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Joined 1 years ago

We are entering dark fucking times when Mitt Fucking Romney is becoming the voice of reason in the American political landscape.

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I think a lot of profiles like this are combinations of fake accounts for jokes and mean personalized prank attacks on people.

Taking some girl from your schools Facebook picture with her dad and putting it on tinder to make it look like you’re fucking your dad sounds exactly like something a mean high school kid would do to someone else.

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My wife is very superstitious and I have never believed in ghosts or anything like that. Aliens, ghosts, magic, religions, totally confident that they aren’t real. When she told me she heard a weird voice calling her name one night I was incredibly skeptical and told her she was definitely dreaming because we live nowhere near anybody and it was -30 that night.

I am never gonna tell her I heard the voice too.

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Which will be struck down almost unanimously because the US government is a cesspool of liches and ghouls.

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Dude flirts like a 12 year old who just got killed on modern warfare.

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I don’t give a fuck about being remembered. I just wanna enjoy my time while I’m here.

So far, it’s not going great.

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Imma just be pissed if her tiddies ain’t triangles.

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Ok what is this 12mn 12nn madness

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Women are a liberal lie

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I’m pretty sure Tate is one of those men who only tries to sleep with vulnerable women he can manipulate and then postures about how much he gets laid.

There’s a lot of dudes like that. They need to fuck off about that. There’s nothing to brag about when you’re just taking advantage of damaged people and then treating them like garbage after.

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B, and it isn’t even close.

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The republicans are a fucking joke at this point man.

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…but why

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Most republicans don’t actually care about cheating as long as it benefits them. Republicans didn’t say shit when Bush Jr got elected by hook and crook.

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Hitler wasn’t a warrior. He was a coward.

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Even I think the NRA is evil, and I like guns.

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I’ve been cutting every piece of software that shows me ads out of my life. I basically just have Lemmy and streaming services now. It’s pretty great, but now if I’m somewhere and I see or hear an ad I get extremely annoyed.

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They can’t seriously be trying to impeach over a families foreign assets and running Trump as their candidate at the same fucking time.

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It’s pretty funny seeing his supporters and himself claim that the whole system is against him and that this is all some unfair witch hunt, and then turn around and see that he is constantly getting special treatment in the news.

If this works it’ll set a very disturbing precedence for right wing extremist actions in the US.

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I just perused the Wikipedia page, doesn’t seem like a boogeyman to me. Considering it’s backed by the Heritage Foundation. It seems horrifying to be honest.

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Oh I know what they put them there for. I just find it obscene.

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It’s called meet me at McDonald’s

Seriously google it

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Imagine if you were dying of cancer and told the ghost busters were coming to visit and then they sent the worst ones.

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Every officer involved in this is a fuckwit. If your fellow officer begins assaulting a woman who is on the ground you should be arresting him too.

You would assume that slandering a judges daughter while he was presiding over your case would land you in jail quickly.

I’m sure if I, a poor, did it, it sure would.

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Do most Texans actually abide by this? Because what we’re shown of Texas here in Canada makes me think that the culture there isn’t one of “I’m not going to this thing because an authority figure told me not to.”

How do Americans have the dumbest people in their country making fucking laws?

Has this guy ever set foot on a farm? Needing a gun with you always to prevent killer cows from killing your children is such a pants shittingly stupid thing to say.

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I’d seriously love a whole sub of textbook vandalism

“Everyone loves hiking”

Lie detected

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OH! That’s fucking interesting and makes so much sense. Lemmy is the only social media thing I have now and that’s 100 percent what the difference is that I couldn’t put my finger on.

Man you know your country is fucked when you can go to jail for weed no fuckin problem, but commit massive amounts of fraud? Nah you’re a free man and also a government representative.

This is such a misleading title. She’s not trying to fight climate change. She’s marketing her new bra that has fucking nipples on it, and using climate change as a kind of marketing joke.

I just…. I hate these people so fucking much.

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“Quietly”?! This is like the 18th time I’ve heard about this. They made an episode on Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia about it. This is like the only thing people know about the competitive chess world.

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If you get caught bribing anybody within the political body, or receiving a bribe as any member of the government, you should go directly to jail.

It really bothers me how hard it is to put the elites that break the law into prison.

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Lol wtf

These people make laws in the greatest military power the world has ever seen.

America, get your shit together. You’re an embarrassment.

We should remove these people from all levels of power. They are not fit to be in charge of anything, ever.

I remember watching the documentary about him that had a bunch of people trying to humanize him and say he actually wasn’t a bad person but it just made him look like an even bigger douchebag.

It’s really a sad day when I have to choose to side with the American military as the lesser of two evils.

The world is fucked and it’s largely due to American elites and the military they controls interests.

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Figure it out in the ring

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