
6 Post – 277 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Here's Johnny!

I really can't stand him but that is a good idea. Doubt its his tho.

AAaand then it's not a good idea:

From the article:

graduates would be screened “to exclude all communists, radical Islamists, Hamas supporters, America haters and public >charges.”

“He believes, only after such vetting has taken place, we ought to keep the most skilled graduates who can make significant >contributions to America. This would only apply to the most thoroughly vetted college graduates who would never undercut >American wages or workers,” Leavitt said in a statement to CNN.

It won't have a positive effect I'll tell you that. Just look at Brazil.. I'm pretty sure they got the idea to storm the congress from Trump..

The truth is that many democracies is getting weaker and there is a reason for that. Democracy is very weak and that's why it takes so much to keep it at place. One autocratic leader is enough to break it. We saw it in Germany before the war and it migh as well happen in the US if we're not careful. Another win for Trump might be the end for democracy in the US.

Do you know the sad part of this? There is so few republicans that openly criticize Trump. Of the few that has they have all been quited and removed from their positions. We are seeing the rise of facism in the US and people shout "USA, USA USA".. they are so fucking blind. I hope for the US peoples sake that they do not elect Trump, and I hope in the next 10 years we will see the formation of a new party that can become the new republican party for those that do not wish facism because that's where the US is going with Trump.

I just cannot belive how history is repeating itself.

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Hope he burn in hell. He's the best example of how not to run a company. It's insane that he's not been let go for years now.

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To be honest they think that people plan ahead for something like this..

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Why is this guy not in jail waiting for the case to be brought up?

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I've always had the feeling like this is something Netanyahu and his cabinet wanted. It seems to me that they thought in their screwed up minds it would benefit them somehow.

To read this article use archive.ph. I can't post direct link as it's against this instances rules.

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I don't feel there is any reason to say that. She knew what she got into.

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Is anyone supprised?

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You guys are very transparent and that's great. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

This is great. Now the producers of smartphones will have to make their design around this!

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I respect it. He has been going on for 10 years. It's crazy seeing how much work it is. I hope he finds what make him happy.

I guess we're now seeing what software will survive the long run.

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It still shocks me that they cap usage. There is no reason at all to do this. Why are they doing it?

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Can you please explain to us what you're talking about? How Is Joe Biden "Genocide Joe"? And I guess you're a Trump supporter, why don't you call him "Trump the insurrectionist"? He did in fact try to take power on january 6, but I guess that's OK.

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This sounds like stalking tbh. Maybe you can report this to the police?

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I've used it a few times when I was bored and had some random conversations about different topics. I didn't really like the format to be completely honest. I'd rather use reddit and other platform's like these.

While this is not for me it sucks that people that abuse these services are a big part of why they are shutting down. It sounds to me like they where actively in contact with law enforcement to battle crimes that where commited there and kudos for that!

Good question. But honestly you just got to look at history for the answer. Far-right extremism often do better when it's hard times like we have right now.

Because he don't know how strong unions stands in the Nordic countries. I'm really proud of my sweidish neighbors!

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So much for freedom of speech.. But then again it's not surprising.

Is that a thing? Where did freedom of speech go?

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This is sabotage on another level. The people posting this faces seriously time in jail for just having it on their PC.

This is so stupid. He wants them to publish their articles on twitter? What.

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Who would want this 🤣🤣

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I really don't get why they are doing these so called votes. Everyone knows this is a sham. Who do Putin and his bobbleheads think this is for?

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SEO takes loads of time. And since every instance is it's own thing it takes more times to propogate this. I can only see a future where the most popular instances and communities are searchable in search engines. But I hope I'm wrong.

I think you're right. I'm pointing moee to his leadership and how he has allowed sexism and other bad behavior to go on without any consequences. He even told an assistant that he would have her killed.. https://www.pcgamer.com/more-shocking-activision-blizzard-revelations-bobby-kotick-once-told-an-assistant-he-was-going-to-have-her-killed/

He might earn himself and the stockholders a lot of money.. But in my eyes he's a great example of why I don't like capitalism, but that is another discussion tho!

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I use lemmy.world for everything and lemmynsfw.com for... You know 😂

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I never stop being fascinated by what modders are able to do. This is just wild.

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Wait. Are you the person in that conversation? So you are basically putting this out there for everyone to see.. A private conversation with another mod? If you are mod of this community you should really leave. This is highly unprofessional and extremely unethical. If you act this way why should the users be held to another standard?

Whatever the other mod did or not is not something you shluld be spreading to other people like this. Who would want to become mod here now when they see how you act?

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I did and kudos to him and his team for makikg the world a tiny better. But unfortunately it also had its negative sides to it.. But he and his team can't be blamed for what some assholes use his services for.

I remember reading about this before. This is so stupid. Making people verify with offical documents.. People are going to get their documents stolen so much more now. Nice job Arkansas!

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Is this AI generated? Why is her right arm not showing lol.

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Still a very attractive woman I must say.

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Elon should get "bullshit" tattooed on his forehead..

Fascinating to read. Did you not read one line of the article that stated that Israel buildt it decades ago when they controlled Gaza?

I'm not saying I belive Israels claims of Hamas using it as a command center but let's at least get the facts straight.

Omg this just keeps getting worse lol

That is some integrity right there. Wow. /s

Yeah. The thing is that this should implemented on a lemmy core basis.

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We've had this for plastic bottles forever here in Norway.

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People are so fucking sick. 🤮

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