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Joined 1 years ago

We had condoms in our school washrooms in the late 90s in Canada. Pads in the ladies room as well. At a broke ass public school that had out of date text books.

America really is a weird fucked up religiously warped place.

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Op didn't check the specs on the item he bought and is upset it's not perfectly tailored to his individual tastes.

You love to see it.

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Reality has a well known liberal bias. Stop trying to hide from reality.

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Gallowboob will be a billionaire overnight and everyone else will be left in the dust.

This plan isn't just stupid, it's moronic.

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Islam and far right Christianity have a lot in common. Wouldn't surprise me that the Muslim community would side with the party that wants to limit women's rights and LGBTQ rights.

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She's still running next term right?

Because people are stupid enough to vote for her again.

Ice cube is an anti Semitic piece of shit. Of course he siding with the Right, they're anti Semites too.

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May her memory be a blessing.

Those who spread lies and disinformation are responsible for this death. The Jew hate needs to stop. This woman was American, not Israeli.

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Key takeaway.... they sell weed at deli's in NYC?

That's interesting. Around here it's all thru a licensed shop.

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Username checks out.

People like you are the reason why everything has a warning label now.

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Google just went full evil now. Ick.

I'm an ardent supporter of Israel and their right to defend themselves in these extreme times. This isn't that.

This is not okay. Targeting the tunnels is understandable. Targeting their leadership is understandable. Targeting a refugee camp is not acceptable, it's the sort of thing Hamas would do and I can't believe they've gone that far.

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I mean.... The rest of the world proves that you're wrong. Like the whole world. They don't have this problem. America does.

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Moved from 1000sqft to 2400 and all hope was lost.

With 2 kids under 5 and a couple of pets, I literally can't clean fast enough to make a dent.

Bathrooms and kitchen are clean.... the rest belongs to the animals.

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Mitch McConnell has been pulling shit in Kentucky for years. It'll come out eventually.

When the black panthers started advocating for carrying guns, Republicans supported gun control.

Maybe drag queens should start a pro gun PAC? Start carrying everywhere, but like really cute pink and teal guns?

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Those people should probably take a look at the Nazi march that went down in Wisconsin yesterday if they think it's not or can't happen in the US.

NCAA should ban them from all competitions. This is straight up bigotry.

These power hungry assholes need to be removed. Why can't voters just do the appropriate thing here? This isn't a party thing, it's a 'bitch is gonna die on the house floor' thing.

Same for Mitch even though he stole his election and Feinstein. They're all fucking awful.

The stock market isn't the economy regardless of what they try to convince us of.

When so many people can't afford to buy food, let alone homes while being fully employed - the economy isn't working.

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The pre marriage session we had at Church led to the priest sexually assaulting my partner with very inappropriate touching. I understand that's typical of being a member of the Church, how does that keep marriage together exactly?

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They're claiming they can call you to play for the National team and you can't skip out.

It's like a fucking draft for soccer, except it's by pervy old men.

The problem is when bad actors enter the situation. Meta has no interest in being a part of the community, they want to take it over and commercialize it.

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While this will inevitably lead to claims that the Jews who run the world are just seeking retribution, it's still exactly the right thing to do.

Shine sunlight on this scum to disinfect.

Keep churning people. It's annoying and difficult but everytime we move apartments, it's time and money the LL needs to invest. The frothier the market, the more it favors renters.

That's how concessions become the new price. Don't make it easy on them.

She's an absolute cunt but I don't think she's the one who mistook the menorah in the graphic and her comment is pretty on point.

She's probably a Nazi but as a Jew, I'm not getting bothered by this one.

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I'm a lefty tree hugger who subscribes to frugal living and DIY home maintenance channels..... I get right wing Jordan Peterson/ Joe Rogan bullshit in my feed every time I log on.

I actively click not interested....it still comes. I clear my browser history often, it still comes.

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This is what people want to avoid. Meta is a bad actor, they intend on making their presence ubiquitous so people end up relying on it for their internet experience.

Y'know how you need a Facebook account to sign up for all sorts of things now? That's what people want to avoid happening in the fediverse.

The only surprise is that it took this long.

Lock him up.

Please hold your breath. Just a few more months, you can do it.

Obituaries I won't be upset to read for $1000 Alex.

Trans first, Jews next.... then who? Might be you.

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Never argue with a pig, you'll both end up dirty but they enjoy it.

Tel Aviv is pretty much silicone valley these days with development. Every major Tech firm has an HQ there and they sell a shit load of security technology outside of that too.

Most people there aren't necessarily religious. The government that got elected is though and it's dragging them to the far right.

It won't even be spin..... Fox News will report that the president didn't meet the Governor when in Florida and the brain rotted losers who watch will start screaming about Biden being a bad guy.

Canada. It's free, but slow.

They'll keep you alive, but it's up to you to stay healthy. Little prevention support around here.

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I've become MUCH more of a twat as I get older/ now that I'm over 40....

I just don't have patience for the sillyness anymore. You wanna be a unicorn furry? Sure, whatever, I dgaf just gtfo my way so I can go about my life without your bullshit interrupting me. You wanna spend all your time talking about immigrants or your culture, i'm going to walk away....if you follow and annoy me as that type tends to do, i'm going to take the gloves off and bury your stupid ass with facts based in the reality you insist on avoiding.

I feel like the ADL, a group of lawyers who come from a community of people who literally devote their lives to arguing over interpretations of texts, is pretty capable of defending themselves against this hairless apes attacks.

I really hope this goes to a trial LoL. Musk will continue to self own until he immolates.

Or..... they've learned from their past and don't want to be associated with Antisemitism anymore?

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