Neon ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ผ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ

@Neon ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡น๐Ÿ‡ผ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑ
1 Post – 412 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The FOs will only be U to you

The FOs will only be U to u

It was lying on the 11 Meters, my dude

been there, done that. Now I'm basically addicted lol

Only 3 years of updates for such an expensive phone?

I'm really glad i got the Fairphone 5 instead.

26 more...

they're both absolutely awful pieces of shit.

but here are my thoughts:

  • They're both awful religious theocracies that want to exterminate the other side
  • Israel tends to leave citizens from other countries in peace, whereas Hamas has shown no mercy to germans or british citizens they've captured
  • Israeli soldiers don't rape and parade prisoners
  • Israel has however been brutalizing Palestinians, with evidence of individual soldiers killing Palestinian children at random. It doesn't seem to be Doctrine though. Israel also has Apartheid Structures discriminating against Palestinians
  • The People captured by Hamas mostly were in a Zone that the UN has declared to be illegally occupied by Israel
  • There are Reports of Hamas Fighters going around and rounding up civilians for mass-executions

So yeah, it is a really really complicated Situation with no clear good or bad side. My personal stance on this is:

  1. I hope the Israeli Military can free the hostages taken by Hamas and bring the Perpetrators of the Massacres we hear about to justice (if the Reports of the Massacres are true)
  2. I am afraid that the hard-line anti-Palestinian Government of Israel will use this as an excuse to terrorize Palestinians and make them suffer
  3. I hope that in the End the internationally recognized and agreed-upon borders will be restored. I do hope however, that it will not happen as a Consequence of this military action, as it would embolden the use of Terrorism, Massacres and Hostage-Taking as a negotiation Tactic.
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I got a Message offering me to buy too. In the Message it says i need to be a permanent Resident of the US.

Buddy, you had me enter my Country when i created the Account. You know full-well I'm from the EU. Why not just sort me out of the Mailing-list?

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7000 Pounds is 3.2 Tons (metric)

3.2 Tons

geez, i wonder why these guardrails wouldn't work on a fucking Truck

a lot of islamic terror attacks in the past have made people bitter.

and i mean a lot of them

How is Hamas able to smuggle missiles into Gaza, which has been described as a locked down prison with hundreds of checkpoints?

my man, we literally saw them firing thousands of rockets into Israel, but this one is somehow unbelievable?

Any Reason Signal doesn't do it?

Selfhosted isn't always the Best option

what do you mean that's not real? He said that! It's his Name below the Quote!

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makes it kinda sound like a false Flag.

But then again, ISIS took credit for it.

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Nazis out [of the country/ the government/ whatever]

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A rope?

Theyโ€™re in the EU, they arenโ€˜t some backwards country you imagine them to be

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excuse me? I'd argue that being poor in Germany is a better life than being "working class" in Japan

what do you mean, Excel isn't a Database?

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i am kind of torn on this.

on the one hand I think it's important that you can refuse to work with people you don't like for whatever reason.

On the other hand, this is an absolutely childish and stupid reason to not work with someone.

12 more...

As someone who's using it daily:

It's pretty cool. But it's not a "best" solution. It, like anything, has upsides and downsides.

So let me quickly summarize NixOS for you:

you will have to learn new how to configure your system. You can't go into your Settings App anymore (well, you still can, but then you could just stay on Ubuntu, that's the whole Point of NixOS) but instead you'll have a file in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix everything System goes into that Config File. Then you can also use home-manager to customize your user. i.e. you want to use a special ssh setting. Home-Manager is (in my opinion) only useful if you have multiple Computers and sync your Config Files between them (in my case via Git) as any change made on one Computer will be synced to the other.

so you have a lot more effort upfront. You have to relearn how to do stuff and you have to use a complicated File instead of a simple GUI.


Once you did that effort, it is done. forever. You can just copy that Config file anywhere and you're back on the exactly same system. Have two Computers and want to sync them? NixOS is the absolute best Option for that imo.

Spinning up a lot of Servers/VMs that you want to be pre-configured and ready for use? NixOS. Servers you always want the same way? NixOS. you can also already declare public keys you use for SSH Authentications.

so, you see, NixOS isn't for everyone. It certainly is for me, but if you only ever use one Computer and prefer GUIs, stay away.

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she married him 10 years after it happened.

I think it's pretty safe to say she didn't know anything and divorced him now that he was found guilty and she had to face the reality that he probably did it

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i said this when people were whatabouting about the hostages raped by hamas and i'll say it again now:

This Comment is absolutely disgusting

from what i know about the Conflict and the current Israeli Government and Military, there will be massive retaliations against the Palestine Populations everywhere ensuring that no Wounds get mended, instead new ones get opened and this conflict continues on forever.

i mean, it has to be a low blow. A high blow would miss.

I'm sorry.

Fuck you too.

Sincerely, a Arachnophobe

please actually do it. Not for any real Reason but just because it's funny to use professional equipment to weigh Pasta

but why? Those people specifically chose not to move to Israel and not pay taxes there. They're unrelated from Israel. So why attack them now?

not trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist here, but the main Reason Hamas are in Power is because Israelis and Palestinians hate each other.

If the Israelis stop brutalizing the palestinians, Support for Hamas will dwindle. So it is actually in Hamas' best Interest to agitate Israel.

Also: yes, a mixture of pent-up anger and religious zeal to "exterminate" a "heretic people".

I love how noone explores the possibility that this was written by someone who hates them to make them look bad lol

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I fail to see how that's relevant here.

Are they allowed to shoot Missiles at other People now?

7 more...

he's searching for fossify, the fork of simple

Firefighter here:

They're made from cast iron that likes to rust and the only thing protecting them is the Paint on them.

My guess is that the paint got scratched and they're bagging it up until they can repaint it.

Yes you would.

The US' first Amendment doesn't protect you from german Law. And this happened in Germany.

i love how you redacted Prince [REDACTED] because there are so many of them

on Facebook or Instagram or any other Meta Platform

you better write Apple then to open the Spec.

Or the EU to classify Facetime as a Gatekeeper-Service

1 more...

no we're not. You're both right. You're right that you are absolutely allowed to not vote for someone if you don't feel like that Person is representing you.

But just know that by not Voting for Biden, you are making it easier for Trump to win. This is just the way the System works. There is no Opinion to be had about this, this is just Fact.

4 more...

wow, that is absolutely awful.

That you have such Fear of your Government i mean.

I have a FP5 and honestly:

You don't want a case. Seriously.

Just get one of the Screen Protectors and you're good to go.

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Linux Users telling everyone they use Linux

I use NixOS btw