
0 Post – 342 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fine Tesla! What is the god damned problem here?

In this day and age there needs to be a non-corporate independent panel that categorizes by type and sets a steep price on each lb or kg of air pollution.

That way when this shit happens they get hit with a bill high enough it can't be just added to the business as operating costs.

Give them x days to pay and charge interest like a corp would do to normal people. Having the gov't back this panel would be better.

Pass laws locally in the areas these plants exist and start there.

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Lol at this point it's just fucking ridiculous

Cuz, you know, Trump is all jacked on meth just like his man crush Hitler was so they all gotta project.

They better prop Biden up somehow if he is gonna be subjected to hours of huffing Baron VonShitzenpantz McDonald's Big Mac flatulence.

IIRC, the religion didn't get anywhere is Palestine after Jesus supposedly died and it wasn't until decades later that it picked up in and around Greece thanks to Paul, but no one was around that saw any of the events attributed to Jesus - it was all heresay.

I mean the bible is how many pages and how much of it actually takes place during Jesus's life? And what is the timespan of the small part that does? Like a year? And the 4 gospels that talk about it are all rehashings of the same stories (more or less) and even contradict each other at times.

That's a story with a lot of gaps and plot holes to base a belief system around - and that doesn't even include all the baggage and hate that comes along with it.

People nowadays lose their mind and make death threats to the creators of stories that don't fix or create new plot holes in canon. And we're supposed to smile, nod, and happily accept one of the worst constructed stories ever just because some old white men that live the opposite way they tell us to live say so?

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Never ever ever ever ever give your work for free to a startup unless it's running under an open source model that guarantees even if they do go public, all that work remains openly available to everyone!

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Naked? Check. Holding a gun? Check. It is most definitely John McAfee. Lol.

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When Trump dies, his grave will make the best toilet ever.

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Criticising Israel is not anti-semitism, god damn it.

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working lock-step with putin and trump

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Long-awaited, said no one. Is AI going to fabricate even more of the bullshit on reddit then?

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Start spinning up githubs poupulated with broken code and incorrect processes for other jobs to train the AI and make it worse

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Does it hurt being you? The grid is old and needs to be upgraded. Corporate power companies take subsidies and money from the gov't as a motivator to upgrade their lines and infrastructure but they never do and those same lines fail over and over.

What is your solution then? Who should upgrade infrastructure and who should pay for it? You've done nothing but complain while offering nothing to the conversation. You are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

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Good for Paris Hilton's media company? A month ago Elon Musk was a piece of shit, X was a piece of shit and she signed an exclusive deal with a piece of shit. That makes her and her company pieces of shit by proxy. Now she is just using this for media attention because otherwise no one would give a shit about her or her company.

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Fuck the Koch brothers. This is their doing and they need a swift kickto thee teeth

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Jesus christ. Fuck off Google. Fuck off Tencent. Neither company needs the other to ruin even more shit.

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Moscow Mitch engineered the conditions for this in the first place and didn't have a problem with it during president drink bleach's term. Fuck him and fuck his wife too. She could have spoke up to bitch Mitch and had him do something.

My money is on this just being a stunt in a bigger play. He doesn't care about her just like "My dead name is Raphael and I identify as Ted" Cruz didn't do shit when drink bleach talked shit about his wife.

Dont fucking use this. Let it lose money so it goes away. Amazon is awful enough and if this shit trend continues, Meta will get into healthcare too using posts, tracking cookies and purchases on the platform too.

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It's why he wants to fuck his daughter. He wants to keep the bloodline pure.

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Tell her Citizen's United makes it possible for the "elites" to do this.

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Yeah, the last time the lenders pushed Adjustible Rate Mortgages as a way for borrowers to be able to afford a home with cheap monthly payments it turned out fucking great! Lots of people were able to buy the house of their dreams and the economy flourished for the next decade!

Oh no it didnt. A shit ton of people lost their homes and the banks and mortgage industry pulled a fast one, lied, and hid the evidence when found out. Oh and the economy took a shit!

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Bring it on, gravy seals.

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I guess 75,000 bots can own stock, why not?

Is this the same Postmaster that human scrotum Donald Trump appointed? The same one that did away with all those sorting machines so that mail-in-ballots woule be invalid?

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And they're still not going to get it. That money is going straight to internet provider exec bonuses and reported profits.

Yo I heard you like bots so we put bots with the bots to moderate the bots

Fuckin Russian cucks. The whole GOP.

I guess the lesson here is pirate everything under the sun and as long as you establish a company and train a bot everything is a-ok. I wish we knew this when everyone was getting dinged for torrenting The Hurt Locker back when.

Remember when the RIAA got caught with pirated mp3s and nothing happened?

What a stupid timeline.

And the source of that whole line of bullshit admitted it was a lie and is now facing charges.

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A horse's ass is as a horse's ass does. Trump's party isn't even conservative - should be called the obstinate petty opportunistic hyena children party.

Exactly. The party of small government has one goal. To make government buearacracy so big and slow you throw your hands up in frustration and not participate. So then they can come in and saw only they can fix the mess they created and only make it bigger.

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Out of the $1.3 [million], half a million dollars went to the IRS [Internal Revenue Services],

Yeah, so like, don't be so upset because it wasn't really 1.3 million I stole. The g o v e r n m e n t stole a half million of your hard earned money you invested.

Holy men (and women) should stick to the tried-and-true grift of their profession.

This is beautiful. An emotional rollercoaster from beginning to end that at no point did I know what was in store for me as a humble lemmy member and fellow homosapien.

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Shit, have you seen all those fatass larping gravy seals out there at right wing larps? Some of them are so fat on their rascals it's amazing they can even hold a gun and have enough strength to squeeze out a runny turd, let alone a trigger!

Sgt. Hartman would have a field day.

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I tried to watch the first one just to see if they referenced anything useful. Nope. Just trying to out-culture war anti-woke circle jerk each other. I made it 5 minutes and I had to go read "See Spot Run" for some mentally stimulating content afterwards because I felt like watching made me lose that many brain cells.

How dare they try and tell the Tiny Testicle Tazer Team Task Force not to juice anymore!

Less weird then hiring your 2 sons and your daughter to high ranking gov positions. At least he has an interest in the actual job and isn't there to fleece the taxpayers.

The whole thing has been bullshit for decades. They write shrink and certain returns off on taxes anyway. So basically taxes cover the corporations from losing money yet again.

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And in a couple years when for some odd reason people have built up content, Facebook will pull the rug out and charge for API access. Tale as old as time.

You're literally calling for domestic terrorism on American soil. You aren't a victim here, bro. No one is trying to take your tendies. Go outside, touch some grass, have a drink, and get yourself a hooker. Some post-nut clarity will do you good.

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I dunno, bro. Christianity revolves around a ritual of eating a demi-god and drinking its blood. More than a healthy number of the sects of this cult celebrate weekly eating the demi-god's literal skin and the demi-god's literal blood.

That's some weird, sick, sadistic stuff.

And to get more people to join the cult they sweeten their image and tell the people this demi-god's dad really loves them but will put them thru the worst torture imaginable for eternity if they don't believe that the demi-god is in fact its own dad and itself at the same time. And that demi-god-dad-god had such crazy daddy issues it had to commit suicide by cop in order to get its demi-god-dad-god's attention and somehow this is the greatest act of love that ever was or will be.

This loving demi-god-dad-god gives you the "choice" to believe or be tortured eternally. Centuries ago Christians gave athiests and those of other religions the "choice" to believe or be killed.

And you and your friends are so insecure with yourselves and so unbelieveably petrified of the word Satan that even seeing it makes you all lose your minds so bad that the "morality" you take every opportunity to tell everyone else only you possess goes right out the window and you become savages. Savages thirsty for blood, happily detonating explosive objects with intent to brutalize fellow humans into a form no longer recognizable.

Those are some really twisted values you fight for.