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Joined 12 months ago

And replace him with who?

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Reddit does shitty stuff, but at least I'm able to find stuff on there. Why Discord took off as a medium to replace forums is beyond me. It's not easily searchable, and search engines can't index it. If people aren't fastidious about replying to messages they're responding to, it's just a nonsense stream of consciousness from dozens of people.

That being said, I hate the formatting of most forums. Reddit and Lemmy's comment nesting is excellent. It's very easy to follow conversations.

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Philips screws are awful. They strip if you look at them wrong. Flatheads should only be used on thumbscrews just in case you need a little extra torque from a screwdriver.

Torx and Hex are excellent.

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The plane is 34 years old. It's probably more likely it's Delta's lack of maintenance than a problem with Boeing.

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Tangentially related, but are job fairs even worth it? In my limited experience, you wait in a long line for someone to tell you to apply online. I was better off getting a list of employers who were attending, and then looking through each of their websites.

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The average income in India is 25x ish less than that of the US. If we scale the $75 million cost to land on the moon by 25 times, we get $1.8 billion. The Perseverance rover's cost is estimated at $2.75 billion and that thing landed on Mars.

It's incredibly impressive that India has landed on the moon on their 2nd try. Nothing should take away from that, and India should be very proud of their achievement. But geez this is a braindead article. Yes, poorer countries can pay people less do the same amount of work as someone in another country.

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Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch dissented.

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For the lazy, it's Candida auris. It's a fungus that infects immunocompromised people in hospitals and is very resistant to many existing antifungals.

Lemmino creates amazing documentaries about a wide variety of topics (DB Cooper, JFK Assassination, Jack the Ripper). He uploads very infrequently, but it's totally worth it when he does.

Barely Sociable is similar in style and uploads high quality pieces about various mysterious occurrences.

Drachinifel uploads frequent, well researched content about naval history from the age of sail to the 1950s.

Our Own Devices is a very small channel that feels similar to Technology Connections (another excellent channel). He uploads content about the history and inner workings of old devices of all sorts.

Throttle House is the best car channel on YouTube.

Jason Cammisa's Revelations series on the Hagerty channel has really good deep dives into the histories of some important cars.

Aging Wheels/Under Dunn are excellent car and/or wood project channels. Chickens make frequent appearances too.

Mentour Pilot has excellent analysis of airline crashes.

Jay Foreman uploads funny and informative content about maps (Map Men) and tidbits about the history of London.

Cathode Ray Dude uploads deep dives into weird computers, computer peripherals, and old cameras. I've watched his half hour video about modems at least 5 times.

Mustard uploads excellent content about crazy ideas in transportation (like the Soviet love affair with the ekranoplan).

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For those who don't know, like me, the Aitken Bible was the first English edition of the Bible published in the US. It was approved by the Congress of the Confederation (the government before the Constitution was signed) in 1782.

Non-profits need revenue, true. But many non-profit hospitals are not acting like nonprofits. Here's a NYT opinion piece about it

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The recall covers certain Sentra compact cars from the 2020 through 2022 model years.

Tie rods breaking. Yikes.

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One would think, but no.

According to Wikipedia specifically about music

recordings published before 1923 expired on January 1, 2022; recordings published between 1923 and 1946 will be protected for 100 years after release; recordings published between 1947 and 1956 will be protected for 110 years; and all recordings published after 1956 that were fixed prior to February 15, 1972, will have their protection terminate on February 15, 2067.

On Russia's invasion of Ukraine, West said it's "a criminal invasion, provoked by the expansion of NATO"

Fuck off, it's provoked entirely by Putin being a shithead. The invasion proves the worth of NATO. Coincidentally , NATO is something West wants to get rid of.

His other positions are fine, but I'd prefer a president who's not gargling Putin's balls.

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"Quack! Quack! Quack quack quack; quack quack." -- Joseph Ladapo

I know that if I skip a meal, I can get really hungry later. That or I start snacking on crap. So skipping a meal could potentially lead to weight gain because you end up eating more than if you didn't skip the meal.

Yeah it's an oversight committee in the same way that the "Committee of Public Safety" was concerned with public well-being.

No, their airlines are not an ancillary product. They are their main product. According to Boeing's earnings reports, the commercial aircraft segment of the company made up 56% of total revenue in 2018, 42% in 2019, 27% in 2020, 30% in 2021, 38% in 2022, and 43% in 2023. The rest of their revenue is split between the Defense, Space and Security segment, and the Global Services segment.

Prior to 2017, the vast majority of the earnings for the whole company came from the Commercial Airplanes segment. Since then, that segment has been operating at a loss. Since 2022, both Defense and Commercial Airplanes have been operating at a loss.

If you're curious you can look up Boeing's 10-k form. Page 56 has the revenue breakdowns.

That's the dumbest fucking thing I've read all day.

I mean, there are 2.8 million civilians in the United States civil service. I'd imagine a country with 4 times the population would have a few more than that.

A few years ago my grandparents were in a memory care facility as their health declined. It cost them $18,000 a month to stay there. Adjusting for inflation that's like $22,000 a month.

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I'm rather partial to Ma~

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I invent something. Since there are no patents, my idea is put in the open. A big company sees my idea and uses its much bigger budget to advertise and out sell me, putting me out of business. How's that not abusive?

Patents prevent theft. Patents on medicine based on publicly funded research is stupid. I could be persuaded that it's theft in that particular instance. But in general, no patents are not theft.

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While I disagree entirely with the concept of a non-compete, I can sort of understand the logic for employees who work with trade secrets and intellectual property. The only logic behind a non-compete for a hospital or any other service industry business is "fuck you".

I'm glad it kinda worked out for you tho.

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Apparently, in the 70s Exxon had a solar division, but they shut it down in the 80s.

Not only would it be better for the environment for them to continue with solar research, it would have been better for them too. They could've had a monopoly on solar power by now. "Bad news everyone! Oil is bad for the environment, but the good news is that we can sell you a solution!"

Of course, it wasn't immediately profitable (because research costs money), so they shut it down. Absolutely mind numbingly stupid.

You're not trying to avoid civilian casualties if you fire on civilians.

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Here's a school bus going up for auction. 117,000 miles. Sitting for 2 years. Current bid $643 with 3 days left.

I had to look it up. A scutum is a type of Roman shield.

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No, this is a bad idea. This will unfairly punish poorer Congress m (like AOC and Bernie Sanders).

Mitt Romney has enough money to survive not being paid for a few days or weeks. Honestly, Mitt Romney's congressional pay is a drop in the ocean that is his vast net worth.

AOC really depends on her congressional salary to be able to afford basic stuff. Cutting off that money could be devastating for poor members of Congress. They could lose their house (singular) or be unable to pay other bills.

At best, cutting off congressional pay will discourage not wealthy people from running for office. At worst, it could be used as a weapon by the right to punish representatives they don't like.

Instead, we should prevent Congress members from leaving the capitol building until they pass a budget. Not for food. Not to go home and sleep. Not for a walk. This'll affect everyone evenly, and will probably be more motivating after a couple of days.

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When cleaning your glasses, wipe from the temples towards the nose. That way you're not spreading any nose grease you missed across your lenses.

Safe from a privacy perspective. Otherwise they're very unsafe by modern standards. Minimal airbags. Often no ABS. What ABS that is there is less sophisticated than modern systems. Worse structures for crash protection. No stability control. No traction control.

Plus they're just old. Last year, I spent more on my 20 year old car than I did on my 2 year old car, that includes loan payments on the new car, fuel, tires, insurance, and maintenance.

Get something from this century at least.

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Houseplants are the new pets. Pets are the new children, and children are the new exotic pets.

Even if we ignore abortion and only look at what Thune is talking about, suburbanites would still be stupid to vote for them.

Economy? Republicans will cut taxes on the super wealthy and screw over everyone.

Jobs? They'll cut regulations that keep me safe at work.

Cost of living? They'll subsidize fossil fuels more, and screw everyone in the long run. They'll probably just lie about everything else.

Public safety? They'll give cops more money so cops continue to be shit while being paid more. And/or they'll toss more people in jail without providing any sort of treatment which will make the whole situation worse.

The border? They'll waste money to build some stupid wall and prevent desperate people from seeking asylum. Plus, the border "situation" does affect the vast majority of Americans.

Unless you're an evil billionaire cackling in your hollowed out volcano, voting Republican is voting against your best interests.

That's an interesting hypothesis, and I'm inclined to agree. Senator Turtle maybe be evil, but he's not a moron. He knows how to throw his weight around to get what he wants, and he knows when to shut up.

The latest batch of Republicans are evil and catastrophically stupid. I don't think they'll be able to hold it together.

Porsche measures their automatic gear changes in milliseconds. Smart measures them in geologic time scales.

I truly don't understand why they didn't put a CVT in those 2nd generation cars (the ones sold in North America). It's the perfect application! Small car, not a lot of power, efficiency minded.

Rattling ceiling tiles. I have a stick at my desk devoted to banging on ceiling tiles so they stop rattling. That sound is literally one of the most annoying things I experience.

No one else seems to care.

Wow that article really doesn't explain what they are.

Red flag laws basically allow the government to temporarily seize weapons from someone if the person is believed to be dangerous. Exact implementations vary by state.

Essentially, if your family member is acting crazy again and you feel threatened, or they're threatening someone else with a weapon, you can petition a court to remove any weapons they have without having to convict that person of a crime.

The difference is being able to confirm judicial appointments. We have Gorsuch on the SC because the Republicans had a majority in the Senate and wouldn't confirm Obama's appointment.

Manchin is a coal dust covered piece of shit, but he's the least shitty senator WV will probably ever send to the Senate. Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress not going backwards.

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Yar matey! Sailin' the Seas always be an option for ye!

You joke, but the more I've used regular expressions at work, the more I'm infuritated when something doesn't support regex. Looking at you Excel!