20 Post – 546 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It's not practical.

However, have a shower in the pitch dark sometime. It's the most ridiculously soothing thing imaginable.

Put your shower gel and stuff where you can find it by feel, obvs.

Morally bad? Ehh, I try not to be.

Generally low-quality human? Fuck yes.

Looks like the right to bear arms doesn't prevent tyranny after all. Huh, who'da thunk it?

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As an Australian, the idea of clinging to the right to own weapons it's illegal to even suggest using is fucking hiliarious...

that game is a steal at full price, let alone a discount.

There are five grades of FGM; MGM is equivalent to hoodectomy, which is grade III.

The worst FGM is much, much worse that MGM, but the least-worst FGM is much less-worse than MGM.

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Hm, it's been a while since I've been active in this space, I'm quoting from memory. I'll look up some stuff.

Yeah, I'm totally clicking on a url that ends in

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This never was about Hamas, and never was about the hostages.

It's about exterminating Palestinians and destroying their infrastructure, while ensuring that enough of the survivors are radicalised enough to keep the military funding going.

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Female as an adjective is perfectly fine.

A female patient, a female politician, a female customer, etc. That's the best way to refer to those.

What's bad is using 'female' as a noun: "A female. "

In general, you just don't use adjectives-as-nouns to refer to people. You don't call someone "a gay", "a black", or "a Chinese". That is offensive, and "a female" has the same kind of feel.

(there are exceptions to the above: you can call someone 'an American' or 'A German", but not "A French". I don't understand why - if you can't feel your way, best just avoid it)

Now, you could get around it by calling someone "a female person" - except that we already have a word for "female person", and that's "woman". And to go out of your way to avoid saying "woman" makes you sound like some kind of incel weirdo, and you don't want that.

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Your body is constantly generating heat. If that heat has nowhere to go, your temperature goes up and up.

You need to be in an environment that sucks heat away as fast as you create it - and if the external air temp isn't cold enough to do that on its own, then you have to rely on evaporation of sweat to help shed the heat.

If that doesn't cut it, you die.

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Yea, but let's design some to work on male bodies. Dresses are generally built for female body shapes, and rely on curves most guys just don't have in order to complete the shape - so we end up looking like Graveyard Barbie in them.

Guys tend to be a lot more oblong, and the overall design would need a rethink in order to actively work with that shape, instead of unsuccessfully trying to compensate for it.

No, I don't know how to do this.

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I mean, it won't let me. Windows Update inists my PC doesn't meet the minimum spec, and I'm not inclined to argue with it.

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It's whinge, pronounced winj.

UK / Australian English thing. It has a slightly different connotation.

Whine is what a dog does when it wants to go out.

Whinge is what a 14yo does when they don't get their way. It's salty whining.

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The disclosure isn't complete, it's only the people who haven't been excluded in previous orders.

As all the perpetrators are rich and can afford fancy lawyers, that mainly just leaves the victims.

So yeah, the victims are the ones that will get fucked over. Again.

third party cookies != cookies

Unless they've invented a stateful http, cookies aren't going anywhere.

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Your brain is a kindergarten, your executive function is the kindergarten teacher (who had 3 hours sleep and skipped breakfast).

Giving them all a couple of donuts won't make much difference to the kids who are already feral, but it will pep up the teacher and allow them to take charge a bit better.

All your basic staples: salt, flour, oil, sugar, pasta, pasta, milk, eggs etc. There's literally nothing to do better or worse, so for god's sake don't pay for the label. Fancy olive oil is nicer, and fancy butter for actually putting on bread is nice too - but for cooking, cheap the hell out.

Get your spices from an Indian / Asian / etc grocer - you can get a huge bag for the price of a tiny supermarket jar, and because they have so much turnover, they'll be plenty fresh.

Store-brand laundry detergent and dishwasher tablets work just fine for me (and dear god you can save a lot on those).

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Israel has been a huge crybully virtually since it was founded. It's been annexing Palestinian land from the beginning, running a shitty apartheid state, committing ongoing slow genocide on the Palestinian people, then crying the innocent victim whenever they hit back - and guzzling unlimited billions in US military aid to do so.

Hurt people hurt people, and oppression breeds radicalism. Hamas are not nice people, but they're from a place where nice people don't live long enough to matter. As with any abusive relationship, there's going to be toxic coping mechanisms as a result, and it's important to acknowledge that it's not okay to do those things.

But Israel (the country, not the people) sure as hell rakes in a lot of money and influence from being constantly under threat from the mean nasty baddies that they just have to keep oppressing and killing and oh look more money.

Hamas is awful. But still and all, fuck Israel.

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How about a law stating that the terms of all contracts with corporations be listed in a public registry?

You want the state to enforce the terms of your agreement, you put that agreement out in the open. No secret laws, and no secret laws-by-proxy.

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That's the second time in about a month I've seen it described as sexual assault / molestation / predation when it's a woman doing it.

Usually news outlets bend over backwards to call it a 'relationship' or a 'romp' or otherwise put a positive spin on it.

Colour me impressed.

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If you turn a sausage machine backwards, you don't get a pig coming out the top.

If I add a dozen numbers together, there's only one total.

But if I only have that total, there's no way to tell what the original dozen numbers were.

Same kind of principle.

You can brute-force it, but when it comes to the product of stupendously large primes, it would take until the heat death of the universe to do so, by which time you probably don't care any more.

Whenever anyone says "the economy", you can and should mentally substitute it with "rich people's yacht money".

Rich people's yacht money doing well doesn't do shit for 90% of the population. It doesn't pay the rent, put food on the table or clothes on their back. They can't afford to see a doctor or ride the damn bus.

And you want them to be happy because some stockbroker is getting a second holiday in the Maldives this year?

Stupid arrogant fucks.

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May I suggest that you don't get a job in IT?

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There isn't really a use-case for a fundamentally new OS. There isn't a particular need that's going unmet by the big three, and the existing base of applications and driver support on Linux/mac/windows is vast and extremely mature.

It's like saying why hasn't anyone invented a fundamentally new class of road vehicle that isn't a car, truck, bus or motorbike, using entirely separate roads, infrastructure and fuel? Do we have a sudden shortage of inventors and engineers?

Well, no. No we don't. I'm sure someone could come up with an absolutely delightful monowheel gyroflivver, and it would be all kinds of creative and neat.

But if it won't fit in anyone's garage, can't share existing roads, needs a while network of clockwork-winding stations and can only carry your stuff in specially-shaped tow-pods you have to buy separately ... then nobody's going to use that to get to work, or go shopping, or wherever the hell do with cars I don't have one idk - so only three people will ever buy one, and there'll never be any infrastructure for them.

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I'm sorry to hear that.

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Porque no los dos?

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By design. Fascists need an enemy to protect people from, in order to justify their cruelty. And they need a underclass to oppress, to demonstrate their power.

If they can make one out of the other - why, that's just efficiency.

Corporations rely on desperate, easily-exploited people in order to make obscene profits. There's no way in hell they'd risk actually cutting off their supply of slaves, or else they might have to drop a couple of percent of profits on paying wages / benefits / etc.

The border laws aren't intended to reduce the number of illegal immigrants, they're there to make those same people more desperate and therefore more profitable, while at the same time stoking the enthusiasm of morons who will continue to vote for more pro-corporate politicians who will shovel even more money to the shareholders.

Probably about 5-10 minutes most of the time.

Your brain chatters to itself all the time, so if you stfu with the inner monologue and instead just try to eavesdrop on what's going on in the background, that leads pretty much directly into a dream state.

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I was handed a note in a dream once.

I handed it back, saying "sorry, I can't read in dreams", and confused myself so hard it woke me up.

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Capitalism is just diversified feudalism.

Instead of owning 100% of a district and everything the peasants on it produce, the aristos worked out that they could diversify their portfolios and thin out the risk.

So now they own a thousandth part of the product of a thousand districts instead.

Now if plague wipes out a village or six, you don't have to care, you're only losing a tiny chunk of your income. Now the welfare of the peasants isn't your problem, because they're not, like :douchebro sniff: exclusively your peasants.

The rich produce nothing, they add no value, they perform no labour. It's just predatory rent-seeking: the poor still do all the work, produce all the goods and provide all the services, but now somehow 99% of the value they generate goes to some smirking freeloader instead, who can just plough it into acquiring more and more peasants. They only thing they ever provided was a chunk of startup cash, which they got from exploiting other peasants in the first place.

And of course, none of that cash goes to the people whose income it supposedly buys. It's not a fair trade, it's not a trade at all, they aren't a party to it. Workers are just bought and sold over their heads, like dairy cattle. They get milked just the same, and some other fat bastard gets all the cream.

The whole system is rigged to concentrate power and wealth into the hands of the super-rich, stripping it away from everyone else and leaving them struggling to survive - and keeping the ladder well and truly pulled up so nobody else gets into the treehouse.

Libertarian types like to claim that taxation is theft, but taxation is a spit in a hurricane compared to the industrial-scale looting that goes on every day. Take the profits of any corporation, and divide that by the total salaries of the workers that actually generate revenue. Theft? You don't know the meaning of the word. What percentage of the value you generate goes in shareholder pockets? How would you feel about taxation at that level, funding not roads and schools and hospitals, but yachts and mansions and private jets for a bunch of one-percenters?

How are you not angry?

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This is pretty much the textbook definition of moral panic.

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cat bomb_threat.txt | mail

He committed the ultimate crime, though: stealing from rich people. And he even had the effrontery not to be rich himself while doing it.

That's what they're punishing here.

What fucking US pressure? They just overrode congress to throw even more money into the genocide.

Fuck's sake.

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Introduce Shakespeare to D&D, and encourage him to popularize it.

Not only would the campaigns he ran be amazing, but goooodlord imagine the subversive effect it would have socially. Unpinning good/evil from lawful/chaotic in the public perception that early on would be a Big Deal; bringing the idea of consumer-generated content would shift attitudes to art and literature away from a purely top-down concept, and the resulting rise of Victorian fan-fiction would be so amazingly terrible it would rip its own hole in the spacetime continuum.

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Yes, becasue it's the fallout from bad PR that matters, not, you know, mass civilian casualties and a humanitarian disaster.

Fuck I hate people rn.

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I've seen countless americans claiming that it's perfectly justified to drive over people if they get in the way of your car, so this is pretty on-brand.

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