2 Post – 809 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

And companies will charge 2x what fiber costs because "quantum Internet".

No, just the millions that voted for him AND the millions that didn't even bother to vote.

He's a living, breathing piece of shit. A real medical marvel if you ask me. He deserves to be called every single slur in the book.

We've used the "scaled" approach for a whilen and we make tags to release. Every time we have a long-lived branch that isn't main/master something gets fucked up or we spend an extra few days just to reconcile the conflicts. Luckily we're service based so supporting multiple versions of a product is very rare.

The skinny chocolate fudge pops usually hit the spot for me.

Are we talking original or Code Red or what?

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Possibly it was due to the operation but the remedy was clear and she still had to wait. The longer the wait the greater the risk and the outcome likely would've been better if this was handled immediately. The point is that the law ignores medical best practices in the name of "saving lives" which, in a case like this, is no less than a form of torture for the hopeful parents.

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I don't think you understand how greed works.

Fuck Trump and everything but isn't this going on like every day with nearly every elected official?

They need to finally lock down this judge shopping crap. The district handling the case should be the same district the defendant resides in. Otherwise plaintiffs will just refile over and over until they get the judge they want.

If your company is worth it's salt you can get paid leave for adopting.

Easier said than done but don't be on your own. Stick in groups of 2 or more friends. I got bullied in middle school because I really didn't have many friends in my classes. In high school I joined ROTC, which typically means every squad member is your friend, and I never got bullied because they all had my back and I had theirs. Well, I might've been "bullied" a bit by superior officers but that's kind of built in to the program.

Are they also selling the fantasy you can make ends meet on a single person's income?

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Batteries inside of stove/microwave/coffee machine/etc. with the sole purpose of keeping the time from resetting when it loses power.

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Type :f to pay respects.

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Yeah, uh-huh. Let me know when he has a stroke. Anything short of that and the right won't even acknowledge that it happened. Even then they'll say it was a liberal conspiracy to poison him.

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But you didn't break with him when it counted you jagoff.

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I can find an article from every month since Hamas attacked where he calls for a ceasefire, investigation into atrocities, or an end to Israeli funding.

These are not mutually exclusive statements.

I'm not an AI expert, and I wouldn't say it is too hard, but I believe removing a specific piece of data from a model is like trying to remove excess salt from a stew. You can add things to make the stew less salty but you can't really remove the salt.

The alternative, which is a lot of effort but boo-hoo for big tech, is to throw out the model and start over without the data in question. These companies would do well to start with models built on public or royalty free data and then add more risky data on top of that (so you only have to rebake starting from the "public" version).

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I've always wanted a setting to create a lockdown key and an unlock key. So something like middle-finger to unlock but index-finger to force it into PIN/password only mode. So you can have some convenience of a quick unlock but if an authority figure asks or forces you to unlock it you can one-tap lock it down.

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I would make this guy walk around with a cantaloupe in his ass for 9 months and then shit it out, take it home a day later, and send him a bill for $10k a week later.

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As far as I'm concerned it's already there. 70% of respondents wanted Alex Jones unbanned.

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Where's the author been the last 6 years? The only time the GOP surprises me is when they do something that benefits people more than corporations.

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Reminds me of an insurance company that wanted to use drones to survey roof damage and in the long run they decided it was overall better to just use a camera on a long ass stick.

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Sorry for Taylor. She doesn't deserve that. Nobody does frankly. However, I'm sort of glad it is Taylor because if anyone has the money to sue the perpetrators and X into the ground it's her.

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You can do what my 4yo did before his last surgery: shout out "WAIT WAIT WAIT!" right before they put on your mask or give you the drip, then hold out your fist and say, "FIST BUMP!"

Wasn't very clear but the battery will be charged using existing renewable sources.

The headline is poorly worded since coal is energy production and batteries are energy storage.

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Great move calling out how other AGs will "abuse" the bill.

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This needs to be a felony. Not leaving it in a bathroom seems like a pretty low bar. We give enough dumbasses guns. We shouldn't let a lawfully designated dumbass keep one.

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You wouldn't break into someone's house and smash the DVDs they legally bought over the years would you?

Nice try Microsoft! I'll never install Windows ever again.

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Or parents will go into debt to put their kids through K-12.

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Don't feed the troll. MTG that is.

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I'm sure they don't want to reveal to much but I'm curious if the attackers were authenticated. If not it seems reasonable to rate limit anonymous users.

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And that's still a bit messed up. It's a felony for a teen to have nude pictures of themselves and they'll be registered sex offenders for life and probably ineligible for most professions. Seems like quite a gross over reaction. There needs to be a lot of reform in this area but no politician wants to look like a "friend" to pedophiles.

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That's like demanding to see the contents of a snatched purse that clearly didn't belong to the defendant.

If it doesn't get queried that's the fault of the webscraper. You don't need JS built into the robots.txt file either. Just add some line like:


Any client that hits that page (and maybe doesn't pass a captcha check) gets banned. Or even better, they get a long stream of nonsense.

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That means if you're a man on Friday night, and all the sudden on Saturday, you feel like a woman, and you want to go in the women's bathroom in the mall, you will be arrested

Or if you're a man one year and you take hormones and get surgery and dress like a woman for the following 10 years they'll still arrest you for going in the women's bathroom.

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