Hamas not responding to attempts to get hostage negotiations back on track

Rapidcreek@reddthat.com to News@lemmy.world – 34 points –
Hamas not responding to attempts to get hostage negotiations back on track | CNN Politics

At the same time Israel was releasing Palestinian "prisoners" (largely children and largely imprisoned for petty crimes like throwing stones) they were capturing and imprisoning from the West Bank (where there is no Hamas) roughly the same number of people as they were releasing in Gaza.

Throwing a stone is not a petty crime, it's called assault with a deadly weapon

If you’re a crowd who throws 100 of them, perhaps. Not one little boy, throwing a single stone. Don’t be ridiculous.

When people say children, it includes people who are 16 years old.

When people say stone, it includes gravel and dust

Nah, a stone can be a deadly weapon. Even one.

Head trauma is no joke is.

a grape can be a deadly weapon under the right circumstances. that doesn’t mean it is one.

you’re still being ridiculous.

Head trauma is no joke is.

yet you’re not dead. I rest my case.

There are people who die from getting hit by a stone

Plenty more get killed by Israelis these days.

Oh so that makes it okay

Kids throwing rocks at the people operating the open air concentration camp they're detained in with the food, water, power, trade and movement restricted (at best) as Israel levels their homes, displaces and kills them? You're right - I think there's far bigger concerns than the kids throwing rocks.

What do you think it says about you that you'd use a few kids throwing rocks as justification for shooting, shelling, bombing, and starving thousands of children, innocent civilians, and turning every building in the area into said rocks?

I'm pretty sure kidnapping and killing thousands was the justification. Israel does detain people without charging them, but I find that the actual problem instead of the teenagers being charged with a crime in an actual court.

So Israel's response to Hamas' actions (a group Israel propped up over moderate secular orgs for reasons that definitely don't involve manufacturing pretext for the genocide of people they're keeping in an open air concentration camp) was a reasonable, proportionate one that's killed what - 18k so far, potentially tipping Israel over the "10k children killed since October" line?

No, it wasn't quite as targeted as promised. Both sides can be in the wrong

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There are the overwhelming majority who don’t

Majority of people who get stabbed also don't die, is that why people here defend "children" who stabbed Israelis and went to prison?

Why are teenagers not children? Please explain.

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What do you call killing thousands of children?

I don't know, why don't you ask Hamas, since they are the experts in killing children

Suddenly you're all bashful about slapping labels on stuff?

It's OK - we can try another - what do you call a group that's killed orders of magnitude more children than the "experts in killing children"?

Also experts in killing children. Who said either of the sides is blameless?

It's implied in you running straight past Israel's actions to focus on condemnation of Palestinians comparatively minor actions - or is there another explanation?

I don't condemn Palestinians

So what do you call the group killing many, many times more kids than the "experts in killing children", and why did you deflect to the comparatively minor crimes of Hamas?

At this point, Israel has killed far more children in this war than Hamas. So I'd say they're both experts, but Israel is the one with more experience.

Arresting kids for throwing rocks is petty enough as it. Labeling their actions as assault with a deadly weapon before you arrest them is just absurd.

How is it petty? It's actually physically dangerous to people.

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Gee do you think bombing hospitals and schools could have something to do with it?

one side does something wrong

other side bad!

You mean the places surrounded by underground tunnels?

Has there ever been evidence of the tunnels?

I know IDF put out some pictures of a standard underground water tank, and a basement that Israel built when they were running the hospital...

But I've never seen actual evidence of "terrorist tunnels" the IDF claims is everywhere.

Ha! Hamas actually took the press to visit them. They find them every day. They found two dead hostages in one yesterday. I don't know what evidence you need.

I don’t know what evidence you need

Something more than a social media comment...

You know, like a non biased source? Something from an international media organization not just a press release from the country making the claim?

Pretty standard stuff really

Did you try to Google it?

Yep, as much time as I spent googling if bigfoot was real.

But just like with Bigfoot, if you want to say something is true, it's a lot easier for you to provide a non biased source backing it up than for anyone else to check every link online to make sure there isn't proof of Bigfoot somewhere.

Then I suggest you spend $735 for a plane ticket to Cairo. $25 for a bus to Rafah. Probably a hundred to get yourself into Palestine. Hitch a ride to Gaza and see for yourself. Because there is no amount of evidence you can be shown that would convince you.

You could have just said a non biased source that backs up your position doesn't exist...

Or just never made false claims to begin with, same result but that would've been easier for all of us.

Obviously to you everything is a biased source, so there is no reason to try. Good luck with your battle of being right.

Oh yeah....

Because no one else is going to read your comments?

Like, even assuming you're right and the non biased sources exist and you've got them ready to post...

Not posting them just makes it look to everyone else like that don't exist and you're lying.

Probably (and this is a guess because you won't link them) because they don't exist.

Reply all you want, I probably won't reply again unless you make even an attempt at linking a non biased source

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I mean, if you are here making a claim then it's your responsibility to come up with evidence to support it.

Telling someone to go research your claim is bad Internet etiquette.

If you don't feel like doing that, fine, then just don't engage.

I'm not going to chase my tail for you guys who will just reject anything you see.

sorry about that,

Then why are you bothering at all?

Like, if you don't think anyone is going to believe anything you say, why are you bothering to debate?

Tried to be nice and answer a question only to find out that the person wouldn't believe any proof. If I would have known that to begin with, I wouldn't have engaged. And if you had read the whole string, you wouldn't be asking stupid questions. So that makes me think I shouldn't have written this answer.

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You just seem like a jerk with your little quips about a serious human tragedy. "Go Isreal!!" is not the look you think it is.

Ah,...I was answering a question in a perfectly decent way.

You're a good one to talk about little quips. "Go Hamas!!" is not the look you think it is.

That's a false dichotomy. I'm not "pro Hamas" but I can recognize the humanity of Palestinians, as well as the structural role Israel has chosen that has led us to where we currently are.

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Why would they? Almost 20.000 Palestinians have been killed.

I'm not sure either roarty trusts the other enough for negotiations to be worthwhile. Not much point here.

It's almost like they don't want a ceasefire or peace 🤔.

There doesn't seem to be an end game for Hamas except dragging out the war in the most populous areas possible to maximise Palestinian casualties.

The poor Palestinians, the poor Israelis, poor hostages 😞.