Live Updates: Trump Held in Contempt Again as His Criminal Trial Speeds Along to politics – 312 points –
Live Updates: Former Employee Says Trump Used Personal Account to Repay Hush Money

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Sentence him to community service, picking up trash on the side of the highway in an orange jumpsuit. 40 hours per count.

He wants to be jailed for his fundraising wet dream, so don't give him that.

Ed: looks like it's getting some traction! (gift link)

Jail for the Chief? There’s a Better Punishment.

I love this idea. Very publically shameful and the physical activity would beat him down in a way no jail cell could. Hope the judge considers this, seems like a proper punishment.

As if he wouldn't just refuse to do it

Yeah if you're already not going to put him in jail because of political reasons I don't see how you're going to realistically compel him to do this. He says no, then what, you tack on more community service that he never performs?