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Joined 11 months ago

Nothing is changing says company that keeps changing everything

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They should put it adjacent to the up arrow key so that when I hit it accidentally, copilot can ask "did you mean to press the up arrow key?", which will cause me to smash the keyboard with my fists and then I'll need to buy another one. Sales will skyrocket.

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766 third parties

Facebook: look what they need to mimic a fraction of my power

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It really is given that they've willingly entered a game of cat and mouse and chosen to assume the role of a blind, limbless mouse.

As others have said before me, I feel for the poor engineers who have to implement this stuff as any technical solution short of DRM is provably impractical and unworkable.

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This is virtually akin to banning AWS or DO. Hetzner are a legitimate and widely used cloud platform.

This is akin to Google blocking Verizon because of some spam calls. A ridiculous premise that shows huge immaturity on Plex's part.

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You know what Viktor? Even kids can work out what's going on in Ba Sing Se. Which makes you dumber than a small child.

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When you don't have a good reason for something but you also don't have to justify your actions, this is the kind of dumb shit you throw at the wall to just make the conversation end.

"Middle management are feeling fragile and insecure and solving that matters more than actual productivity, especially for a company who has a share price history that you could ride a sled down". There's a real reason if you want one.

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I always thought it was pretty far out for a contemporary democracy to have lifelong appointments with the word "supreme" in the title.

In the rest of the world this usually indicates something well divorced from democracy.

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During his next public speech, you'd notice that his eyebrows are slightly bushier, his voice is slightly deeper, and he's suddenly an inch taller.

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Historically people with the title "lord" have had it so hard.

I have a diagram that explains the whole thing

do we really need it?

Asked no programmer ever before starting a project

Firefox: yes.

Chrome: no.

Brave: lord no.

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They've just done the same with a calendar app that I forget the name of. They then rereleased it under their own brand.

They appear to be on an unspoken mission to challenge Google's suite of apps, so I'd hazard a guess that email tech is a part of that puzzle (along with calendar)

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Swift: Apple releases a new version of the castle and deprecates the princess before you finish your implementation

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Active shooter drills? Super chill.

Woman had sex? Mind blown and values changed forever!

I wish you could see how you sound.

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And that his fans are paying full attention and eating up every word?

Never Back Down did not return multiple requests for comment from The Daily Beast.

I guess they backed down

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So anyway I started impeachin'

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The issue isn’t how the child died, when the child died. It’s the fact that the baby was put into a toilet, large enough to clog up the toilet, left in that toilet, and she went on her day,

What the fuck does this have to do with anything? If it's a miscarriage it's a miscarriage.

So she's charged with ... Not reacting how they'd like?

Land of the free my ass.

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"see, I'm unbiased!”

And everyone kept all of their fingers and children.

The end.

From another article

All seven who participated in the harassment have been convicted. Baugh was sentenced to 57 months in prison in September 2022.

It was a small group of employees targeting one couple, and it looks like most of them will be going to prison.

While I agree that the $3m is chump change for eBay, the victims deserve the settlement, and some justice has been served.

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Binge drinking is the misuse of alcohol. But use to excess isn't implied here for cannabis or hallucinogens.

It's like comparing increases in murder, jay walking and loitering; just not very helpful really.

Did you say folding phone? Ew

I think you'll find it's the new iPhone 17 with dynamic flex technology and that Tim Cook will repeatedly say on stage that this has "never been done before".

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The app is open source so you can review the not-leaking-your-information that it does yourself.

Windows on the other hand ...

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Jeez, calm it down Mozilla. It's a new social network, not a weekend at Mar-a-lago

Typically not = not for poor people

Supreme court: Imaginary babies are still babies

A good chunk of the American economy is dependent on companies not checking the legal status of employees.

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Would you rather it was finished by 100 duck sized George RR Martins or a George RR Martin sized duck?

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This reeks of bringing people to the well after it's already dried up. The established convenience of Apple Pay is unlikely to take much of a hit from would-be competitors.

I do hope, though, that it spurs Apple to innovate a bit more, particularly w.r.t loyalty and rewards schemes and the likes.

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Mark Zuckerberg needs to tread carefully or he might have to spend another afternoon answering the nonsensical questions of a bunch of geriatric luddites.

They should change it to "reject and swerve".

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fReE sPeEcH PuRiSt

The useful idiot certainly keeps himself busy doesn't he

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Yeah but why didn't all of the Palestinian children vote out Hamas 16 years ago? Checkmate atheist

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I agree. The problem is meetings.

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This was annoying me in browsers so i did a bit of reading and found out that not only can I remove their ad block blocker in browser, but my TVs also support ad free YouTube. Thanks Google! Couldn't have done it without you.

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