Shoplifting up driven by rising cost of living - Coles responding with employee body cams to – 287 points –
'Nobody deserves to be abused at work': Coles workers to wear body cameras to combat abuse and stock losses

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Remember folks, if you see someone shoplifting food, no you didn’t.

I work for coles and I always give them a nod of approval then walk off like nothing happend when I see people stealing, fuck coles, they profited over a billion dollars last year off of ripping of customers and workers.

People taking fruit, cereal, milk… sure. But taking premium steaks, beer/wine/spirits, or anything else they can resell - no, that’s just theft.

Theft from billion dollar companies is a cool thing to do 😎

Got me fucked up if you think in gonna report it though

I feel like you assume they’re reselling for a business. They could be buying baby shoes, or a gift for that nephew for his birthday, to make him forget how bad life is.

No, most people who steal steaks are taking them to the pub and selling them for drugs or similar. Huge problem in the UK at least.

If you want baby shoes you steal baby shoes.

This comment is just so tragic in its truthfulness.

I understand your point...but at the same time depending on the shop/company owing the store, if they make millions and pay shitty wages or whatever bad, fuck then

We're all stolen from every day. The difference is that we're told that it's OK when it happens to us but that it's wrong when it happens to the company stealing from us.

No, they'll sell it cheaper than the store

That doesn't make it not theft

True, but if it ain't a mom and pop sized shop then it ain't my business. Go on down the road to the store that came in underpriced in order to drive out ma and pa so they could raise prices once those stores are out of business.

idk for you but in my area the "ma and pa" stores are all like 2x the price of the big names because they all have a weird gimmick like "all we sell is gluten free"

I've seen a lot of those and tend not to go there. Good luck to them, but I hate the gimmicks.

I visit the farmer's market pretty often where it's families selling things they grew or made. I like the tomatoes there and I get to buy better meat that isn't factory farmed. There's a regular independent grocery store where my parents live. The prices are a little higher but the produce tends to be better (mostly fresh and local) and there's actually a butcher in the meat department. Those kinds of places are dying.