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The moderators were less moderators and more like living sheets of lined paper with the questions printed on them. Human teleprompters with no willingness or ability to engage with the speakers, only desiring to feed them question after question. There was no point to having them there. We traded actual moderation for the semblance of decorum by cutting off a microphone.

The thing is, nobody ever said billionaires were smart. A lot of people conflate being wealthy with being intelligent, and that's simply not the case.

The fatal mistake the billionaire donor class is making here is that they think Trump can be controlled if he does win. They aren't worried about fascism because money is the real king of America and always has been.

And that line of thinking is solid until a fascist dictator who doesn't want to give up their power or have it limited by anybody else decides that the wealthy are no longer their allies and has the secret police "deal with them".

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They're just letting Trump lie about shit on stage.

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The gish gab is out of control. Trump didn't even answer the last question. These moderators suck.

At the end of the day, that's the main takeaway here. It's not so much the men themselves, but the people they intend to appoint to positions of authority. Biden will appoint experts and professionals to run the country for him. Trump will appoint sycophants and yes-men to do whatever he wants to do, even if it flies in the face of reason or standard procedure, and unlike last time he won't allow anyone who isn't 100% loyal to him to work in his administration.

My man Biden needs a drink of water.

The only people less intelligent than Trump voters are people who are still somehow undecided. The fuck have these people been doing that make them fence-sit after Trump's first term? Both of these candidates are known quantities at this point.

Has Trump ever stopped campaigning since 2016? I feel like this has gone on for decades.

Does anybody else find it a little sad that Ronny Jackson simps for Trump when Trump can't even remember his name when talking about him? Or did he just change his name to Ronny Johnson so that the god-king doesn't have to be wrong?

I mean, I would find it sad if I weren't completely out of sympathy for these Trump sycophants who let Trump talk shit about them publicly so that they can cling to power a little longer. Especially the shitheels who criticized Trump and now find themselves kissing the ring and bending the knee to get that VP nom.

Republican donor groups fell over themselves to prop this guy up as some right-wing hero. I wouldn't be surprised if one of them decided to send him to college on a full ride so that they could continue to point to him in the future as someone who went on to make a success of themselves rather than continue to prove to the world that he's a vicious idiot with no prospects in life.

In other news, Colorado confirmed most patriotic state in the union.

If a few more states follow suit, even if they are "safe blue" states, the GOP will have no choice but to drop Trump and pick up the next best candidate. Winning local elections is way more important for Republican-aligned agendas to continue forward, but if people won't turn out because Trump is off the ballot, it'll be a blue wave of lower offices flipping. They'll need to work fast to push the "Trump Bad, X Good" where X is whatever conservative sock puppet they prop up to take his place in hopes of saving their chances at maintaining a multi-state hegemony on state congressional seats.

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I've never spoken with a Tesla employee, current or former, who hasn't corroborated this information about working conditions. Doesn't matter if you are a line worker in the factory or an engineer in the design offices, you are expected to put work above all else, keep your nose down and your mouth shut.

I'll never buy a Tesla because of the shit that I've heard about how they treat their employees there, let alone that dipshit Musk spouting off about full self driving and never following through.

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The only thing I could think of with the whole "1000 Mozarts" comment is that there's a very real chance that if the world Musk and Bezos envision came true, those Mozart level geniuses would be working in an Amazon fulfillment center or a Tesla assembly line, wasting their talents as a slave to capitalism.

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I'll never ever understand why they do not simply let the passengers deboard the aircraft, nor why consumers put up with this kind of shoddy treatment. The terminal is right there. Let the people wait out whatever bad weather or maintenance issue the airline is having in the comfort of the terminal.

To demand anything less is simply a failure in logistics. The customer should never have to sit on a plane for any longer than an hour without it taking off once boarding is complete and the doors are sealed.

I always told myself I'd be the guy to do this if I ever found myself in a similar situation. To be honest, I'm not sure I could go for nearly 5 hours without the plane taxiing. 3 hours would probably be my limit before I decided it would be preferable to spend my time in a jail cell rather than an airplane.

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I hate corpo rats. If GenZ is able to fight the man and not get chewed up and spit out by the system, more power to them.

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What is the difference between this guy and a Taliban officer?

I don't care how much he enjoys talking about his favorite fairy tale novel, congress is not a book club.

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The monkey's paw curls. Mark Robinson is transported back to the year 1900. Women can't vote. He is then promptly arrested and imprisoned for the crime of being a colored man in a whites-only establishment.

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ONCE AGAIN, Donald Trump is treated with the kid gloves by the courts. Inconceivable. On the day the judgement was to be collected, Trump gets an absolute boon from the heavens above with a 10 day extension and a bond requirement of less than half of the original sum? For what reason? Trump defrauded the American people. He does not deserve special treatment.

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Confronting Kyle Rittenhouse? Be careful, no sudden movements. We wouldn't want him to feel threatened, now would we?

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This dude absolutely cannot get near the white house again.

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Just another example of Joe Biden weaponizing the Department of Justice! ...oh wait.

In all seriousness, most people could see this result coming from a mile away. The prosecution had a solid case against him. I expect the justice system to hold everyone accountable for their actions, regardless of who they are. Republicans expecting us to do backflips to defend Hunter Biden as some sort of "gotcha" are completely out of their gourd. He earned this conviction through his own deeds, just like how Trump earned his.

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To think he avoided drinking polonium tea and falling out of a window and self inflicted gunshot wound to the head for all this time just to die in a freak tragic accident.

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Humphrey's bill, House Bill 3084, would ban "students who purport to be an imaginary animal or animal species, or who engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly referred to as furries at school" from participating in class and school activities.

This is, hands down, the worst description of furries I have ever read in my entire life.

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Tax billionaires out of existence.

What the fuck are these people so scared of that they start blasting folk for pulling into their driveway? This seems to keep happening and nobody ever thinks to check up on the mf who almost blasted a delivery driver who got the wrong address? Forget just charging the dude with attempted murder, can we search the house and take away firearms from somebody so clearly irresponsible that they can't distinguish a genuine threat from an imagined one?

If the second amendment won't allow that to happen, then the amendment needs to be re-written.

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‘In defence of health, of the Italian production system, of thousands of jobs, of our culture and tradition, with the law approved today, Italy is the first nation in the world to be safe from the social and economic risks of synthetic food,’

Health? Yeah, get back to me the next time there's an outbreak of mad cow disease, swine flu, or bird flu and say that to my face.

Jobs? The synthetic meat isn't going to make itself, and there will always be a market for "organic" meat in any case.

Tradition? The human race's oldest and most persistent fallacy. The democracy of the dead.

This is shortsighted. This guys sounds exactly like the idiot lawmakers here in America who said solar panels and electric cars will never catch on, so what's the point in investing in them now?

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I'll agree that Andrew Jackson is probably still worse than Trump for literally committing genocide against the native peoples who were forced from their ancestral land. That being said, Trump disrespecting the peaceful transference of power for the first time in the nation's history is a massive blemish on our country, and he should not be remembered fondly by anybody.

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They were laughing at Californians when it was happening to us (very very recently) thinking that it was the result of "liberal policymaking".

Well, how does it feel, Florida? Are you ready to put aside our differences and go after our real common enemy, the for-profit insurance industry and climate deniers? Because I promise you, this is only going to get worse unless we force them to change things.

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It couldn't possibly be because of a heinously corrupt and out of touch platform that promises to hurt some people and help nobody, could it?

No. It's the Swifties who are to blame. Encouraging people to vote is liberal bias!

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This seems like a huge win for Niemann. I remember Legal Eagle's video on it and he made it seem like Niemann didn't have much of a case for defamation. Him getting a settlement of having his critics withdraw their accusations of cheating, getting his account reinstated on chess.com and being able to play in future over-the-board tournaments is just about the best settlement he could have hoped for.

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Sadly, nothing bad will happen to reddit no matter how many people try to protest with pixel art on /r/place. Last year, admins unabashedly removed entire swathes of canvas that they deemed inappropriate, sometimes catching legitimate art in the crossfire. Not to mention the admin who got caught red handed placing multiple pixels off of the timer, with video evidence.

So no, a giant fuck /u/spez will never be allowed to exist long enough to be anywhere close to complete. They'll do the same thing to any API related banner or whatever you might think of.

The best thing you can do is not engage. They are doing this again so soon after the last one because they desperately need clicks and traffic to boost their site metrics for the upcoming IPO.

Besides, it's just going to be a canvas covered 75% in flags maintained by bots anyway because reddit sucks at programming in safeguards to prevent abuse, so your 1 pixel of contribution won't mean squat.

People said Ukraine would be flattened in a month like... Two years ago now. If you think Ukraine doesn't have a chance of winning, you're not paying the slightest amount of attention.

If Russia could win, they'd have done it by now. This is Afghanistan 2.0 for Russia.

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"Fuck yeah, secession!" Says the Texan from the comfort of their lounge chair, beer in hand.

These people are too comfortable to ever be willing to die for their stupid ideals. All it took was one MAGA idiot to get blasted on Jan 6th and then they all scattered like roaches. As soon as their lives were on the line, it was no longer a matter of grave importance. They all firmly believed that democracy was at stake, but were unwilling to fight for it to the death because they somehow must have known that it was bullshit, somewhere in the back of their pea-sized brains, they knew.

By the time Texas starts asking people to show up to mustering fields, rifle in hand, the facade will fall apart. Biden doesn't need to do anything. This sideshow of bluster and saber-rattling will fall apart on it's own.

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You'd think so, but try bringing up reparations and see how quickly they change their tune about the sins of their fathers.

I hope he has more success arguing semantics with the prison gang leaders.

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Kinda wish they would just take aim at the entire security theater complex that airport screening has become, but that's going to be a task destined for the federal level and god knows we can't get those fucking morons in congress to agree on anything, even if it's for their own benefit.

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"I was only pretending to be retarded!"

It doesn't really work for internet contrarians when they get put on blast for having shit opinions on political forums, but why the fuck is it actually working in real life?

Trump is so embarrassing that I don't see how anybody can actually genuinely like the guy. Is his only redeeming quality at this point just the fact that he enrages everyone left of center? Because aside from that and grifting money from people, he doesn't seem to stand for much else.

I feel sorry for the man whose heart is so filled with hate that he can't even take one day to step back from the political rhetoric, on the one day per year dedicated to peace and goodwill amongst fellow men.

It's such a small ask. "Merry Christmas, America!" and then turn off your phone for a day and spend time with your family, dude.

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Oh boy, if Elon Musk has trouble dealing with regulators and oversight agencies when managing his car company or his social media company, imagine what a wakeup call it's going to be when he wants to start dealing with banking regulators. 0% chance he doesn't run afoul of them in the first year trying to run his business by the seat of his pants like he does with all the others.

Yet another half-baked idea to spill out of the mouth of this fucking moron with too much money for his own good.

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People who say they are only good because of the threat of eternal damnation are literal psychopaths.

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