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Joined 12 months ago

Nope. The amount of data required for constant recording and streaming of audio would be ridiculous and would show up in analysis.

The simpler answer is that the algorithms are getting scary good.

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And if she's paired anyway with that person

This line right here is where it should be obvious how far this "analogy" has to be twisted to even start to become analogous.

The problem is, not voting is as far as they'll actually go towards "not participating in that system". They still want all the benefits that they get from the system.

So it becomes less of a politically motivated action and more of just a tantrum.

Make sure you don't vote for Biden though, because of that one issue you suddenly care about.

Inb4 the standard myopic replies from .ml accounts

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Debunk why? Efficient at what?

What do you mean "they can never deflect this"?

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Perfect time to teach Biden a lesson by not voting for him -- or so I've been told by those with too much privilege and not enough brainpower.

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Imagine being so incapable of washing your penis that you need a bunch of it removed.

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As it should. Wikipedia vandalism is just annoying.

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Saying people with foreskins a "smegma gang" is a pretty good indicator that one doesn't wash properly and assumes that others don't either.

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I hope trump wins just to punish biden supporters.

He said, from his cushy position of privilege.

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OP -- can you please come back after the surgery and let us know that you're okay?

Imperative package management detected. Deploying rocks.

Not on my portrait monitor

I think compose is best used somewhere in between.

I like to have separate compose files for all my service "stacks". Sometimes that's a frontend, backend, and database. Other times it's just a single container.

It's all about how you want to organize things.

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"fold like a stack of cards" 🤔

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This article seems to take the stance that since lab-grown meat might not be adopted by everyone, that it won't solve the entire climate crisis and therefore takes away from other potential solutions.

I hate that kind of all-or-nothing sensationalism. Who's claiming that lab-grown meat will "solve" climate change to begin with? Is it not worth pursuing things that will help regardless?

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But you will see the event happen though.

Not with a binary search.

Edit: just collapse this thread and move on. Cosmic Cleric is an obvious troll.

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This just in folks, washing your penis is a weird idea!

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Also might be worth considering, I dunno, people of the country he would be president of.

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Real end-game communism is functional, stateless, declarative, reproducible, and defined in a single configuration file.

I get the joke, but the State definitely has things to hide, for good reason.

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Is there a command that's actually just for creating a new file?

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Hitler killed himself in a bunker in 1945. So the time traveler went back and killed Hitler right when Hitler was already done with all his evil and was going to kill himself.

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Microblogging versus content aggregation with comments. Two different things that are technically similar enough to share a protocol.

On Masto, it's more about being a person saying something into the ether. Lemmy is more about adding content to communities, subscribing to the ones you like, and then talking about it there.

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Do you have any examples? I have used Firefox for years and never experienced this, nor heard of anyone I know who uses Firefox experiencing this.

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Is this the first Lemmy-based tier 2 meme?


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Is it piracy to play my legally purchased and backed up games on an emulator?

Edit: a lot of people responding to this are accidentally answering the question above. Yes, those are the things they would have fought if they had the money to go up against Nintendo.

To those saying that it is indeed piracy -- pretty sure the law has disagreed up to this point. Note that Nintendo didn't win this suit, Yuzu settled. No legal precedent set (yet).

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I believe it's policy at Walmart for the regular staff to not prevent theft at all. Loss prevention handles that. They'll build a case without pursuing at first, and then being down the hammer.

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I had it on DVD and the French title translates to "Is there a pilot on this airplane?"

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Why respect the spelling and pronunciation but not the grammar? Seems kinda arbitrary.

You have a lot of opinions about things you refuse to even read. Why should anyone take yours seriously?

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biden won't accept a trump win


I feel like communities are the bigger problem here. And not one that's easily solved.

If users from multiple instances come together in communities, those communities are still centralized on a single server. So if something happens to that server, or if your instance defederates with it, the whole community goes with it.

The alternative would be to have tons of duplicate communities spread over many instances, but that's a bad user experience.

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You'd have to ask him.

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As if sandboxes are some brand new concept...

Of course people want them for some use-cases. No one here is saying that every application in the world should be restricted that way, grandpa.

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I have links to some Linux ISO torrents without this nag screen, if anyone needs them.

To send a message in the primary, and avoid a Trump win in the general.

Is that not obvious?

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is such promise legally binding in US?

Absolutely not.

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And yet I keep being told I'm excusing genocide by voting for Biden in order to stop Trump from killing her.

Lucky. I'm being told that I'm endorsing it for the same reason.

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