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Apparently "recordable media" here means the kind you can record on at home, e.g. CD-R, DVD-R.

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As opposed to the discs movies are sold on.

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If Nancy Pelosi caused the insurrection why didn't your people try to charge her instead of focusing on Hunter Biden?

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The standard fine for violating the STOCK Act is $200, but frequently the House Committee on Ethics and the Senate Select Committee on Ethics waive the fee.

Craig Holman, a Capitol Hill lobbyist on ethics and campaign finance rules for nonprofit Public Citizen, said the fee is one of two reasons why the STOCK Act is frequently violated.

“The penalty is so minimal that these millionaire members of Congress really don't care about it," Holman told Raw Story. “The second provision is the ethics committees are not really enforcing it or taking it seriously.”

So basically this "law" is just a suggestion.

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Why are "addictive feeds" OK for adults?

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PalWorld being number 2 is pretty impressive considering it only came out on the 19th. I suppose the huge number of players would make up for the relatively limited time.

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I don't suppose the people responsible for the over hiring have seen any consequences?

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Maybe the news about the Windows client changing DNS settings was too much bad publicity?

A VPN would naturally route all your traffic through a secure tunnel, but you've still got to do DNS lookups somewhere. A lot of VPN services also come with a DNS service, and Google is no different. The problem is that Google's VPN app changes the Windows DNS settings of all network adapters to always use Google's DNS, whether the VPN is on or off. Even if you change them, Google's program will change them back.

They're also increasing the price of V-Bucks to try to get even more money out of Fortnite players.

Here's the article; the link in the OP points to a discussion thread.

The chair ought to be questioning whether the company should continue to employ someone who needs that much "motivation", not urging shareholders to give it to him.

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Meanwhile, his classified documents case being handled by a judge he appointed to the court is somehow not a conflict.

And now that he's back he's only working Mondays, so he's got less risk of exhaustion and new people still get the rest of the week.

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This week they were even against energy efficient applicances.

Less likely isn't the same as unlikely, most of those people probably just went from definitely voting for Trump to probably voting for Trump.

Apple said one of the reasons they terminated our developer account only a few weeks after approving it was because we publicly criticized their proposed DMA compliance plan. Apple cited this X post from this thread written by Tim Sweeney. Apple is retaliating against Epic for speaking out against Apple’s unfair and illegal practices, just as they’ve done to other developers time and time again.

Epic breached the terms of its agreements with Apple and Google to kick off its lawsuits against them in 2020, and now that Sweeney is openly complaining about Apple's terms for third-party app stores Apple doesn't trust Epic not to breach those too. Seems reasonable.

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"There are so many other loopholes, we should focus on the ones poor people use"

Reader mode will get around that

Please make a joke about how Trump is trying to convince the Supreme Court it shouldn't be a crime for you to have him killed.

Banking site: We've implemented the Web Integrity API because security is important to us.

Also the banking site: Your password can only be six characters.

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The company said that it will still have opt-out controls in “select countries” without specifying which ones. It mentioned in a blog post that users won’t see more ads but they will see better-targeted ads following this change.

The "select countries" getting opt-out probably include EU members.

I just want to be able to tell a video service to not recommend stuff I've already watched. Disney+ is like "Because you've watch show A, you should watch show B. Also, because you've watched show B, you should watch show A." You know I've already watched both shows.

Apple is apparently working on getting encryption added to the standard

In a background briefing with reporters, Apple spokespeople touted the company's recent announcement that it will support the RCS messaging standard for iMessage sometime during 2024. In order to attend Apple's briefing and view a background document, we had to agree to paraphrase the company's remarks instead of quoting them directly.

Apple clarified that it is not implementing RCS as it exists today because it doesn't believe the standard offers enough privacy and security. Apple said it is working with a standards body—this is likely a reference to the GSMA—to ensure that the version of RCS it eventually implements will support encryption and strong privacy and security.

Apple said that once it adopts RCS, iPhone and non-iPhone users will be able to exchange messages with higher-resolution photos and videos, and will experience improved group texting. Apple said it hasn't brought its own message app to non-Apple devices because the user experience wouldn't meet the company's standards and that it cannot ensure that a third-party device's encryption and authentication are secure enough.

Careful. There are quite a few terms of service that you’ve agreed to over the years that if certain aspects of them were enforced, you wouldn’t think they were very reasonable.

Epic has an entire legal department to read over agreements like that, and yet they deliberately breached the terms. That's hugely different from someone unknowingly breaching a TOS that they didn't read.

You left out the important bit before that:

When users enable "include related matches in Find on page", Microsoft Edge submits the following data to Microsoft cloud services using a HTTPS connection:

Seems like nothing gets sent if you do a normal exact search.

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Its just unreasonable to expect spotify to be able to afford that when they already barely pay musicians.

The audiobooks help them pay even less for music:

With the introduction of the stand-alone audiobooks offering, Spotify is now able to pay lower music-licensing rates for the music-and-audiobook bundle, introduced in the U.S. in November 2023. The 2022 settlement agreement between the National Music Publishers Assn. and streaming services includes a carveout for bundles (such as Amazon Prime and Apple Music + Apple News), which the new audiobook offering falls under. Such plans lower the mechanical licensing rates the company pays in the U.S. Spotify’s lower royalty rates are retroactive to March 1, 2024.

However, NMPA president-CEO David Israelite had strong words for the move when contacted for comment by Variety. “It appears Spotify has returned to attacking the very songwriters who make its business possible,” he wrote. “Spotify’s attempt to radically reduce songwriter payments by reclassifying their music service as an audiobook bundle is a cynical, and potentially unlawful, move that ends our period of relative peace. We will not stand for their perversion of the settlement we agreed upon in 2022 and are looking at all options.” The NMPA and streaming services resolved a years-long standoff over royalty rates with a Copyright Royalty Board ruling in 2022, and agreed upon a new rate of 15.35% for the 2023-2027 period.

Epic changed the mobile versions of Fortnite to add an option to pay for V-Bucks through their own system, which is against the terms of both Apple's app store and Google's. That got them kicked off of both app stores and then they sued Apple and Google.

In this case, sites could make content unavailable to everyone to make sure Americans using VPNs don't see it.

No mention of who Matt Gaetz voted for. Journalists should be keeping track of what he's doing to solve the problem he created.

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Is it sold by the same seller as last time? Lots of stuff on Amazon is actually sold by someone else and different sellers can have wildly different prices.

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I've seen suggestions that the AI Overview is based on the top search results for the query, so the terrible answers may be more to do with Google Search just being bad than any issue with their AI. The AI Overview just makes things a bit worse by removing the context, so you can't see the glue on pizza suggestion was a joke on reddit or it was The Onion suggesting eating rocks.

The headline isn't clear, it's actually one fee; the ad tier doesn't have Dolby and the ad-free tier does.

Scrutiny!? Whatever will she do? (Tell Fox News she's being persecuted, probably)

In Safari I just had to switch to Reader mode

The Epic Games Store isn't profitable so it may not be a good example for how fees should be set.

Also, Epic is trying to argue lower fees would benefit consumers but games generally aren't cheaper on Epic's store than on Steam.

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Hopefully Congress can at least get funding dealt with properly before the election so there's no opening for sore losers to cause a shutdown.

How much would a shut down mess up inauguration day?

This isn't some random developer, it's a developer that has already breached a contract with Apple. It's reasonable for Apple to be wary of entering into another contract with them when the CEO is publicly complaining about the terms.

There's definitely a case to be made that Epic shouldn't need an Apple developer account to make their own app store, but Apple is well within its rights to deny them an account based on their history.

I guess buying that online news law hasn't been a great investment for Murdoch.

Jeez, my Razer mouse only launches the installer for their crap, it doesn't automatically do the installation.

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