
115 Post – 2277 Comments
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Well I guess Gaetz finally screwed someone over 18.

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Wouldn't encouraging cession mean MTG is now encouraging active rebellion against the United States? And wouldn't that make her ineligible to hold office under the 14th amendment?

Let's get that lawsuit roll'in.

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18 U.S.C. § 922(d)(1) makes it a federal crime to sell a firearm to a person who is under felony indictment.

And 18 U.S.C. § 922(n) makes it a federal crime for a person under indictment to ship or transport a firearm.

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Those grand jurors almost certainly knew this would happen, and they voted to indict anyway. That kind of courage to defend the rule of law is the best of America.

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"We cannot have an alleged foreign agent in the United States Senate."

Wouldn't they have to expel quite a few Republicans?

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Now let's get back to net neutrality and rules on social media.

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"One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.”

  • Plato

I guess things haven't changed that much.

I love that Republicans continue to liken our criminal justice system to those of a banana republic when, in fact, these individuals have been properly charged, arraigned, given an opportunity to sever their cases or move them to a different court or request a more speedy trial, are out on bail, have been provided with an attorney if they don’t have one, AND ARE, IN THE EYES OF THE LAW INNOCENT UNTIL A COURT OF LAW SAYS OTHERWISE—all the distinguishing features of the world’s gold standard of justice. In a banana republic, they would have already been executed for participating in an attempt to overthrow the government….

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He may or may not have the votes, but he certainly doesn't have the evidence. However, that no longer seems relevant for Republicans.

They believe in the rule of law, just like they believe in Jesus. More of a mascot than a coach.

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What a smug ass. A true representation of his constitutes.

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The only thing this is going to accomplish is putting the January 6 insurrection terrorist attack back in the news, and it’s gonna further implicate the Republicans. The FBI already has these tapes, and now people are going to be demanding that the FBI release its version of the footage which is the unedited version. This is why you don’t put a no-name back-bencher like Mike Johnson as speaker of the house

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John Fetterman has to be the first sitting US Senator to publicly use the term "circle jerk".

On the 6th...

Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) says Republicans will pay a price in the next elections if they try to impeach President Biden, the HuffPost reports.

Said Fetterman: “Go ahead. Do it, I dare you. If you can find the votes, go ahead, because you’re going to lose. It’s a loser.”

He added: “It would just be like a big circle jerk on the fringe right. Sometimes you just gotta call their bullshit. If they’re going to threaten, then let’s see it.”

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Just to be clear, this law wasn't passed with any expectation of it ever being implemented. Everyone, including the Florida legislature, knew it was unconstitutional and would be overturned. The people it was passed for will never even know it was overturned though. It was passed for DeSantis who wanted red meat for his base. You should be happy that DeSantis is a terrible politican because he is a terrible person and belongs nowhere near the Presidency.

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Speaking of Biden’s age, did you know that his opponent is a 78 year old rageaholic with the diet of an unsupervised 9 year old?

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The funds for 20 miles of border wall were approved in 2019 before Biden took office. He urged Congress to reassign these funds for more intelligent and efficient enforcement purposes, but Republicans did not comply. Now, Biden has to fulfill his lawful obligations.

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“This vermin must be destroyed. The Jews are our sworn enemies, and at the end of this year there will not be a Jew left in Germany.” — Hitler, 1939

“We will root out the Communists, Marxists … and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within … our country.” — Trump, today

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"Janna Ellis? I hardly know her."

--Donald Trump in 47 minutes

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Hamas are nasty terrorist clowns who hate everybody. This butchery put that on full display. They don't represent anyone, and in fact are hated by quite a few Palestinian people.

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Didn't one of the Proud Boys run there rather than face prison for Jan 6? Looks like a big oops.

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Mike Johnson goes to the doctor for a checkup.

Doctor says, "Mr. Speaker, you've got to stop masturbating."

Johnson says, "Why?"

Doctor says, "So I can examine you."

According to billionaire Anthony Pratt's account, as described by the sources, Pratt told Trump he believed Australia should start buying its submarines from the United States, to which an excited Trump -- "leaning" toward Pratt as if to be discreet -- then told Pratt two pieces of information about U.S. submarines: the supposed exact number of nuclear warheads they routinely carry, and exactly how close they supposedly can get to a Russian submarine without being detected.

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God misses again.

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Well, we finally had a courtroom laugh moment. Prosecutor asked Trump about his involvement in financials from end of 2021. Trump said his focus at that time was on China and Russia and "keeping our country safe." Courtroom laughed. Note: Trump wasn't president in 2021.

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Voluntarily passing up an opportunity to lie, bloviate, ax-grind, spleen-vent and obfuscate before a national audience? To play (paper-thin) 'tough guy' before his degenerate maga-head cult crowd?

Something's really off here...

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Liked it when Nikki Haley called Vivek Ramaswamy scum. It's an apt description.

BUT a year ago, this week, she called for the deportation of U.S.-born Sen. Warnock at a rally to elect MAGA domestic abuser Herschel Walker.

She’s a bigoted extremist like the rest of them.

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Not long after Ronald Reagan, with enormous help from the Christian Right, won the election against Jimmy Carter, Barbara Walters asked Rosalynn Carter what it would do to the country.

"I think the President makes us comfortable with our prejudices," she said. How prescient.

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Stop enabling his childish tactics by continuing to treat his platform as some kind of essential tool for communication. It simply isn't.

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Fuck his cognition. He tried to overthrow our democracy to become a strongman ruler.

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Rudy will fight this all the way to the Supreme Courtyard by Marriott!

Stolen from random account on Twitter

Happy that corporate shill Ajit Pai is gone.

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It's not like she accepted a vacation on a private yacht or hunting lodge.

"Mike Johnson is Jim Jordan in a sports coat.”

— Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee spokesman Viet Shelton, quoted by The Atlantic.

Trump has no genuine beliefs, only motives for saying he believes something.

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You have to admit, Elon claiming he's the king of free speech and filing a lawsuit to silence a media company is pretty fukcing hilarious. Especially since it will implode.

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That boy ain't right....

Yet the media will not be running article after article on Trump’s “fitness” to be president.

Because they know the answer is “He never was, he never will be.”

Many people are saying he pulled the alarm because McCarthy's pants were on fire

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I gave up after Sandy Hook. If the population can't prevent assault weapons from being sold after such a gun butchers children, then they won't make their representatives do anything that makes a difference. You have to fix it someday, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

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I know it’s so unfair. Before you know it they will be denying drivers licenses to habitually unsafe or intoxicated drivers

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There was a congressman who gleefully told the press on WWII that the Japanese were setting their depth charges too shallow.

The IJN picked up on this of course and adjusted accordingly. This is pretty much the same if not worse.

The conditions for dem support aren't really all that terrible for them. End the Biden probe, equal seats on rules committee, and up or down votes on bills.

Republicans act like dems are forcing them to vote yes on an assault weapons ban and Medicare for all.

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