Mint is shutting down, and it’s pushing users toward Credit Karma to – 457 points –
Mint is shutting down, and it’s pushing users toward Credit Karma

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Been wanting to switch to a local-only solution for ages, guess they're forcing me to hurry up :D

I made the move years ago and haven't regretted it at all. I just hate that most of the solutions are subscription crap (looking at you YNAB) though the one I use is a pay once service unless you pay for the bank connection.

I got YNAB 4 in a Steam sale before it was delisted and I don't understand what the subscription version could possibly add to make it worth the cost. Having it connect to your accounts is more convenient than downloading OFX files, but that's not worth $99/year.

I tried YNAB 4 back in the day, but in the end decided to go with Moneydance.

Yep, still rocking my YNAB4 from steam too. Agree, the new one adds nothing for me either.

I just heard about Cashew which I think ima try and switch to. What are you on?

I use Moneydance, it isn't the prettiest program out there, but it does what I need better than anything else I've tried and is available for every platform you can think of. I like that it is a one time cost as well, paying a subscription for this type of software seems insane to me.

The "Sunset" edition of Microsoft Money is still available for free, although not directly from Microsoft anymore. It's old but it can handle regular accounts and investment accounts; no online functionality, but it supports importing OFX files, and QFX files if you change the file extension.

Such a thing exists? I haven't been able to find something that will connect to my accounts and pull data automatically.

Ah nothing that pulls the data automatically but, I stopped sharing my bank passwords with them anyway cause it felt kinda sketch haha

I feel that same, I stopped using mint for that reason but I haven't found a self hosted replacement yet.