6 Post – 398 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Idk much about this company but I'm assuming $150,000 is nothing to them.

But I suppose it's the precedent this sets, not the fine itself

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Everyone hates ads but no one wants to pay for it lol

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Work tech retail, a lot of young people don't know shit about any tech tbh

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Being better than Elon is a pretty low bar but, I suppose I'd agree he passed it

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I'm not opposed to paying for services I enjoy/find value in, and from companies I don't dislike

Twitter does not pass these guidelines

I'm doing my best to constantly listen to new music every week to keep fresh and malleable in my taste

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Not necessarily how they're viewing it.

Once if was free, now it's $150,000+ with the possibility of that increasing anytime

Yea sadly the kid was an aggressor here

But the cops should be using tazers or something non-lethal to deal with this kinda altercation

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The cable is the weakest link of Earbuds for durability.

IEM's with replaceable cables are readily available and getting very cheap & good these days (e.g. Moondrop Chu 2, Truthear Hola, etc)

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Well there are 3 alternatives.

Ads, which everyone on here would endorse blocking, so that’s out.

All journalism becomes volunteer work, running off of optional donations, which seems unlikely :D

Or all journalism becomes publicly funded via-taxes. This is probably the optimal option but I think most people would agree that ALL journalism being government funded has a ton of risks.

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Most professional classical performers have a Doctorate or at least a Masters

Not sure why anyone wanted a second twitter that’s still made by a big-tech

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Is Hermes a pushover? That's not how I viewed him

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This is great but surprising news. Hopefully the implementation is actually good

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Are you saying you want it to charge with USB C, or it just has to have a USB C port?

Almost every laptop released recently has a USB C port so if that's all it needs, you have tons of options

Many budget ones don't charge with USB C tho

I use Eternity now :)

Apparently they called it a "citizens arrest"

I'm confused, anyone have an explanation as to how an office arresting someone can be a citizens arrest

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I find lots of physically hot people are quite arrogant cause they always have people chasing after them

I’m defending the right for people to make a profit from their labour 🤷‍♂️ even if ads aren’t my preference either

While I like the concept, I don't think it's going to be very useful

A given volume, e.g. 50% can be vastly different on different headphones/earbuds. Only really useful on 1st party products

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Every 1-3 days depending on if I go to the gym, temperature outside, if I need to look nice, or if ima even bother leaving the house lol

Are you able to return it if you dislike, or are you just fucked?

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I'm not sure id just hire some random guy without some middleman providing me some kind of safe guard for being scammed

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I refuse to use Pixel Launcher until I can remove the Google search bar

I’d also like to be able to change my icons. I use Nova atm

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Transition Lenses for blocking out sun. So helpful but people think they're nerdy 🤷 with the right frames they look good imo

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The recent Snapdragon chips have been awesome, but that's not Apple's magic, it's their x86 to ARM translation layer

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Why this many people use Snapchat is incomprehensible

There are so many good messenger apps and all of them, Snapchat's giant userbase remains

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"Not everything's a lesson Ryan. Sometimes you just fail."

  • Dwight Schrute :D

I've always viewed middle aged as 40s

Where are you?

In Canada I've never heard this being charged for

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It is a good concept tbh. I even miss the physical ringer switch when Im on Android (unless it's a OnePlus)

Tbh just normal YouTube + Premium is great and feels reasonable value to me.

TickTick is a better reminders app than anything FOSS ive tried

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Yea I leave it on. As others have said, I'm willing to donate some data in hopes it will help improve the browser long-term

Signal. I love it but can't always get people to use it

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The Trueman Show is super fun and seems pretty widely likable

Off topic but anyone know if you can download this art in high-res from somewhere?

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Been wanting to switch to a local-only solution for ages, guess they're forcing me to hurry up :D

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I suspect 30ish (+/- 10) males mostly

Sick pls post again when it’s available to download

I'm an idiot someone pls explain

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