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For all your owl related needs!

I never thought I'd say this, but can we channel a little Andrew Jackson energy in regard to the courts?

Thanks for sharing these. There has really been a bunch of good to come out of this administration. Much of it isn't flashy stuff that gets talked about, but there is a lot that really should be important to a lot of people.

I think Biden has exceeded most expectations many of us had for him. There are always going to be things presidents do that we won't agree with. Obama was also pretty crappy with immigrants, drone strikes, and a number of other things, but it seems we're able to look back at his terms as a net positive. If Biden didn't have to clean up after Trump and Covid, I think he could have been a very memorable president.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very pissed about Gaza and the border, but Gaza is a result of almost 100 years of bad policy of many parties, and the number of regular people still bitching about false immigration stories is pressuring all representatives to be harsh on that. We can only expect a president to do so much if a large swath of Congress and the people themselves are against something.

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We have so much empty space in much of the country, I dont know why we can't just build a few cities for them. I'm not sure the cost of these detention centers vs a functioning town, but if we gave them real housing, infrastructure, and gave them a place to work and earn income during their asylum or immigration process, it sounds much less cruel and more productive, and would treat them like human beings and get a start on building a life here.

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Passat Headlamp Assembly

Check out 4:30 in this video and see if that looks like what you have. Seems DLR is a self contained assembly that is replaced as a whole unit.

Call me overly cautious, but I don't really want a president that jokes about becoming a dictator either...

Upon Mr. Dahl’s request, LexisNexis sent him a 258-page “consumer disclosure report,” which it must provide per the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

What it contained stunned him: more than 130 pages detailing each time he or his wife had driven the Bolt over the previous six months. It included the dates of 640 trips, their start and end times, the distance driven and an accounting of any speeding, hard braking or sharp accelerations. The only thing it didn’t have is where they had driven the car.

According to the report, the trip details had been provided by General Motors — the manufacturer of the Chevy Bolt. LexisNexis analyzed that driving data to create a risk score “for insurers to use as one factor of many to create more personalized insurance coverage,” according to a LexisNexis spokesman, Dean Carney. Eight insurance companies had requested information about Mr. Dahl from LexisNexis over the previous month.

“It felt like a betrayal,” Mr. Dahl said. “They’re taking information that I didn’t realize was going to be shared and screwing with our insurance.”

Automakers and data brokers that have partnered to collect detailed driving data from millions of Americans say they have drivers’ permission to do so. But the existence of these partnerships is nearly invisible to drivers, whose consent is obtained in fine print and murky privacy policies that few read.

Especially troubling is that some drivers with vehicles made by G.M. say they were tracked even when they did not turn on the feature — called OnStar Smart Driver — and that their insurance rates went up as a result.

“I don’t know the definition of hard brake. My passenger’s head isn’t hitting the dash,” he said. “Same with acceleration. I’m not peeling out. I’m not sure how the car defines that. I don’t feel I’m driving aggressively or dangerously.”

In response to questions from The New York Times, G.M. confirmed that it shares “select insights” about hard braking, hard accelerating, speeding over 80 miles an hour and drive time of Smart Driver enrollees with LexisNexis and another data broker that works with the insurance industry called Verisk.

Customers turn on Smart Driver, said Ms. Lucich, the G.M. spokeswoman, “at the time of purchase or through their vehicle mobile app.” It is possible that G.M. drivers who insisted they didn’t opt in were unknowingly signed up at the dealership, where salespeople can receive bonuses for successful enrollment of customers in OnStar services, including Smart Driver, according to a company manual.

After LexisNexis and Verisk get data from consumers’ cars, they sell information about how people are driving to insurance companies. To access it, the insurance companies must get consent from the drivers — say, when they go out shopping for car insurance and sign off on boilerplate language that gives insurance companies the right to pull third-party reports.

This summary contains 489 words. I'm neither a bot nor open source, but the bot summary was poo.

As usual, lack of transparency is of key concern. Digital opt-in where other people have physical control of the device and have a profit motivation should not be acceptable.

The quote about what is a hard brake exactly or heavy acceleration is most relevant to my thoughts. Without any context, are you hard braking to avoid dangers? How many hard brakes are acceptable? What is the penalty for hard braking, etc?

My girlfriend tried the OBD reader for her insurance for a bit, and it didn't anything one way or the other to her insurance. For something as random as driving, I dont see who would want to volunteer for it. We know the only direction prices ever move is up, so what does the consumer have to gain?

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I clicked on this story by accident, but I'm glad I read it. There's some real gold in here...

It said the council member cut an illegal sewage pipe — not a water line — after the food truck dumped grease into Parksley’s sewage system, causing damage.

"I'm mad at you for getting grease in the I will cut this line which I supposedly believe contains grease so it can go all over the street, smelling great and eventually getting washed into this very same sewer anyway!"

But Henry Nicholson, the council member, allegedly complained the food truck would hurt restaurants that buy equipment from his appliance store.

"T'is but a coincidence!"

Nicholson ... tried to block a food shipment and screamed: “Go back to your own country!” when Bastien confronted him.

“We did everything we’re supposed to do,” Bastien said. The couple came to the U.S. in the 2000s and received asylum after fleeing this hemisphere’s poorest nation. Benoir is a U.S. citizen, while Bastien is a permanent resident.

Several community members said the lawsuit unfairly maligns a town that has integrated recent immigrants into its 0.625 square miles (1.62 square kilometers).

Parksley has two Caribbean markets, a Haitian church and a Latin American restaurant

U.S. Census numbers show that 600 people identify as Haitian in Accomack County, with several thousand more on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and in lower Delaware. Sangaramoorthy said the region’s Haitian population likely numbers in the tens of thousands.

Sounds like this guy isn't aware who funds this town... They must make up a large portion of the residents to have this much stuff there in this tiny little town.

“We’re waiting to see what justice we’re going to get,” Bastien said. “And then we’ll see if we reopen.”

The couple’s lawsuit is seeking compensation for $1,300 in spoiled food, financial losses and attorneys’ fees. They also want $1 in nominal damages for violations of their constitutional rights.

I wish my town was full of people as patient and civil as this couple!

She said Parksley’s Haitian food truck provided something vital — familiar foods that remind people of their homeland — to people often working long hours.

“It’s a community that is triply marginalized for being foreign, Black and speaking Haitian Creole,” Sangaramoorthy said. “They feel like they need to keep to themselves, so it’s surprising that this couple was brave to even file a lawsuit.”

How dare they?!?

Thanks for posting, OP, this was crazy!

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"No, no, he clearly said Jew-ish!" - George Santos

"I must admit to being somewhat frankly naive about this."

Could have just stopped there, Elon. 😒

I looked up where this ordinance came from.

From AP

The ordinance against serving more than two free meals a week came in response to a petition from people living near the church, who said the church’s programs were creating public safety problems, Jefferson Public Radio reported.

The petition, which refers to the people around St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church as “vagrants” and “undesirables,” was signed by 30 people.

The town has about 7000 residents if you want to get an idea about what I'm percentage of the residents seem to find this to be a problem.

The church website claims they serve 210+ meals a week. Even if we assume everyone comes back for every meal, that's 35 people.

So if we look to serve the greatest good, it seems helping the homeless helps more people than if they were to help the judgemental NIMBYs.

From the in OPs post:

The city is currently asking the church to stop shower and advocacy services also bringing in homeless people into the neighborhood.

A church not bathing and protecting the poor really does seem to go against what I feel what most would say a church should stand for. I'm going to side with the church here.

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If only they had a role model that would have taught them that!

Maybe they could have written it down in a book they could turn to for guidance.

Or if they would hold weekly meetings to discuss it.


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This one might seem to be a bit silly, but for the last few years I've made my girlfriend's breakfast every day and she's packed my lunch.

She has a hard time getting up, so it helps her to have a fresh coffee and whatnot ready for her. She in turn makes my sandwich for lunch because even though I like eating it, I don't like touching the lunch meat.

So while we're doing the same amount of work, we're doing a job for each other that the other doesn't really enjoy. It also irrationality suggests tastes better, because it was made with the other person in mind, not as a chore we have to do for ourselves.

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From the Linda Bean wiki entry:

In 2016, the Southern Poverty Law Center, a legal advocacy organization specializing in civil rights and public interest litigation, stated that Linda Bean was a member of the then-35-year-old "shadowy and intensely secretive group" the Council for National Policy; stating what is "most remarkable about the directory is that it reveals how the CNP has become a key meeting place where ostensibly mainstream conservatives interact with individuals who are, by any reasonable definition, genuinely extremist." She was a longtime member, having been invited to join the Council for National Policy established by Reagan's Attorney General Edwin Meese after the Reagan years.

Wow, never heard of the Council for National Policy before, which seems to be the point.

If you ever wondered why the right believes in shadowy liberal cabals, give the Wikipedia article a read...

Members are instructed not to reveal their membership or even name the group.

The CNP has been described by The New York Times as "a little-known club of a few hundred of the most powerful conservatives in the country", who meet three times yearly behind closed doors at undisclosed locations for a confidential conference.

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I've always been told the best thing to do is stick to complimenting things that are their choices.

Not great: That outfit makes you look good!

It's you coming off as being interested in their physical appearance, not the outfit.

Better: That's an awesome T-shirt! Where did you find that?

It's you thinking they picked out something cool or stylish and you like their taste in outfits. You're putting the attention on something they did, not anything about them appearance-wise.

Especially if they don't know you, odds are they have no desire to hear a stranger's opinion on their looks. That's too personal. But a stranger agreeing with their decision on something like buying something cool generally isn't.

Of course, some people are more or less open to any conversation with someone they don't know, so if you still get ignored or get looked at like a creep, you don't know their background and you respect that and don't persist.

A good rule to go by is if you're a guy, think of a guy coming up to you and saying the same thing or you saying what you're going to say to another guy. If you wouldn't tell another bro that he looks good wearing that, maybe don't do that to a girl. If you see a guy wearing a band shirt of a group you like though, you'd probably be ok saying "whoa, I love that band too!" or you'd be cool with some random dude telling you the same.

You shouldn't be afraid to talk to people, but you should always be respectful and keep in mind how well you know them and keep conversation at that level of appropriateness.

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Maybe they will replace this with a self awareness talk...

I try not to spam myself nowadays, but ! has great photos, of course, but I also have a good bit of educational and scientific content and places you can go visit in person.

I post daily, so if you have even a remote interest in beautiful killer birds, give it a look. I just did another ELI5 research paper write up today, and with 250 types of owls, I can guarantee you stuff you've never seen before!

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I hope between this at Central Bucks and Pennridge also getting rid of the MAGA members and canceling the Vermillion "education" contract that all my local school districts will finally be out of the national news for being off the rails.

I don't have kids, but I do care about kids and education, so I was so relieved to see these people get kicked to the curb where they belong.

Central Bucks just needs to fix that crooked $500,000 severance package and "legal immunity" pushed through last minute for the nutty superintendent that only worked there 2 years and supported this stuff.

For anyone else curious, it was in there as an emulsifier, particularly for citrus flavor oils.

These days it's mainly found in generic branded products, such as Walmart's Mountain Lightning. Mountain Dew is one of the more recent big brand names to remove it, back in 2020.

Interesting case from the Wikipedia:

There are case reports of adverse effects associated with excessive consumption of BVO-containing products. One case reported that a man who consumed two to four liters of a soda containing BVO on a daily basis experienced memory loss, tremors, fatigue, loss of muscle coordination, headache, and ptosis of the right eyelid, as well as elevated serum chloride. In the two months it took to correctly diagnose the problem, the patient also lost the ability to walk. Eventually, bromism was diagnosed and hemodialysis was prescribed which resulted in a reversal of the disorder.

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It's been really strange to me how the whole primary has been "well, you could vote for me, but there's no reason why you shouldn't vote for Trump!"

Why bother running if half your speaking time is dedicated to plugging your opponent?!

Christie was the only one that kinda went after him, but as much proven stuff there is to nail him on, they all just seemed so soft and weak. If I bought into any of their side of things, all they did was make Trump look like the pinnacle of being a modern Republican. At least he goes for it when he's out to take someone down.

Such a bizzare collection of candidates, sheesh!

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I don't know if this is the type of thing you were asking, but it's one I've been using about once a week lately.

I was listening to How I Built This with Guy Raz, and he had on a lady that wanted to eliminate food waste. She started the app Too Good To Go.

Partner businesses will pack up about $15 of food at the end of the shift, and instead of tossing it, they put it in a to go box for you for $5.

Tonight we had jerk chicken and sides from a Caribbean place, another time we got 4 big pizza slices overloaded with toppings, and our favorite is the Manhattan Bagels gives us 15-17 bagels. We've also tried a vegan bakery, which is way too expensive for us, but for my girlfriend's nephew with a severe egg allergy was a great surprise.

These are all places we wouldn't normally go, but they've all been really tasty, helped eliminate some waste, and let us try some new restaurants for a fiver. We're kinda in the country, so there aren't too many options, but I looked in the nearby city and there are a lot, and the app started in Europe, so you non-US people don't have to miss out.

So maybe not the super cheap lentil curry recipe I have, but this was an intriguing things I recently learned about and have been looking to share awareness about.

Even if you don't have much cash, it still feels nice to be able to get restaurant food sometimes too, and this is a cheap and mutually beneficial way to do that.

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I thought I was going crazy thinking he must have held a second rally, because Gettysburg isn't anywhere near where he was speaking. The place he was at is as close to NYC or almost any part of the Jersey Shore as it was to Gettysburg.

To just randomly go into a speech about how General Lee isn't as beloved as he used to be is really out of nowhere and how it could be directed to anyone other than some racist types is beyond me.

I really hope my state can start to heal itself if we can whomp the Rs again this election. There's still a rabid base of these supporters though, but they've been laying a bit low. I've been seeing signs up all over for Mark Houck instead of Trump, so I looked up who this guy was and he twice assaulted a 72-year-old abortion clinic escort.

Houck was accused of physically assaulting Bruce Love, a 72-year-old clinic escort, in October 2021. Love was attempting to escort two patients exiting the Philadelphia clinic when Houck “forcefully shoved” him to the ground, according to the Justice Department. On a separate occasion, Houck allegedly verbally confronted the escort and shoved him to the ground outside the clinic. Love sustained injuries that required medical attention.

However, Houck said he spoke outside of abortion clinics each week and sometimes brought his 12-year-old son along. He said he shoved Love after the clinic escort invaded his son’s personal space and yelled at him.

This is who the Rs are trying to get to push out their long term somewhat moderate current Republican rep.

Vote 'em out, me boys!

Google Lens says Jewel Spider / Christmas Spider

Looks right, lives in Australia, and only one of its genus.

They are facultatively gregarious, and can be found in large aggregations of overlapping orb webs.

Sounds like what you got there!

Ehhemmm...I believe she specifically said it was his choice of lifestyle. She made her stance very clear. 😮‍💨

“It’s not discriminating against his lifestyle — that’s his choice,” Potteiger said in the meeting. “But it’s him speaking about it.”

I'm just glad this wasn't one of my local schools this time. We at least ran them out of the school boards here. This is off in the Pennsyltucky part of the state.

AirGas, Air Products, and Matheson are the manufacturers, for anyone interested.

My job's vendor is also mentioned:

Other manufacturers of medical nitrogen in the US were more circumspect. Linde, a global multinational founded in Germany and headquartered in the UK, would not say whether it was willing to sell its product for use in US death chambers and declined to comment.

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You had me zooming in looking for something. Like others have said, this is the "passing the savings along to you" look.

Target is a little more lively with an actual ceiling and brighter color scheme, but it's really the same thing with a little extra polish.

This is a Giant Supermarket. Same overall feel as the Walmart, but slightly less warehouse like to make things look more appetizing.

Aldi has done a pretty good job of remodeling. It's a value brand store where just about everything is store label, and it used to look rougher than Walmart. Now it's become almost trendy and chic, but prices are still good. Makes the others really look like penny pinchers.

A large part of it is probably stores are so big making it nice would be "cost prohibitive" since they'd require more cleaning and maintenance.

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As a fellow BtB fan, that was my first thought as well. No one should give a damn what Lee said regardless of what side he appears to be taking. He was a terrible person, a terrible general, and only ever seemed to do what he felt would benefit him the most personally.

It's the same reason I get annoyed seeing media portray Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, John Bolton, and Anthony Scaramucci, etc as a source of valid, balanced, and impartial viewpoints. We all saw what you guys did when you had control, but some of us don't forget as quickly as others. You're only concerned for your reputation and legacy and to preserve another chance to do what you did all over again.

Never listen to a traitor, me boys!

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As someone who is not religious, the part that drives me nuts is this is supposed to have a copy of the Constitution in it as well.

The fact we have a sexual predator president hawking Bibles after helping stir up war in the holy land, and then inserting the Constitution inside it that says we need to maintain a sepration of Church and State blows my mind. And that same president is still getting away with using the office to make money, potentially to pay off legal bills for aiding in an attempted coup. Add on top a third of the population is very in favor of this and wants to give him more unbridled power.

Greetings, friend. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you've got the power inside you right now. Use it, and send one dollar to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don't delay. Eternal happiness is only a dollar away.

(Sorry for your inconvenience, but this is all I can think of now. 😆)

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Agreed. It looks like they're having fun with it, so that makes me happy, even if I don't agree with who they voted for.

the neighboring cities of Hart’s Location and

Lol what a name!

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I took it as picking on the hypocritical people, not all churchgoers.

I'm actually surprised how pro-church this thread has been compared to most posts. Even some apparent church-haters have given the church credit in this thead.

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Dang, this one was really cool looking! 😓

Oʻahu ʻakialoa

Bad news overall for Hawaii's birds and the shellfish that could clean up southern waterways.

I recently posted an article on ! about how British Columbia is ignoring government orders to protect the last wild Spotted Owl in the country. With all the BS the US and Canada seem to be focused on, it's sad they will just let things disappear forever.

Link to post

Curries are pretty hard to screw up, yet are extremely satisfying. Thai, Indian, Japanese, they're all good.

Pretty much just thickened stews, so you can add or remove things to your taste or make it seasonal. Can have any meat or can be vegan or anywhere in between. Serve up with rice or bread. Extremely versatile all around.

Somewhat related, African Peanut Chicken Soup. Hearty yam and carrot, in a spicy peanut broth. It's all familiar ingredients, but in a combo your taste buds may not be familiar with, so comforting and exotic at the same time.

If it is posted as AI art, I don't have an issue. As others have commented, there are many valid use cases for it, and like any form of art, it's not inherently good or bad.

The problem I have is when it gets mixed in with real images and there is no differentiation.

I do the bulk of posting at !, and one thing I do is promote raptor rescue operations, so I'm subbed to 60ish Facebook feeds for the various shelters I get news and photos from. As a result, I get recommended near every owl photo posted to Facebook.

Now, getting real image groups recommended to me is great. I just got a bunch of great images I'd never seen from a photography group it recommended. But I get so many obvious fakes posted as real images, and another larger group where it's hard to tell.

I'm just someone that wanted to keep a Lemmy community going after the original buzz died down. I'm not an animal expert or a photographer, so I can't always pick out what is a really good photo vs post processing, vs downright fake. I want to keep the legitimacy of what I do post intact, because I work hard to keep content factual. I pass on what could be some really great photos because I can't always say they're real.

Plus it would be nice to have them separate from real images in general. Sometimes I would like to see some AI owl pics, but once random groups or repost bots start mixing things in randomly, it makes people question things.

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Check out the Ushanka Show YouTube channel. He's got tons of stories. I've really enjoyed the stories of the hassles of trying to have a car and how grocery stores worked, plus all the ways people figured out to "beat the system" of equal distribution. It really gives you the necessary background to start to understand "Soviet engineering" of unique solutions.

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Album posts. I'd like to share related pics in one post. Not sure how to do this if it's already there.

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I spotted one on the curb and thought it was an Epson at first glance. Took another look and saw it was a BW Brother laser the internet nerds are always going on about. I took it inside and dried the water off from the rain that just started, and was ready to take it back out to the curb where I found it whenever I discovered why it was put outside.

That thing is rock solid.

My girlfriend insists on having her Canon inkjet for color, and that thing bugs out at least once a month. Her mom's HP has been a nightmare for me to deal with over the time she's had it. This trash Brother has been the best home printer and scanner I've had in my near 30 years of computing. It's still going on the toner it came with, not that I print much. Any wifi issues have not been related to the printer. It prints and scans great. From what I understand, third party toner should be no issue when the time comes as there's no chip.

The hype is real on these Brothers.

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Exactly this. Everyone has enough space to have their voice heard here. There aren't too many threads I read where i get bored before I read everyone's comments.

I post every day since I know people will see it and it won't immediately get buried. I get to know the names of people that regularly comment on my posts. Just seems more personal.

Don't take this as a criticism, but do you own a home?

How would changing property values be accounted for, and how often is the appraisal done, and who pays for that? Can a landlord sell his rentals to someone else while they are rentals? If no, why not? What incentive does a landlord have to keep a property nice and safe if x% is no longer theirs? If the rent-to-owner decides they want to move or not buy the house, what happens to the money? Is any given to the landlord? Why can't the landlord increase rent to drive out a tenant? If a new sewer line needs to be run, and it's $10k, how is the cost split? How are property taxes dealt with if the unit is owned by multiple parties? If a homeowner owns 51% of the property and someone is injured on the property, who's insurance pays?

I get there is a lot to dislike about slumlord type landlords, but property and home ownership isn't like buying a toaster. There are a ton of laws and rules and responsibilities that clearly defined parties still have court cases over. There is financial risk in property ownership, and your proposal seems to be having private citizens, even if "rich" by your definition, and it is the government dictating private use of their property.

There are positive aspects to renting, which you don't seem to consider. I tried to sell my house for over a year, but foreclosures had driven down property prices so much for a time, I literally couldn't afford to give my house away for below market value and still have any money left to put on a new house. If I was a renter, I could just say I'm done here and go off and do whatever. If something breaks, there's someone who is supposed to fix it, no cost or effort to you. You don't need to worry about taxes and setting aside money for maintenance or hire contractors.

I want everyone to have a home, and I hate scumbugs and corporate ownership of residential property, but many of these people do serve important purposes, and many people would not have a place to live if property owners didn't rent out access to those properties.

Again, I'm not a landlord because of many of these things, but I do own property and wouldn't like something like this. It is a very complicated issue and this just comes off as someone who's never had to fight the local zoning board, deal with a utility screwing around with you, or having messed up property records having the government trying to make you pay taxes you don't owe say property owners have it made. It took me 8 years, 3 title insurance companies, and a judge to get my property records corrected after my divorce.

Expanding construction of affordable housing people would want to live in and expanding housing subsidies and just in general providing adequate social safety nets will get people in homes. Giving people with no means to maintain a home is not a benefit, it's just another huge thing that brings a pile of never-ending expenses.

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Decades of attempt to preserve Spotted Owls in the US and Canada have failed. Any attempts to curtail the human behavior making the situation worse have either been, at best, ignored by people or the governments themselves. At its worst, it's lead to hate and violence.

The Barred Owl is much more adaptable than the Spotted Owl. At this point trying to stop the Barred Owl overtaking the Spotted Owl feels like trying hold back water.

One thing that could be a success in a less orthodox way is allowing the hybridization of the owls. Barred and Spotted Owls can mate successfully. The current problem with this approach is that hybrids all also killed in these programs.

They are not so similar visually, but since both are active at night, it makes positive identification more difficult when they would actually be hunted.

Many species of owls are in danger due to endless destruction of old growth forest necessary for owls. Owls do not build nests and require trees that have been around for about 100 years to be suitable to have natural cavities for them to nest and for the forest to have enough wildlife for them to eat. But this is also the most valuable timber, and the loss of this habitat has been the root of this problem.

-From your friends at !

EDIT: I just read this article again after putting it in one of the links above. If anyone is interested in the topic of this post, I highly recommend reading this article. It touches a lot on what not just the owls, but mankind is losing by us failing to care for these creatures.

The Guardian: ‘All I see are ghosts’: fear and fury as the last spotted owl in Canada fights for survival

Only one female remains in the Canadian wilderness, a symbol of the country’s inability to save a species on the verge of destruction as politicians dither and the logging continues.

“My mom, she’d tell us stories about them, how they’d grab us if we didn’t behave or if we were out too late,” remembers Hobart, now chief of the Spô’zêm First Nation. “When you hear the owls, you better be inside … I remember the owls and I remember the fear.”

It has been decades since he heard the haunting barks and trills of the diminutive owl, but with the terror gone, they remind him of the warm summer nights of his youth.

“When I tell my own kids that story, it feels different. Because they’ve never heard the sounds of the owl at night. I don’t know if they ever will.”

There are some sites that let you quickly compare voting records.

Cheney vs Kevin McCarthy Before Jan 6, they agreed on votes about 95% of the time. After Jan 6, they did not see eye to eye as often, only about 90% of the time. LINK

Cheney vs AOC Before Jan 6, they agreed about 30% of the time, about 40% after. LINK

You can check whatever rep you want. I checked about a half dozen MAGA people, and she still agress with most about 90+ % of the time. While she seems to hate Trump personally, she doesn't really disagree much with Team MAGA as a whole.

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