The Republican Party’s plan to rule the state of Wisconsin forever, explained to politics – 301 points –
The Republican Party’s plan to rule the state of Wisconsin forever, explained

Republicans, party platform of thwarting the rule of the people and democracy. And they'll keep on doing it until you vote them all out of office.

It is this. They know they don't have ideas and policies that people want, so they can't win fair elections. So they don't want democracy anymore. They want to rule us and force their views on us.

Stop voting for Republicans, they don't believe in our democracy.

I hope not eventually thier base will die out. Majority of young voters will be left leaning. Sorry GOP boomers are dying and so will your party.

We need to find a way to shutdown the outrage stroking right wing indoctrination media complex first.

If you have no prospects and no education to know how to separate reality from hate mongering lies it's pretty easy for an alternate reality talking head to convince you that the only reason you don't have a job, house and wife is because someone named Carlos was allowed past the border to pick cucumbers.

Their base is already dying out. They wouldn’t need to try so hard to rig Wisconsin’s election if they already had a majority. What we’re seeing is a dying party trying to claw its way back to relevance.

I've heard this for literal decades. It's clearly not something we can bank on.

It's why all this has been accelerating to the point we are at now, where they aren't even trying to hide it, now. They have their voters so wound up and chomping for war against anyone they perceive to be a threat to rolling back to when white males had all the power and privilege.

It's why boomers won't leave the workforce, and Congress, even when they are being led around like a spin-off of *Weekend at Bernie's." Soon as they retire or step down, the youngsters come in undo all the lies and bullshit they were too dumb and/or gullible to question. The was just an employee recognition event where I work, which is in higher ed, and there was someone there who had over 55 years at the university. Fucking wild. I can't wait to retire and stop doing this money-for-time (and during the prime of my life) so some rich asshole can make more money in an hour than I make all year!

Yeah my company keeps hiring guys with 40 to 50 years experience and I am like WTF retire already.

a lot of younger cheddarheads have been raised in the maga ways, though. it might be the case overall, but not as defined here.

I'm not terribly hopeful. I'm an older millennial. As I've gotten older, I've watched my friends grow up, get jobs, have kids, move to the suburbs, etc. They got a little bit of what's theirs (obviously not enough, but still) and they want to protect it. They vote to protect their investment in their house and to keep their school district good. They're nowhere near fascist like the current crop of republican politicians, but they're scared and that leads them to voting more small c conservatively. You and I both know that republican policies are trash and that the values espoused in theory by the democratic party are better for them. But they finally made it. They're prizing stability or better, because change is scary.

Will the super racist republican party base die out? Maybe. Probably. But they're just going to be replaced by center right democrats. Sure, that's better, but not so much better that it'll fix all the problems we have. Maybe the gen-Zers can do something about it, but I'm afraid their political power will be dwarfed by the sheer size of the Millennial generation.

There are tons of super right wing young people. I mean all the alt right "personalities" are probably under 40. Lots of my coworkers, for example, are at best die-hard Republicans, and most of them are under 35.

They're in no danger of dying out. And even if they actually are, we should rely on that to reduce the influence of the Republican party.

States are removing even the smallest traces of leftism from public schools and as those fail (by design) they're hoping families will opt into private schools that are traditionally parochial and thus indoctrinate children even harder.

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So, if Protasiewicz’s court also is not allowed to strike down these gerrymanders, the people of Wisconsin will be left with no lawful recourse whatsoever against permanent Republican control of their state legislature.

Emphasis mine.

Those Republican Wisconsin state legislators are gonna find out what that means if they keep unabashedly fucking around like this.

At some point the republicans may have to change their name. I mean, if the republic no longer exists…. Authoriticans? Autocritans? Fascicans?

I jest, I jest.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The Wisconsin GOP’s ostensible reason for impeaching Protasiewicz is that, as a candidate for her current office, the justice campaigned against the state’s gerrymandered maps — calling them “rigged.” Republicans claim this means she impermissibly prejudged the Clarke case and must recuse from it.

But there is a US Supreme Court case — Republican Party of Minnesota v. White (2002) —that is almost directly on point here, holding that candidates for judicial office have a First Amendment right to publicly state their positions on contentious legal issues while they are campaigning for election.

Justice Antonin Scalia’s majority opinion in Republican Party persuasively lays out why it makes no sense to strip judicial candidates of their free speech rights in the midst of an election campaign.

The Court’s decision in Republican Party should prohibit the Wisconsin GOP from impeaching Protasiewicz because she expressed a view on a contentious legal issue while she was a candidate for judicial office.

Last December, during oral arguments in Moore v. Harper, Alito asked whether “it furthers democracy to transfer the political controversy about districting from the legislature to elected supreme courts where the candidates are permitted by state law to campaign on the issue of districting?” So Alito seemed to suggest that it would be improper for a state supreme court to rule in a gerrymandering case if its members are even allowed to campaign on this issue.

So, if Protasiewicz’s court also is not allowed to strike down these gerrymanders, the people of Wisconsin will be left with no lawful recourse whatsoever against permanent Republican control of their state legislature.

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