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“It’s not easy!” he told supporters on Saturday, saying only 2 percent of his followers could pass it.

the closest thing to the truth he has ever spouted.

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$1200 at launch, three years of updates. no wonder we're burying the planet in e-waste and plastic.

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the early days of airbnb was basically this concept.

they didn't start out as a marketplace for unregulated hotels that destroy housing markets. that didn't happen until after they started cashing checks venture vulture capitalists.

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this isn't much different than when microsoft added code specifically to break windows 3.1 when run under dr-dos instead of their own ms-dos.\_code

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be kind to the poor pfc, he's paying by the week for seven years for that shitbox.

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wikipedia foundation's financials are solid, stable, and healthy.

how's twitter doing lately, elon?

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branded cups for each town

€2 is also a pretty cheap souvenir of a trip. my mom would have collected one of each.

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so soon? gtk4 is only like three years old.

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no. they won't. not under the present system. unlike student loans, auto loans can be discharged during bankruptcy (it is difficult to do with student loans) and you can easily sell the asset to pay off all or part of the balance (can't sell your transcript or degree, just yourself to an employer).

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tbf, cops 'doxx' people over the radio all the time. not just suspects, either, but potential witnesses, and normal folks caught-up in 'stop and frisk' or 'papers, please' stops. full legal names, birth dates, genders, government id numbers, addresses, and so forth are broadcast for all to hear. that data should be encrypted, and is in many jurisdictions already.

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trump would veto everything passed by a democrat-controlled congress that didn't pass with near-unanimous support from republicants, too; abuse tf out of 'executive orders' (even more than the first go around); stack scotus even more; and further empower other nutjobs to follow in his diaper droppings.

trump moving back to 1600 penn ave nw would be a disaster from which this nation would not recover.

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smaller detail has to stay on task--protecting their charge, not chasing down suspects that are no longer an immediate threat. others will do the hunting.

not to worry, it won't be long until "after almost 29 years..."

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there's no way that texas would lie to these people or force them onto the buses. they're the model state of integrity and human rights.

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the brain drain is real. the 'red' states are getting dumber and dumber, and as a result, 'redder' and 'redder'.

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so, what? 4-5 minutes instead of 2? yea, that'll keep people watching.....

something else

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there's a lot of stupid, ignorant assholes running small businesses all over the place that think they own their employees and can boss them 24/7. this could totally be a legit posting somewhere.

if you want me answering my phone 24/7, you're paying me 24/7--and providing the phone you want me to answer.

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that's all the maga and far right do.. parrot each other ad infinitum

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In a follow-up post a day after his initial Tweet, Johnie noted “inaccuracy in the ASUS router tool,” with regard to Apple iMessage data use. Other LG smart washing machine users showed device data use from their router UIs. It turns out that these appliances more typically use less than 1MB per day.

the writer knew that the stats were bunk, yet wrote the article anyway. the site knew this, too, tacked-on the clickbait headline and published it. toms really has gone to shit the last few years--at least under the current ownership (last changed hands 2018).

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they count clicks on a distro's page on their site, not usage or anything else.

if they dared put hanna montana linux on there, it would be the perpetual #1 listing.

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if the films go as planned, the fifth one will hit theaters late 2031, he has 'ideas' for two more after that.

and then you'd have the 30th anniversary re-re-release of a re-re-remastered first one... so, maybe, the 2060s?

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buying a 'dumb' tv is getting harder and harder to do...

how long until you are forced to hook a new 'smart' one up to the internet, just to "set it up"--even if you have no plans on ever using the 'smart' features or embedded apps?

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yup. wikipedia's salaries aren't 'too low'--the others (mostly-publicly traded or dreaming-of-an-ipo) pay their top executives way too fucking much.

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"different and better" and "lowest possible price" can only mean one thing: single-payer, tax-funded "medicare for all".

that's what he means, right?

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"have you tried turning it off and on again"

already used the line once today and it's only 10am.

(yes. of course. it worked)

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these new rules have nothing to do with how the bad guys obtain targets' phone numbers, they're about how they get assigned phone numbers.

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the sad bit is, wireline internet providers could sell $30 per month high-speed internet and still make money at that lower rate and without subsidies.

just a hunch, but i think old's days are numbered, too... and it's a fairly low number.

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a 15in model with 12th gen 1215u, 8gb and 256gb ssd sold last week from multiple u.s. sources (dell direct and hp via walmart) for $250-260 this past week.

399gbp is about 500usd, totally plausible for a 'sale price' on a reasonably-spec'd (such as no discrete gpu) 17in model.

there is a genuine need, and it has its place, but that place is not being mass-produced and sold for ridiculous profits at the expense of the environment.

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officer: "...So here’s the issue: Although it may be freedom of expression, it’s so unusual that it requires intervention to make sure you don’t need help of some kind.”

so here's a solution, i guess: everybody starts flippin-the-bird to cops, everywhere and all the time. now it's not 'unusual', it's the norm.

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if that doesn't work. whine and cry like little babies, then cheat some more.

an inspector, hell-bent on finding violations... will 'find' them.

when we've had netflix (off and on a couple months at a time, last was about a year and a half ago), we often encountered 540p max playback on "hd" titles that should have (legitimately) been streaming at 1080p; and we rarely were able to use all the simultaneous connections of the plan (usually only limit-1)

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first boot: no i don't want a 365 trial.

still first boot: no i don't want 365 'basic', either.

(you should know this msa already has a one-off office license on it, you fuckwits)

and yea, still in first boot: no i don't want game pass trial.

then game pass notifications shortly after from the 'store'.

this was this past weekend setting up a new desktop with 11 pro.

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some of the best manufacturing

you've been drinking elon-flavored kool-aid, haven't you?

absolutely. the time to get 'picky' is during the primaries.. which are also often the 'general election' for local races (school boards, town government, etc).

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if there's a 'fill in the blank' after choosing 'other'...... their 'ai' is going to melt from the responses.

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none like that around here. they're all blindingly bright af along the main streets and downtown--probably 4-5x as many lamps in each fixture as actually needed, and going up and down hills they shine right in your eyes because they don't have adequate shades keeping the light 'down'.

residential areas still have the much easier-on-the-eyes sodium vapor lights, though--for now.

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another wet noodle over the wrist is sure change their behaviour