think humans win that trophy.

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That is undoubtedly why the Marion County Attorney has now withdrawn the search warrants because, to use his own words, 'insufficient evidence exists to establish a legally sufficient nexus between this alleged crime and the places searched and the items seized.'

Then why did the county attorney issue the warrant if there wasn’t enough evidence? Sounds like Marion county is corrupt.

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If it's publicly accessible it's scrape-able. He already tried to make tweets not publicly accessible and look how long that lasted.

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Are you telling me the party of misogynistic bullies are being misogynistic bullies?

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If inflation has eaten away at your 6 figure salary that hasn’t been updated since 2009 imagine how the plebs making $7.25/hr feel.

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Why is no one checking these things? 7 years of irregularities but it takes the guy becoming second in line for the presidency for someone to turn this up? That’s insane.

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Always happens to the people you most expect.

Switching to what? Firefox. I don’t see the problem here. Install Firefox and forget those monopolistic enshitifying fucks.

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If the prosecution comes to a witness for the defense and says are you sure you want to stick with your story we have evidence that the opposite happened, that isn't extortion. That is giving a witness the chance to tell the truth.

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Remember folks, if you see someone shoplifting food, no you didn’t.

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granddaughter of coal miners

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it."

--Upton Sinclair

When someone is indoctrinated for generations it's hard to pull away. Hopefully she makes up for it but at least she now realizes that she was wrong.

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and there is currently no defense against it.

Don't load ads. There, problem solved.

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Per comments from Holmes himself, the idea for the name had nothing to do with Tolkien’s works, nor the movie. It was instead to denote royalty and lordship. I have seen nothing in any of the reporting to indicate that this had to do with anything other than the name of the food truck. The truck wasn’t going to be themed after the books or films. There wasn’t going to be any trade dress or vehicle wraps harkening back to those works of fiction. There wasn’t to be a flavor of chicken called “One wing to rule them all.”

So trademark holders being douchebags as usual. The Lord of the Rings isn't associated with chicken wings in anyway so how could consumers be confused?

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Aren't these the same guys who use to say "If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear."?

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"The claim was that she pulled seven grams of cocaine laced in fentanyl out of his pocket and a gun, so that’s what they charged him with," Maxwell said. "Once the video came out, all of a sudden, those charges get dismissed because the video clearly doesn’t show her pulling any drugs out of his pants."


This is why no one trust these fuck stains. I don’t understand how cop testimony continues to be held up like a bastion of truth when we have numerous examples of them pulling shit like this just because someone had the gall to question their authority or injure their ego.

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From a CNN article:

The Florida constitution allows a governor to remove an elected official for “malfeasance, misfeasance, neglect of duty, habitual drunkenness, incompetence, or permanent inability to perform official duties.” No previous Florida executive has interpreted that power as broadly as DeSantis. The state Senate can reinstate Worrell, but the chamber is controlled by Republicans closely aligned with DeSantis and have rarely stood in his way.

Warren’s attempts at reinstatement have failed. A federal judge ruled DeSantis had acted unconstitutionally in suspending Warren, writing that there was “not a hint of misconduct by Mr. Warren” in the trial record, but he ultimately dismissed the case saying he did not have the power to intervene on a state matter. The state Supreme Court tossed Warren’s lawsuit in state court earlier this summer.

Monique Worrell was the attorney recently dismissed and Andrew Warren is the one who was dismissed last year.

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Motherfuckers out here rawdogging the internet like it's 1998.

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Well the dog farmers hang, burn, and beat the shit out of the dogs before they kill them because they believe the fear and adrenaline improves the taste and makes them more tender....so yes I'd say it's worse.

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Oh man everyone needs to read that letter. It's a thorough tearing apart of Jordan's demands. She throws shade left and right and I love it.

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A Staten Island woman buying pot from a local deli got into a misunderstanding with the cashier — who ended up macing her, dragging​ her outside by her hair, kicking her in the head and mistakenly calling her trans.

​The shocking caught-on-video attack has left Jasmine Adams traumatized, her distress compounded by no arrest being made.

But on Monday, she moved a step closer to possible justice when her lawyer, Robert Brown, filed a discrimination suit in Staten Island Supreme Court against the West Brighton Deli Grocery & Grill.

The suit alleges that Adams, who is bisexual, was attacked because the cashier “perceived plaintiff to be transgender.” The NYPD confirmed Adams provided the same account to police when she reported the incident.

​”Even if I was a transvestite, what does that have to do with anything?” asked Adams, 35, who was wearing an Apple watch wristband adorned with pride rainbow colors when she was attacked.

“Why were you so comfortable putting your hands on me? I wasn’t being aggressive. I didn’t have any weapon. I was a customer.”

The worker has been fired, but the store, on Henderson Ave. near Campbell Ave., has not cooperated in helping to identify him, police said.

Brown said cops dropped the ball by failing to release the video to the media, as they often do when it is trying to identify and locate a suspect, and by conducting just one cursory phone interview with the victim. The Hate Crime Task Force is involved in the case, police said, but Brown noted that no investigator from that unit has contacted Adams.

Adams, a mother of two who manages a home for disabled adults, stopped at the grocery to buy marijuana for a friend around 11:30 p.m. July 28. The West Brighton Deli Grocery where assault Victim 35yr old Jasmine Adams, seated inside the Offices of her Attorney, Robert Brown, talks to the News about her ordeal suffered by the hands of an employee inside the West Brighton Deli Grocery Bodega in Staten Island. Friday October 6, 2023. (Theodore Parisienne)

Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News The West Brighton Deli Grocery & Grill where Jasmine Adams was attacked. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Weed has been legal in the city since 2021 but so far, there are currently only nine dispensaries in New York City licensed to sell marijuana. Hundreds of other shops nonetheless sell pot products.

Because she’s not a smoker, Adams had her friend on the phone as she made the $40 purchase, asking questions to make sure she was making the right choice. The clerk mistook her conversation as an attempt to haggle for a lower price.

“I said it wasn’t about the price and that I was just trying to figure out what I was buying,” Adams said. “So I paid. But he sucked his teeth and got mad and me and threw [the marijuana packet] on the floor.” Cellphone footage shows Jasmine Adams being dragged out of Staten Island bodega. Cell phone footage shows Jasmine Adams being dragged out of Staten Island bodega.

An insulted Adams opted not to pick the weed up off the floor and asked for her money back.

“He said I was trying to get him fired and that he was going to call the cops,” she recounted. “I said, ‘Call the cops! I just want my money back.’ Then I heard him call me a transvestite. I’m like, ‘Transvestite? I’m a whole female. I have lady parts.'” Cellphone footage shows Jasmine Adams being dragged out of Staten Island bodega. Cellphone footage shows Jasmine Adams being dragged out of Staten Island bodega.

The next moments were a blur.

Before she could duck, the attacker maced her in the face, she said, then ran around the counter toward her. Barely able to see, she remembered grabbing a coffee pot and swinging it at him.

She doesn’t know if she hit him, but he grabbed her by her long hair.

As she was being pulled from the store, called a “b—h” and dragged down three concrete steps, several young people were outside recording on their smartphones, some reacting in shock to the assault.

“Oh, my God!” one woman can be heard yelling in video obtained by the Daily News.

“You don’t have to do all that,” another person says.

The worker threw her to the concrete and kicked her in the head, the video shows.

“Next thing I know when I opened my eyes, I was outside next to my car on the floor,” Adams said. “I said to myself that I gotta get outta here because I don’t know if he’s going to kill me.” Jasmine Adams is pictured in Staten Island on Friday, Oct. 6, 2023. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News Jasmine Adams is pictured in Staten Island on Friday. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Adams somehow drove off in her car but stopped about a block later and flagged down a couple she did not know, getting their help taking her home. Jasmine Adams is pictured in Staten Island on Friday, Oct. 6, 2023. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News Adams says she feared for her life during the attack. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

When she called 911 after getting home, cops showed up but she was told she needed to go back to the scene, which is in a different precinct from her home, and call 911 from there.

Brown, a former NYPD captain, noted police are obligated to take a report no matter where the crime occurred and that forcing crime victims to return to where they were attacked is traumatizing. The NYPD said Adams told the 911 dispatcher she would go to the scene, suggesting she voluntarily offered to do so.

Regardless, when Adams went back to the grocery and called for police from there, it took officers four hours to show up, she said. The officers, she said, appeared to know the attacker, referring to him as “Mr. Fourth of July.” Jasmine Adams is pictured in Staten Island on Friday, Oct. 6, 2023. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News Strangers helped Adams get home after the attack. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Adams, who was bruised and cut as she was dragged and kicked, didn’t realize video of the attack was on Facebook until she was alerted by a co-worker. She showed it to her mom, who cried but didn’t watch it herself until recently.

“I tried to suppress what happened,” Adams said. “It makes you feel vulnerable. I like to believe that I’m a strong woman. To me, I wasn’t so strong. It makes me feel weak.”

As crime victims often do, Adams has blamed herself for being out that late and for not just leaving the store after the clerk flung the marijuana to the ground. Her friends have tried to convince her she had every right to stand up for herself.

“But part of me still blames myself,” she said. Jasmine Adams and her attorney Robert Brown are pictured in Staten Island on Friday, Oct. 6, 2023. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News Adams and her attorney Robert Brown on Friday. (Theodore Parisienne for New York Daily News)

Workers at the store told The News they remembered the incident but referred all questions to a manager, who ignored requests for comment.

Adams turned to her pillars of strength, her mother and grandmother, before deciding to file a suit.

“They said that what happened to you is not right and that you need to let everyone know that,” Adams said. “For me, it’s not about the money. Whatever my sexual preference is, it shouldn’t be questioned when I walk in the store.”

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Lemmy's not so bad. You can make sangria memes in the terlet. Course, it's shank or be shanked.

You’ve got it wrong.

The newspaper received a tip about a local business owner saying the business owner had been driving without a license.

The paper didn’t publish said info but they verified the info in a state website which is perfectly legal. The newspaper also reached out to the cops saying they had received this info.

At no point was anything illegal done until the cops illegally raided a newspaper.

where Teamsters President Sean O'Brien

He was a union man. I wonder if this guy knows his descendant ends up being the most important man in starfleet history.

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Oh look. It was projection all along.

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Over 700k per cop.

Make them hold insurance like doctors do. Otherwise the rest of us will continue to subsidize police violence.

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Until someone finds his phylactery there's nothing that can be done. Liches gonna lich.

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There seems to be an innate need for religion.

For whom? Because I sure as shit don't have any need to believe in fairy tales.

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What happens in the scenario where a super-intelligence just uses social engineering and a human is his arms and legs?

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DeSantis said he's 5'11.


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Why doesn't he pray to his god for his situation to improve? I thought that's how that works for them?

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Title text: My password is just every Unicode codepoint concatenated into a single UTF-8 string.

The Islamic call to prayer happens before sunrise, just after noon, late afternoon, just after sunset, and night time.

I think you’re going to have a fuck load of complaining when that bad boy goes off at 4:30 am. I used to live in Mosul and you could hear the imams all across the city. It’s like a giant alarm clock.

God I hope someone calls him pissboy on stage but the current crop of GOP contenders are all toadying for VP so I doubt that will happen.

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That makes it even worse. Why didn't they set up at night and throw up some camo netting? There are ways to lessen the chances your radar is blown up is all I'm saying. The ruzzians are morons exhibit #4,832.


This was tucked away at the bottom of the article:

It’s possible the Ukrainians knew where to look for the Yastreb-AV because the truck-mounted phased-array radar emitted a distinctive signal—one Ukrainian intelligence may have had on file.

So they probably did radiate at the wrong time and paid for it.

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