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Joined 1 years ago

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PQI: Porn Quality Index

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/r/all has top posts from very obscure subreddits now

My Frontpage has much much less churn.

As long as we keep making this place good and active, it will be attractive. With the increased spam bots and degraded moderation, people will start looking elsewhere

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He's been arrested three more times than I have!

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Finally, someone who can clean my dirty boots with his tongue

If I can make cheese good enough to pretend that it's another brand, I'm gonna just slap my own label on it

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Every NFT I've seen looks like dogshit, and crypto enthusiasts get so angry when I point it out.

I have some that I didn't pay for and they also look fkn stoopid. Like the artists are people who just discovered how to use Photoshop last week, but never learned how to draw

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I learned that the stock market is rigged by market makers and short sellers, thanks to the Gamestop saga

The article doesn't really make it clear. Why do these cost the platform money?

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My unlimited data plan in Albania cost $11/month. In China, $15.

Bandwidth is cheap

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n China, the trains are awesome and pretty much everything else sucks hard.

Chinese train stations are a fucking nightmare compared to the rest of the world. First, they have a funneled entrance from the subway that goes through multiple choke points. For example, at Shanghai Hongqiao, you're in a mob of hundreds, forced to go up two long escalators.

Next, people there don't have freedom of travel, so there is a security check to actually enter the station, where they look at your papers and make sure you're approved for your destination. The queues are super long and people constantly cut in line. It's rage-inducing.

Then they subject you to a baggage check, metal detector, and frisking.

Now you're inside the station, but you can't just go to the platform. Instead, you wait at a secure gate until maybe ten minutes before scheduled departure. Again, it's a giant mob of people, trying to form a line in a station that's also just overcrowded. They finally open the gate and everyone rushes through and down to the platform.

You have to arrive an hour ahead of your train's departure else you're going to have a very stressful time.


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Pics or it didn't happen

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I believe we will get no necessary reforms without threat of violence. The rich will absolutely shoot us, so we just be prepared to do the same

Look up the Battle of Blair Mountain

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In America, the cruelty is the point

He can't. He's minded by Secret Service agents

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Because when the rubber hit the road, none of the mods were willing to blow up their subreddits.

They should have made an organized move to other platforms like this one. It would have given them leverage against Reddit

I have heard that was way over-exaggerated

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Exactly. I disagree strongly with the sorority's decision, but can/should we compel individuals to hang out with people they don't want to hang out with?

If the group receives public money, it's a whole different situation

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Reddit is run by fools

Israel's apartheid regime is terrorism

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Democrats, the party of "market based solutions"

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I can't believe how the mods caved. They could have taken their balls and gone home and Reddit would have felt it

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Firefox was long the No 2 browser, then Chrome came along at the time that Google was cool and they actually marketed it with TV ads. It looked cooler and more modern, it had some innovative features... Firefox never recovered

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Lol you think Trump is going to remember these people?

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Hiking. It costs nothing and you can create your own meaning from it. You can do the same trail over and over and know the place intimately, or you can make it a goal to do as many as possible and keep track of them all with souvenirs or art or whatever you want. The benchmark for success is what you define. And it's got a bonus of being good for your body.

I'd also suggest traditional music, but maybe keep it simple and cheap... ukulele, didgeridoo, or tin whistle. It's a low bar for entry and it's inherently social, all about jamming and being inclusive. Didgeridoo is more solitary, if that's what you prefer. These instruments have almost no ongoing costs and are great for learning the basics of music.

Instruments arr both humbling and also affirming. You can make noticeable progress and, again, define your own success. All my best friendships came through playing music. It's an endless source of joy for me. I generally tend toward depression but music keeps The Big Sad at bay

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My favorite visual detail: There's a sticker on an open laptop that says "What would Nixon do?"

She's a tapeworm?

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It's very similar to old Reddit

Reddit eventually got super-specific subs because so many people showed up and made more and more niche content that suited the needs of subgroups in communities. For example, lots of big subreddits banned memes, prompting the rise of specific shitposting groups

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I have a microwave/air fryer/convection combo that I can't use unless I install a phone app. It came with the apartment. It has only a few "buttons" on its face. The UI is almost completely non-intuitive, but the app makes it easy. Every time I bake bread I fight the urge to blow my brains out as I navigate to the app. I have become that which I mocked.

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The existence and pervasiveness of prison slavery is one of the most infuriating things I learned about the US

This is by design. A crazy party holds everyone else hostage so that reasonable and needed reforms are prevented.

As a game strategy it's pretty fascinating but as a person subject to its outcomes it's nausea-inducing

His PAC can't pay it, at least not legally. It's also not clear they have the money on hand

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It hasn't been too slow 🍿

The quality time Reddit is really bad. And the app is trash, all ads and promoted posts, and a new feature to be like tiktok. Fkn gag me

Yeah fuck these stupid NFT scams but fuck FTX more. They knew what they were doing. They also are alleged to have been behind the giant Bitcoin price pump of 2021

After falling in line, we are always ignored when they get into power

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Against the Grain

Internal Combustion

Sea People: The Puzzle of Polynesia

These all caused me to examine aspects of modern society that we usually just accept blindly

It's a design and execution problem, not a voter problem. The Florida ballots had a stupid design that met the needs of a counting machine, not the needs of voters

The state has a legal duty to guarantee prisoners' safety. Forcing them to labor risks that safety. Labor should be voluntary and include pay

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Yeah, people who don't get laid use this word as an insult