Hamas and the GOP are both terrorist groups — it's just a matter of degree

jeffw@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 332 points –
Hamas and the GOP are both terrorist groups — it's just a matter of degree

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Israel's apartheid regime is terrorism

They're basically committing blood libel by lying about decapitated babies. Their settlers paint the star of David on Palestinian homes to intimidate them into leaving the way Germans or Americans would paint swastikas on the homes of Jews. It's beyond terrorism, Palestine has no exit route and no endgame. Israel is the fourth reich.

yeah, but that wasn't the Topic here?

i swear to god, why is the go-to answer in these Topics always "but what about x?!"

The headline is framed to make us forget Israel and the daily humanitarian abuses it commits by using the "GOP==bad" duopoly logic to reinforce the liberal readership's worldview.

If Hamas use terror, if the GOP uses terror, then what of Israel? Is apartheid not a form of terrorism? Was Jim Crow not a form of terrorism?

Why are you bringing up X, formerly known as Twitter?