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... Darryl was suspended the same week the state’s CROWN Act, a law prohibiting discrimination based on one’s hair texture or protective hairstyle such as locs and braids, went into effect.

This is what systemic racism looks like in real life.

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In effect, it will be for some people fed up with all this bullshit.

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We barely got to the point of impeaching Nixon for his bullshit and Reagan got off scott free for Iran-Contra. So it shouldn't be too surprising that Bush didn't get keelhauled for his bullshit invasions especially since most of the morons in Washington were totally on board with it.

Some of us could see it coming from a mile away with Afghanistan. (Just had to look back to how it went for the USSR and like every other country that tried before us (see "Graveyard of Empires").

Iraq* looked an awful lot like bullshit driven by greed, oil, and "finishing what daddy started" at the time. Idk about the last one now but the first two? Definitely. But fucking Congress went along with all of it. Probably lobbied by billionaires.

So no way was he going to pay for his crimes.

People at the top in this country rarely do.

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The book, My Shadow Is Purple is one I have had the pleasure to read thanks to my wife's job as a school librarian. The theme of the book is acceptance of differences, centered around a child's parent who at first seems unaccepting but who surprises the child and the reader at the end for a happy, wholesome outcome.

The board went against the recommendation of a panel and fired her over this book, voting along party lines, for an offense that would not ever warrant termination in an even marginally sane world. To me, this strongly suggests that this is another case of extremist right wing / regressive people trying to silence and further marginalize people different from them. Out of fear and hate, as usual. The effect of which is detrimental to each of the children who are not gender conforming. I personally think this school board needs to hear from people opposed to their decision en masse. They have already gone too far with their harmful ambitions.

Having read the title, I think I might be having a stroke... Or really need the iced latte this morning...

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What a disgusting load of bullshit.

The school board is going to investigate. I wonder what will happen.

The article below has more details of the whole fiasco.

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RIP and condolences to the family. But yeah I agree. ll the seats need that. We need regular, young, honest, decent people running for office and tossing out the out of touch fossils that have sold out to too many favors and donations from giant corpos and billionaires.

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I don't think "burns herself" is quite the turn of phrase I would've chosen but then I don't like the taste of boot leather so... yeah.

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Better late than never I guess?

Geez I just realized many people probably never lived to see this fixed... fuck. Now I'm sad and feeling extra mortal.

Yes they are. Kemp seems to have had all sorts of tricks up his sleeve to suppress voters. This "no you can't prosecute our people" committee is no great surprise to me.

The GOP will stop at nothing to ensure they can do whatever the fuck they want. Across the board in every way they can imagine they threaten to further degrade and eventually destroy democracy. For them, Russia is a model of what they're going for.

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I watched that live and she was sharp as fuck during the whole thing. Really impressed the hell out of me. We need more like her.

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Arrest when?

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I'm sick of the rabid right.

Normal people: you hate minorities? You're an asshole. Fuck you! ✓

This is cool because being a hateful bigot is wrong and hateful bigots should experience social shunning.

Rabid right: you don't hate the people we hate, fuck you! ×

This is wrong because being a hateful asshole is wrong and perpetuating hate is wrong.

They need to deal with the fact that LGBTQ+ people exist. Existing and appearing in ads and shit isn't "sHoViNG iT In OuR FaCEs" it is existing and being represented instead of white, cis, hetero always being overrepresented.

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Trans people are regular, real people. Like my college friend. Or my wife's HS friend. Or that one kind soul I worked with once.

I'm so god damn sick of all the hatred and lies and bullshit and murder and sadistic laws against trans people.

I loudly applaud any space that actively supports trans people and gives them a place free from hatred and assholes.

"We are not going to let people be targeted based on their race.”

(Except by elected leaders and the laws they pass. Also they'll be targeting people based on gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, party affiliation, or anything they determine to be "woke" or "socialist")

As an ADHD person I have so many stories.

But I can't remember a goddamn one of them.

Why do male and female students have different dress codes?


And yes I'm fucking up to here with this authoritarian bullshit not to mention the bigotry.

Centrist my hairy ass. If it walks and talks like an obstructionist republican ballsack...

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It's a really uncommon word. But hey, you get to be one of today's lucky 10,000.

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All these old fossils need to GTFO. Him, Feinstein, all of em.

But McConnell in particular has royally fucked this country. No member of Congress should have that much power. But he used it quite effectively for his own ends. So fuck him

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit

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Because the rabid right has been on a campaign for the last 50+ years to regain control and regress the country to a time before the civil rights era and before Roe v Wade. They've followed a multi-pronged attack strategy. They spread propaganda via right wing AM talk radio and then Fox News, and so on. They sidled up to the Christian right wing. They have fought against school funding and fought against teaching science and have dictated a conservative biased curriculum (TX). They have groomed judges and justices and influenced their appointment. They attacked the middle class and funneled that wealth to the ultra rich. They instituted voter suppression and outrageous gerrymandering. And on and on.

Half a century of that and the rest of us are fighting for our democracy and our lives against the rise of the extremist right wing (aka fascism).

Yeah. One party is guilty of stochastic terrorism. They've been emboldening Nazi racist fuckwits for years now. The fuck did they expect was going to happen? Of course they don't care they just want power, regardless of whatever it costs the rest of us.

Peters quote from the article:

“I think that these people need to be replaced,” Peters said regarding elected and government officials. “They need to be replaced, but by means of elections is not going to happen. So what we need to do is what the Constitution directs us to do, which is to abolish and tear down and dismantle a government that has become rogue and oppressive to our individual God-given, inherent rights. And then we need to replace it with a form of government that’s representative of the people.”

“If we do that,” Peters continued, “none of this song and pony show dance fake circus nonsense would even be in existence because the people that are perpetuating this and have openly declared war on the American people will be held to extreme accountability, and they will be gone.”

“It’s all fake. It’s all rigged. It’s all set up,” Peters declared. “It’s part of a Marxist coup. It’s the ushering in an authoritarian, oppressive one-world government and the only thing stopping them from completing it is 450 million guns in this country, so now we just need to talk about what to do with those guns and how to use them.”

"Marxist coup"? For some of us words mean things and we know those meanings. For the rabid right, certain words are divorced from meaning and made into Pavlovian triggers for fear and revulsion.

Words like socialism, Marxism, groomer, woke, and even names like AOC and Hillary.

Edited to add...

This is more dangerous rhetoric and it continues to escalate. I find it especially dangerous because parts of it appeal to anyone feeling disenfranchised and poorly represented.

Would I like to replace corrupt, corporate bootlickers in congress with people who are honest and want to make things better? Absolutely but through legitimate means. I feel dirty and 🤢 having any views even slightly agreement with this shitstain because this guy is clearly a fascist piece of shit (wait... that's redundant) and he can and should go fuck himself.

But I genuinely fear his rhetoric may entice those who are less woke (in the good sense of the word) and who are poorly inoculated against rhetorical manipulation and ignorant of the history of fascism.

Hopefully the Trump era left no fence sitters in the US and perhaps younger generations mostly reject this hateful bullshit. At the same time I feel we aren't out of the woods yet as far as rising fascism goes.

No but I remember the part where they get him drunk and they rape him.

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To the quoted hate-filled fuck: Existing without being persecuted isn't a goddamn agenda you piece of shit. The only agenda I see here is your fascist one. Try keeping your shit to yourself and learn to let people be instead of trying to stamp them out, ignorant fuckstick.

I think I will stick to my dumb watches, thanks. Mechanical or quartz.

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What "people", what "experts" and in what field? What industry? Can you provide any additional context for the question?

Is the premise that "people" never hire "experts" or are you wondering about those cases where they don't? I find it hard to believe this former is universally true.

Maybe he did read Mein Kampf after all?

Fucking fascist Nazi piece of shit.

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Sounds like the company doesn't have a clue about cyber security then. Tens of thousands is a piddling infosec budget for anything but a tiny company. Also, Insider threats, malicious or otherwise, should always be on an infosec professional's radar.

Companies not giving a shit about cyber security is probably not a secret but it is still pretty common, I think, so nobody should be surprised when there are major breaches.

Infosec is usually seen as an expense that cuts into profits. Assuming top level management and the board give a shit about security that's great but often the risk isn't fully appreciated at the top or is managed poorly.

Adequate infosec requires a company to have very mature processes across the board in IT (and likely beyond). C-level "buy in" isn't enough. If the C level management and board doesn't actively demand it, infosec will lose out to myriad other priorities every time.

The big tell is the org structure. If the CISO reports to the CEO, great. If they're reporting to the CIO, CFO, etc., that can cause conflicts of interest. It can still work. If there is no CISO or they are the same person as the CIO, or if infosec reports several levels down in the org--beware!

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Citation provided:

Caught on tape dropping the hard n over daughter dating a black man. Fuck that asshole.

Three years later, he had this to say...

“With this foundation, I can be accountable. I can learn from my mistakes and I can move forward,” Hogan said. “And what’s so cool now is working with the Boys Club, I have a chance to help these kids not make the mistake I made, being at the wrong place at the wrong time or saying the wrong words.”

No words on equality, changing his attitudes, nope just regrets being caught. Jfc. Prick.

A fish rots from the head. Corporate culture all flows from the CEO and board. If a bigoted piece of shit is in charge, this is what you get. Because the top of the company sets and enforces policy. So if they don't care about bigotry or if they are bigoted themselves, they won't set or enforce policies to stop it. They will hire bigoted management. Those bigots won't stop it and probably encourage it. They hire bigoted workers who will persecute others and face no consequences. Those who anti-bigots can report but will be ignored or face retaliation.

And while we are at it... novelists, poets, painters, musicians, philosophers, ...

President Donald Trump, who has in recent days accused Milley of “treason” and suggested that he should be put to death for his conduct surrounding Trump’s bid in 2021 to remain in office despite losing the presidential election.

no u.

It's comically simple how transparent fuckheads like him become once you tune into the pattern. Accusations are confessions, gaslight, obstruct, project, and all that

Hm I wonder if generative AI could somehow be used to create fake user behavior to obscure my real behavior.

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At least you can admit you were wrong and change your mind. Those abilities are all too rare.

No. Yes.

WASHINGTON — The House Oversight Committee on Thursday convened its first hearing in the GOP's impeachment inquiry, presenting a panel of Republican-picked witnesses who said while there is no evidence of a crime by President Joe Biden, more bank records are needed from him and his son Hunter Biden to determine if there might be.

My cat says not to worry-- it's normal.

As a former customer this doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Our neighborhood and its twisted pair is 50 years old. I had DSL from the moment it first became available, and over time they upgraded the speeds. I have been WFH since 2006.

During that time I had had multiple cases of DSL going down and in many cases a new modem cured it.

But suddenly, during the Pandemic, the modem started losing its link 1-5 times a day every day. Totally unacceptable. I called multiple times. They came out multiple times. They weren't able to find a problem on their end even after multiple visits and we had eliminated the problem being on my end.

It's like nobody had any ownership of the issue or any sense of duty to proactively troubleshoot the problem to resolution. They almost treated every call as an isolated momentary issue despite having the prior info and me relaying it. They would just come out, do a line test, and when everything looked ok, they would shrug and leave. And the problems would continue as before.

Perhaps it was an intermittent hardware fault in the CO. Perhaps it was just old copper they were unwilling to spend any money on upgrading. I found I wasn't alone. A few others had the same issue in the neighborhood too.

I'm on brand new fiber now with a different provider and reliability is orders of magnitude better as one might expect.

But yeah, fuck CenturyLink.

Ha that hit hard. This is basically the system I just upgraded to. Well at least it'll run the game well.