California governor Newsom vetoes bill to make free condoms available for high school students, citing cost to politics – 628 points –
California governor vetoes bill to make free condoms available for high school students, citing cost

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We had condoms in our school washrooms in the late 90s in Canada. Pads in the ladies room as well. At a broke ass public school that had out of date text books.

America really is a weird fucked up religiously warped place.

Yes and these vetos have nothing to do with cost and everything to do with Newsom positioning to be president.

He doesn't want to generate talking points for the right wingnut propaganda machine.

Vetos on progressive therapeutics, caste discrimination, etc.

Then there's kissing up to the big donor utilities to appoint a CPUC to hobble solar.

It really sucks because he could do good but nope.

The amount of bills he veto in last weeks makes me ask is this mother fucker a Republican or Democrat? He sure is veto bills he should be signing. If I was a Californian I be looking for his replacement and primary his sorry ass.

The amount of bills he veto in last weeks makes me ask is this mother fucker a Republican or Democrat?

Forgot the third option, preparing the run for President.