More young people choosing permanent sterilization after abortion restrictions, new research shows to – 679 points –
More young people choosing permanent sterilization after abortion restrictions, new research shows

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And if you really want to raise kids, adoption is a win-win-win for you, them, and the planet

Isn't it really expensive in a lot of places?

It can be. The system is intentionally bogged down with a lot of red tape to discourage people who aren't fully committed to raising a child, especially one that isn't their own biological offspring. The thing is, raising kids is expensive in general. You'll shell out millions over their lifetime for basic necessities, education and enrichment. If somebody balks at the cost of adoption, they probably aren't ready for kids yet anyway.

It is, but a pregnancy with regular checkups, screening for potential issues, and delivery in a hospital isn't cheap, either, even when everything goes without issue. If there are complications and the baby needs to stay in a NICU or have surgeries, it can be far more expensive than adoption.

Except if you're not in the US. Don't get me wrong, it's still expensive to have a kid, but there's no risk of going broke during birth procedures (complicated or not) in most developed and even some developing countries.

Solid point. I've had it pretty good most of my life, but I'm so used to this ass backwards way of doing things that I often forget about how much better it can and should be.

I'm in Canada, this would mostly be free