5 Post – 743 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Bats eat their weight in mosquitoes every night, unlike your typical hoa board member

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Worse than that, she asked and was told by an election official it was ok to vote. Then was arrested and imprisoned.

I believe she was recently released thankfully but damage done.

Fuck you CDC. Long Covid is real.

Just leave 5 days as a recommendation. What's the harm in that? fuckers.

Ed: CDC could do better to protect people, but instead bend to capitalist (mostly GQP) forces to ignore that edict and get sick people back out working.

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Yea it's become highly enshittified and actively punishes users that don't subscribe. Fuckers.

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Let's hope they can find a way to smoothly transition to a non-growth economy. The planet needs to downsize and someone needs to show the way.

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91 but who's counting. And keep it in perspective - the average is two felony indictments each for all POTUSes

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What a weird choice to offer: 12 weekends community volunteering, or a full year of your life in the military.

Ed: guessing there must be a pay difference.
The poors will self select the paid military gig because they can't afford the time off from low pay sustinance jobs to volunteer.

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Yea this might have something to do with it

At least 66 members of far-right group in rural Oregon standing for office

Revealed: anti-government People’s Rights Network, founded by Ammon Bundy, appearing to follow ‘entryism’ strategy

At least 66 members of an anti-government group founded by far-right militia figure Ammon Bundy have attempted to win local positions of influence in the Republican party in Oregon, the Guardian can reveal.

The candidates stood for Republican precinct committee person (PCP) slots in three central Oregon counties in this week’s elections, with some facing no opponent and thus winning their positions by default. The role of PCPs includes electing the executive of the county-level GOP apparatus.

The move is part of what appears to be a coordinated attempt to capture the local Republican party infrastructure, following a far-right strategy of “entryism” into more mainstream political bodies.

When will we start to investigate politicians and media figures for ties to our adversaries?

It's a fundamental national security concern and needs to be part of the security clearance program.

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This could really hurt his other legal cases. Lawyers will be less enthused to represent him if he might go bankrupt on them and not pay the bill.

And they will be more likely to demand retainer at onset. One recently demanded $3M retainer before starting.

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Sentence him to community service, picking up trash on the side of the highway in an orange jumpsuit. 40 hours per count.

He wants to be jailed for his fundraising wet dream, so don't give him that.

Ed: looks like it's getting some traction! (gift link)

Jail for the Chief? There’s a Better Punishment.

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It goes right to the point that there is a well oiled Biden machine team that makes things run and the contrast is stark.

Orange shitstain's team of racist Christo-fashists is hard at work too and out to destroy democracy.

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She looks pretty good for her age

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Management still will call him December 30th and ask him to work tomorrow because they are short

Inflicting pain and suffering onto any being that is not them is the point with Republicans.

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It's written by Steven Miller, Bannon, and the like

But yea, he's good at saying the fascist shit. Rolls right off his grotesque tongue and out his putrid KFC-hole

Good thing we still subsidize petroleum

Good for the oil companies and legislators they own, anyway

Please don't downvote articles that are not disinformation.

We must stay vigilant to strengthen democracy. Nothing is a given now.

Pissed because it's harder to find trans hookers at a family friendly resort

(without Mike Johnson's son getting an alert on his phone)

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[x] nor can hold office in the United States or a state if they have previously taken an oath to support the Constitution and then engaged in insurrection or rebellion against it.*

*unless they have packed the court with right wingnut justices

Such a kompromat shitshow.

Our intelligence community needs to get their shit together and investigate.

Yes and these vetos have nothing to do with cost and everything to do with Newsom positioning to be president.

He doesn't want to generate talking points for the right wingnut propaganda machine.

Vetos on progressive therapeutics, caste discrimination, etc.

Then there's kissing up to the big donor utilities to appoint a CPUC to hobble solar.

It really sucks because he could do good but nope.

It's obvious he doesn't want to be caught in the act of selling all the 'missing' classified docs he's still hiding

And the rest of his traitorous collaborations

It's important to build the right kind of roost for the bats in your area

Check for guidance and inspiration

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And if you really want to raise kids, adoption is a win-win-win for you, them, and the planet

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It's obvious he doesn't want to be caught in the act of selling all the 'missing' classified docs he's still hiding

And the rest of his traitorous collaborations

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The title is a bit clickbaity, but the subtext is that if he is elected, dictatorship is increasingly inevitable.

And the 'increasingly' modifier further shows it's only a potential outcome.

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Littlejohn right out of Robinhood's merry men and living up to his legacy name!

AKA how to stoke fear based propaganda

Fun fact: individuals with a measured heightened fear response tend to have conservative viewpoints

To be fair, we are behind the whole invasive species thing

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PNG that beacch

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And it should, it's fairly toxic. Fortunately EV's primarily and almost exclusively use regen.

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Ok so pay the dude $10 to put your wife's head on someone agreeing with you. Problem solved.

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She advocates for kids in the audience getting in person sex ed

Or a drunk autocorrect on a phone swipe keyboard - wouldn't take too many monkeys to hit that result

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To be fair, it has a brain the size of a planet so it thinks we are asking it rather dumb questions

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Younger guy would probably be ok with ventilation and some narcan if they get quickly to a hospital and they didn't drink much. Just a guess.

But they will have a hard time living that down.

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Don't forget the racism, bigotry, child rapey misogyny, et. al.

Make it quick there's an important call coming in about my auto warranty