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Joined 1 years ago

D.A.R.E. raised my awareness of drugs. I only used them for wholesome purposes.

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It was probably tainted.

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If I can just tell her how awesome my penis is she'll fall madly in love! Right now she has no idea!

It's my fault. I signed up for it before I realized it was a pro China instance and the other day I said I'm not a Communist.

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So I went and looked. OP seems like a very unhappy individual. I found traces of the below plus a lot of the "whiney entitled gamer" archetype. I sure hope they find happiness someday.

It's Easy so it Sucks

It's Short so it Sucks

Unpleasable Fanbase

"Stop Having Fun" Guys

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I've made it two decades in IT and related fields by searching for answers using Google. I accidentally took my laziness, love of automation, and ability to Google and became an SRE. Then I accidentally became a senior software engineer because the director on that side of the house liked my initiative and was sure my skills would translate. I protested but got a substantial bump to do it.

I'm failing upwards by abusing stack overflow and search engines.

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As a fat redneck, you're mostly correct. You just forgot to add the word drunk in there somewhere.

Imma fry one up in about half an hour. I'm also gonna start drinking in just a minute. My fat drunk uncle who lost several of his fingers in a fireworks incident is smiling down on me from redneck heaven.

Sci-Fi Author: In my book I invented the Torment Nexus as a cautionary tale

Tech Company: At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus

--Alex Blechman

Except in this case it's a political party instead of a tech company.

It's like the people who call Ted Cruz stupid. They're absolutely wrong. Those two aren't stupid, they're just terrible people (assuming Cruz is a person) and are actively working against the well-being of the vast majority of the US.

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The Bible perspective and the religious nutjob perspective are two different things. Jesus was too woke for some of these people.

I don't know what the going rate is but I assume that if you just want a throw you could probably get a mid tier prostitute almost once a week for that price.

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I am more concerned that she's a 'viral girlfriend'. I had one of them years ago.

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Zork. The original graphics were garbage.

I'm getting some rainbow truck nuts and a car bra for my truck. I like to keep folks guessing.

Brother is the only printer company I like. I've had a workhorse for ages and it is still going strong.

I've been using them for 20ish years and never had any more trouble than routine maintenance.

I can't speak to the executable, but I know back in '95 the joke about someone calling support and asking why they have a cup holder but no CD drive was already crusty. There were a bunch of variations, but here's the first one I found for those too young to remember:

Customer: "Can you help me, the cup holder on my new computer broke, and I don't know what to do?

Friend: "Cup holder? What are you talking about? None of our computers come with a cup holder attached to them, and I've never heard of one that did."

Customer: Yes, well the one you sold me did, and the other day I went to set a mug of coffee on it and it just snapped off!"

Friend: "Sir, can you describe what the cup holder looks like, because I still can't picture what a cup holder on a computer would look like?"

At this point the customer is getting a little irritated!

Customer: "Look, I don't know how you could not know that you sell computers with cup holders on them, because it's right in the middle of the thing, and when you push a button on the side, it pops out so you can set your drink on it, and it says 4X on the front cover!"

A long pause . . .

Friend: Sir, are you telling me, you're using your CD-Rom drive as a beverage holder?"

Customer: "What's a CD-Rom Drive?"

And now, a terrible bonus joke that is completely unrelated but was around at about the same time:

How do you know if you're addicted to the Internet? You get a tattoo that says "This body best viewed with Netscape 2.01 or higher."

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Depends on your view. Some see it as a way to preserve media that could otherwise be gone forever. Some see it as a reasonable price to pay instead of paying 15 different companies hundreds per month. Others don't mind supporting the individuals and small groups who run the servers but don't want to support large corporations.

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Who, me? Never.

Yeah, Eternity (the Infinity fork for Lemmy) is comparably new.

I've really been enjoying it.

I was going to ask where the ad was, but I forgot that I turned off the launcher specifically because of that. I have no idea about PS but you can add the following on PC to skip the lau8

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I did that when I had an awesome landlord. I just sent pics about what I was fixing and gave her a price. Then I got my rent reduced by that much.

But that was the only rental property she owned. It was extra money for her, not her primary income. And I paid several hundred less than anyone else in the area according to Zillow.

Why shouldn't they be allowed cell phones, at least as a privilege? They shouldn't be allowed to harass anyone, but they're people. JPay and other predatory companies put an undue burden on families just trying to talk to their loved ones (who, let's face it, may not be guilty) in the pen. There are even worse companies that pretend to be places where you can send money or put money on a phone card for a loved one but once you get to the fine print it's just a scam. That dries up if you just allow folks the opportunity to talk to their family during their downtime.

But fuck them, I guess. People are in jail to be punished and if they don't have the maximum amount of punishment 24x7 along with their families then we're not really getting our money's worth.

Or maybe he's talking on a butt phone.

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This is an anecdote because that site brought me back to another time. Feel free to skip it.

They have part of the OLGA archive there! Back in the day that was my go to. I had printed out multiple three ring binders full of tabs from there. When I would start working with new musicians I would put together a fakebook of 40-50 songs of the right style and just sit around and practice them.

That's how I went from being a terrible guitarist full of passion to a mediocre guitarist who could badly fake anything well enough that it's almost recognizable. It was such a great time.

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Has it gotten worse, or has it stayed the same while real people left?

I don't ask to be a jerk. I'm genuinely curious. I don't roll over that way often anymore and when I do it's always for super specific things so I don't hit the front page.

Enough money helps you have the time, energy, and nutrition to craft happiness. You can pay someone to do the lawn, clean the house, and handle some day to day tasks. You can sleep without worrying if you'll afford food and a roof tomorrow. You can get healthcare.

After that it's up to you. If you put the money in charge you'll be miserable. If you spend all that extra time going down conspiracy rabbit holes you'll be miserable and try to make everyone else miserable. If you craft some hobbies that you enjoy, get in shape, maybe learn to play an instrument, go rock climbing, travel to see the sights, and generally don't worry about what loud people on the Internet do or think of you then you'll have a pretty good shot at happiness.

Money can't buy happiness, but it can give you the opportunity to find it.

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It's funny, the more likely you are to admit you can be manipulated the more likely you'll notice when it's happening. So I just go around telling everyone how easy it is to manipulate me.

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I didn't notice Atmos was gone until now. I have an ok Atmos system that works pretty great on the titles that support it. I love Atmos.

I get it free with my Internet service so I'm not cancelling, but I'll never subscribe.

Until the CIO gets the "telephone game" version of what's going on.

Do the needful.

I make good money and have reasonable health insurance. However, I grew up super poor. So I only use health insurance in life or death circumstances.

I don't want to be poor again.

I don't know that sending it to a random Latina would work. She'd probably be weirded out by some random person removed about a game.

That's no fucking joke. Please just send me an email about this meeting because it's not really worthwhile and I just want to crank out code.

Some of them felt like they were set up to force weird camera angles and be luck of the draw. That's not adding challenge. That's just being a dick.

Some of us always look like shit.

People do not give a swimming fuck about which OS they're using

Yep. I was an outlier and used to care. Now as long as it does what I want I really can't give a shit. Due to the fact that it doesn't come standard on many machines it's an extra annoyance to set up. And you'd better do your homework to make sure what you bought is supported.

I have a whole life and a bunch of hobbies that are more interesting to me than religiously following which hardware might work, constantly tweaking flags, and running things in wine. It's a fine hobby for those that love it but I don't anymore. And most people never do.

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In Texas? Eddie Cruz sounds like a guy who drives an El Camino and has a cousin named Cooter. He'd have been the presidential nominee in '16.

"Did you hear about Eddie and Cooter? They running for the big house! Get in the pickup, we're gonna go vote!"

They all but abandoned that years ago. They ain't implementing shit on it.

I would watch the hell out of that movie.

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You're exactly right. Given the circles we run in it's easy to forget the rest of the world just doesn't give a shit about any of this.