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Joined 12 months ago

But god fucking forbid Fetterman wears a fucking hoodie.

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Pablo Escobar lived in Columbia and owned hippos.

Just because you don't get a joke doesn't mean it was written by a bot, you goon.

edit - I just realized that I called esteemed character performer Margot Robbie a goon. Many apologies. I respect your dedication to the craft.

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Luckily for you, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch already ruled on that precise topic when he was a Colorado judge. A foreign born man who had become a US citizen, a person who is ineligible by default, still insisted he should have the right to run for president even if he can't take office.

Gorsuch ruled that the state had a responsibility to prevent anyone who is ineligible for office from even being allowed on the ballot.

His decision was even cited in Trumps ruling.

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Know who else is on the wrong side of the Israel/Palestine conflict? No matter who wins, Palestinians lose, because a Trump administration will absolutely let the IDF go gloves off.

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Because those points add up, playa.

Yeah it's bullshit, but it's good bullshit

It's... it's not good bullshit though.

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A police officer being unable to think in such a fashion is exactly why no one could solve the see-saw riddle on Brooklyn 99.

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In his memory, I'm gonna go home and get a stew going.

Right. That's why I once had to write up several women for writing really horrible things about the weight and appearance of a fellow woman co-worker on the ladies room white board.

Women NEVER insult other women.

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Seriously! Remember how when they wrote the 2nd ammendmen, they absolutely had modern firearms in mind, right? How is bodily autonomy a "weak stance"?

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Severance. It's only been one season, but goddamn it's so good. It's an amazing premise with some absolutely brilliant writing. The cast is amazing.

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If Trump can argue the technicality that he never specifically said "support", we can argue ths technicality that the 2nd doesn't specifically say "guns".

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I don't think you know what the words "nationalize" or "communism" mean.

If that doesn't work, turn on the tv and try to repeat the words you hear immediately after you hear them, but absolutely silently. The goal is to echo the television ij your head.

That is your internal monologue.

Now imagine you're trying to sleep and the asshole part of your brain starts talking about the reality dumb-ass shit you did 25 years ago..

Now imagine that you just got a song stuck in your head. You know the song really well... and you can't stop repeating the hook in your mind.

It's your brain silently reading the captions of the narration of the images of your train of thought.

Dude, if you want to be Trump's VP pick, just ask.


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It's not that the blue cities don't want the people, they just want warning and the ability to prepare for them.

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Lol. Sure sure.

I don't think you know what "cognitive dissonance" is or how it is being weaponized to take advantage of people like yourself.

A LOT of Trump supporters are people who espouse antisemitism in one breath, but will cheer Trump saying Israel "needs to finish the job" in the next.

You also don't seem to understand WHY Trump, a man who is desperate to win the election so he can eliminate all the lawsuits and judgements against him... is backing Isreal. I'll give you a hint: he wants the Jewish vote. He thinks saying "we will eliminate Palestinians" is the same as telling black people he's just like them for being the target of biased prosecution.

Although, on second thought, you probably DO know these things... you're just arguing in bad faith because you have your own shitty agenda to push.

So I guess the question is are you wildly ignorant or are you just pretending to be?

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I see where you're getting confused. It's not a metaphor. It's meant to be taken absolutely literally.

If you run a bar and you allow a person who openly and unabashedly espouses nazi rhetoric to feel welcome at your bar, he will let all his shitheel nazi friends know that your bar is a safe place for them to openly and unabashedly espouse their nazi rhetoric unchallenged. You are now running a nazi bar.

Of COURSE gay is a choice. I CHOOSE to be heterosexual. It's not an easy choice, but it's a choice I make every single morning. I don't understand how the rest of the world doesn't understand this. They're just waking up every day allowing teh ghey to overtake their spirit? How can ANYONE choose to live like that?

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Not singular, but if I pointed out all the times I personally witnessed women being terrible to other women (or even being terrible to men) you'd probably label me as an incel woman hater.

But apparently, since YOU'VE never experienced it, it doesn't happen, right? Your anecdotal experience is somehow more valid than my anecdotal experience by virtue of gender?

I have two daughters and I am teaching them to call out any bullshit they might face, regardless of the sex of the offender.

Sec 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment has been invoked at least 8 times, none of them were convicted. The most recent case was in 2022, when a judge ordered a county commissioner be removed from office for his actions on Jan 6.

But the court isn't concerned about the lack of a conviction. Trump and his team are claiming that the amendment does not apply to the President.

Your argument essentially boils down to this: Israeli civilians are worth less than Palestinian civilians. You didn’t write it like this, but is the logical consequence of what you are asking.

That's not what the argument boils down to. They didn't write it like that because that wasn't a position they were taking. You wrote it like that because you want that to be the case. That says more about you and your character.

Civilians should not be used as fodder by either side.

Do you disagree?

Acrobat also added an unclosable floating menu. It's a massive pain in my ass.

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Also, James Carville should eat his goddamn peas, he looks like a fucking zombie. Like if the Crypt Keeper's dad died and was dug up 70 years from now and then offered some peas.

Did someone open the Arc of The Covenant?

Yes. And absolutely NO ONE ELSE will ever become addicted to opiates ever again.

Do you think before you talk?

She's a religious nut, but she seems to be a relatively intelligent religious nut with enough of an understanding of the constitution to know this shit doesn't pass muster.

Doesn't mean she won't uphold future bullshit laws that are less vague.

We live in the dumbest time-line.

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Can you show us on the doll where communism touched you?

Yeah, panel 5 should be pink/green high-fiving.

It's depressing how succinctly correct that sentence is.

It's not so much a dislike of Israel as it is a dislike of a government hiding behind false accusations of racism in order to further their own shitty agenda.

I am friends with Israeli jews, I am friends with Muslims, I would love to visit Russia someday as a tourist, and I am proud to live in the part of America where I currently reside. Thay said, I don't like the actions of the IDF, I don't like what Hamas stands for, I don't like the actions of the Russian government, I don't like the actions of the US Government.

But if that's the route you want to take, you really don't like Palestine, huh?

The old testament is just a riff on old Sumarian myths, so... still pretty much bronze age.

Drag story time at a library isn't sexually explicit.

Just because YOU become aroused at the sight of a man in a comically colored wig, makeup and frock doesn't mean that the rest of the world sees it that way.

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You're not getting downvotes because people are irrational or salty, you goon. You're getting downvotes because you're saying dumb shit.

"you're not being polite enough to the mob of wannabe fascists" isn't a reasonable position anymore.

Is he doing nothing?

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That's a pretty spot-on job. I used to do ad layout for a local newspaper publisher and that's almost exactly what we'd do.

This is like the plot of the movie Happiness.

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Horizon Zero Dawn. It actually got my wife to put her Switch away and watch. That's saying something.

What's your point?

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