Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill with no loss in pay for workers to politics – 640 points –
Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill

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Which will be struck down almost unanimously because the US government is a cesspool of liches and ghouls.

I mean, yes? That's kind of the point. This is how we shift the conversation and put pressure on politicians. Put these bills forward and make people vote them down on the record, so those votes can be used against them.

And how’s that been working out for you guys so far?

Honestly? Pretty well, relative to the "cry about it and do nothing" strategy.

Being realistic about the situation your country is in will make it easier to create realistic solutions. Pretending this did anything other than show that the left has absolutely zero power in the states is counterproductive to improving your country.

I am being realistic. Are you? Putting forward bills and forcing the corrupt and right-wing legislators to vote against them on the record is literally one of the biggest things that leftists have been calling for, for decades, that capitalist Democratic leaders have been suppressing, because it hurts their control of the party. Not doing this is exactly what right-wing Democrats want. Doing nothing is not a realistic solution to anything.

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I mean, screwing with the Overton window has worked great for Republicans. It’s absolutely fair play to use the same tactic from the other side. Frankly, it should have been done the second it became apparent that Republicans in general were trying to push the window to the right.

I don’t see how this is a victory for the Overton window. When Biden is in power screwing with it in the other direction.

I'd argue it hasn't truly happened yet bc half the voter base gets brainwashed by propaganda

Judging by what I’ve seen it’s well over half man.

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Those corporate liches and ghouls are going to trickle down wealth any day now. Any day.

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