1 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

No one is ever going to acknowledge my humanity

What does that look like to you? People are talking to you right now. I know that no one has said "you are a person" but what specifically do you want?

Unless you were literally raised by wolves this is some self aggrandizing incel bullshit.

Coming up with an theory of the world that confirms that you are right and everyone else is terrible is lazy. I don't think you've ever actually cared about anyone but yourself.

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You think if India doesn't change their name Pakistan will go "alright well go with Bahrat then!"

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If you think it's crazy your school uses three year old programs wait until you find out how many businesses are running XP!

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You need multiple restarts a day?

What are you doing?

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What profession is willing to pay for social media recruitment?

What prejudice do you want to have confirmed?

What product do you wish to advertise?

What media product do you wish to advertise?

Can you believe this obvious lie?

I'm going to disagree with you. I have found it takes less to make me happy as I get older. Moreover, my happiest moments are those where others are happy. I take no pleasure in harming others and I don't believe that's a unique perspective.

I think your coping mechanisms have made your life more difficult.

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speak to anyone and everyone but now after years of being told I am racist

Were you saying racist shit?

I'm guessing you are one of those "I'm not racist, I hate everyone" assholes. Which is a long way of saying "I'm racist, but it doesn't count because I'm a jerk to my friends (who are all white).

There are several jobs that are frequently mentioned in discussions like this that are actually thanked all of them time.

Nurses, teachers, fire, EMTs and police are always mentioned. They are hard jobs and mostly under paid. However they are constantly thanked, businesses give discounts and commercials and politicians thank them endlessly.

Grocery store workers, butchers, plumbers, electricians, custodians, truck drivers and most "menial jobs" are completely thankless. Think of the last time you saw a 10% off for nurses and if you've ever seen 10% off for overnight stockers.

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No. That is simply untrue.

First, if you feel Bernie and Trump are both populists then that term means absolutely nothing.

Second, people don't go "I like this guy because he wants to tax the rich, have universal healthcare and wants to go regulations to help stop climate change," and then when that guy loses think "this other guy who acts nothing like the candidate I supported and has literally the opposite policies might hear me so I'm all in on him!"

This is a fiction made up to push to narrative that it isn't foreign propaganda.

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Happiness is not the goal - it's the failure state. Happiness means I've become an abusive monster, like you.

That's a wild take man. Like what are you talking about? Can you tell me exactly what I've done to be an "abusive monster"? Could you elaborate on how happiness is only the result of being abusive?

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I may have missed some steps but I recall reddit removing and replacing mods of many subs.

It doesn't matter, because the damage is done. Small communities aren't what they used to be and the big subreddits are even lower quality.

I think strawberry pop tarts have less frosting than all other flavors.

It's petty and small, but every time I have a strawberry pop tart the frosting is so thin that the holes on the top are clear through the frosting. No other flavor has this problem. I don't think it matters, but it feels like a conspiracy.

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It is common to develop a drug or alcohol addiction as part of a coping mechanism. That can absolutely make your life more difficult. Coping mechanisms can make it more difficult to make changes that will better your life.

The path of least resistance isn't always the easiest path.

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Brave is chromium.

Are you happy?

It seems like you are lashing out randomly and have a world view that everything is orchestrated to harm you.

You all made sure no one would ever care about me, even going so far as to kill yourselves to guarantee it.

You believe that people have killed themselves to make your life worse? I don't want to sound mean, but you aren't the only person.

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$80 for its 8GB

It seems like people really aren't reading the article.

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I'm confused about what you want.

Mods literally got replaced by reddit because they refused to capitulate.

I'm not a fan of reddits choices, but if I was deeply involved in a community I'd consider staying to be part of that community still.


I was PMing a student project for NASA and the sheer number of tabs and files I had open on my PC killed Windows.

I had a week until the deadline and I'm in a situation where things may or may not save, basic functionality was questionable and I had literally thousands of pages information to format and get out.

Once I turned it in I installed Linux and never looked back.

The first four dragon warriors/quests were surprisingly ambitious.

DW is one of the first console RPGs.

DW2 is in many ways the template for a generation of RPGs, with progressively gathering party members and opening up the map via gaining new travel modes.

DW3 is still amazing. The party creation and job system is done better than most other attempts at it. And returning the old world was so cool.

DW4 had a true multi-perspective narrative with a detailed story. Unlike anything else that had come out before.

Later DW/DQs stopped innovating as much and stagnated, much as the entire JRPG genre feels stagnant.

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Nearly every post I've seen is not only applicable to me, but my wife, friends and family.

So either these aren't things unique to the ADHD experience or everyone I know has ADHD.

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Comic books

I swapped to Linux in the last month. But honestly being able to use my phone as a backup made me not worry about needing a computer right then.

I can think of no punishment more severe.

People under the age of 25 tend to be really bad at the Internet. The number of times high schoolers or college kids are mystified by how I'm able to get information quickly from search engines is beyond me.

I'm not surprised they can't tell what's real, they can't search for tiny details like "transmission time to Mars" or "gravity on mercury".

May I suggest a 3D printer and set of speed paints?

There is something awesome about being able to print up and paint the exact monster before the session.

It's a whole new world of terrain and tiles you don't bother using half the time.

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Which is it? Your choices don't make life more difficult or they do and that's why they are good?

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I'm not sure I understand, the whole point is to talk to people very far away.

I thought the same before Trump was elected. I thought to myself, it won't be good but it won't be worse, and boy was I proven wrong.

There are deep systemic flaws in America that are not being addressed. I'm sure you see them too. But things got worse under Trump, just look at the steps backwards in environmental protection, trans rights and women's rights. To say it doesn't matter is ignoring the harm done to many communities.

It's okay to want a better candidate, but to paint both sides as no different is reckless and petulant.

I think you might have something wrong with your install. I do some heavy simulations (mostly Thermo and structural stress tests) with old hardware and haven't had to restart ever.

I'm baffled as to how you can have so many problems.

It's interesting that any pushback you is evidence you are correct. It's also interesting that you take no responsibility for any difficulties you might experience, it's always the result of someone else's choice.

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It's shocking how far you will go to avoid the idea that people aren't out to get you.

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Just eat them.

There is no trick that will make you think an apple is actually pie or make kale taste just like potato chips.

Try new stuff. Go to the Asian grocery store and buy random fruits and veggies you haven't seen before and try them. Worst case you hate them, but you seem to be there already, best case you love them.

I hope one day you get the help that you need.

That's the funniest thing ever.

Exactly how have I abused you? You keep claiming that, but all I've done is talk and notice that you have some views that aren't very healthy or stand up to scrutiny.

a third of the U.S.

You believe that 1 in 3 people would support a racial genocide? Do you have any support for that?

Following that up you claim that everyone wants to kill you. Doesn't that seem a little paranoid to you?

No one here is attacking you or threatening your life. No one. People aren't insulting you, even though you are insulting everyone. Your world view is being questioned because it doesn't seem healthy or rational. People aren't saying "I think you are wrong" because they hate you and want you to "submit" but because you appear to be very unwell.

I know that my life improved when I changed my outlook, and I think you are clinging to unhealthy views because it makes it easier than trying to better yourself.

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For me Dwarf fortress is like watching TV, nethack is like reading a book.

I feel like I'll watching some bizarre sitcom with such great stories as "dwarven child sees an elephant trample a goblin and then gets possessed, keeps making bone carvings of the scene, and then gathers all the elephant meat in a forge and kills three grown men by slapping them with meat." I'm not anyone in that story, but it's fun to watch.

Nethack is like getting to know the quirks of your character as they narrowly escape death.

I'm thinking about making the switch soon, can you tell me why you went pop_OS instead of mint?

I'm getting overwhelmed with options and just want to know why you went with one over the other

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I'm not young and I still will play a game because it's suggested to me. If everyone tells me a particular game/movie/book/restaurant is amazing, I'm going to try it.

Taking the advice of others and trying new things isn't a sign of inexperience.

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Are you telling me if you are in front of Bigfoot you aren't gonna be ready to go?

The issue is new users.

If you have a vague understanding that Linux has distros and to switch to Linux, you'll likely Google "best Linux distro." Results that say "they all are good for different reasons" are unhelpful. Having sort through 50 options isn't helpful.

New users want to know what to install. This means that some distros get hyped up as the best, and then people point out the cracks.

Until there is a clear and objective list of distros with pros and cons labeled the cycle will continue.