The brief career of lemmy shit posting mod space weed kid

Striker@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 224 points –

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Wait. Are you the person in that conversation? So you are basically putting this out there for everyone to see.. A private conversation with another mod? If you are mod of this community you should really leave. This is highly unprofessional and extremely unethical. If you act this way why should the users be held to another standard?

Whatever the other mod did or not is not something you shluld be spreading to other people like this. Who would want to become mod here now when they see how you act?

You are taking this way too seriously tbh. This is a shit posting community. The guy went around posting about feet and left when advised not to do so.

I'm not a feet guy at all, but why not letting the community downvote the post to death instead of removing it?

In my eyes you've lost credibility as a mod.

He's probably losing sleep over it

Kinda ironic on how the mod team wanted mods that check on in the timezones that would be active now but after posting striker went offline :(

“Unprofessional” as if being a shitpost mod on lemmy requires or deserves any level of professionalism. It’s the furthest thing away from a profession. You’re hilarious.

"I am in this picture but I don't want it"

Jo kinda hits deep now. Already made a screenshot of the post so if they delete it I will repost it.

By the way I was not in any way aggressive at all it was just that I had a different understanding on what shitposting is and I took the r/okbuddyretard approach instead of a more r/shitposting approach.

I knew that my posts were shit but they also said that I was supposed to post something which I didn't think I had to do because I assumed it was the plan to reopen the community under mod enforced control and not keep it unfree with unoriginal content.

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