Biden announces $1.3 billion to build new power lines, upgrade aging electric grid to – 420 points –
Biden announces $1.3 billion to build new power lines, upgrade aging electric grid

President Joe Biden announced Monday a $1.3 billion federal investment to build three new interstate power lines in an effort to upgrade the United States' outdated electric grid and transition it to clean energy.

The electric transmission lines will cross through six states: Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Utah and Vermont.


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Does it hurt being you? The grid is old and needs to be upgraded. Corporate power companies take subsidies and money from the gov't as a motivator to upgrade their lines and infrastructure but they never do and those same lines fail over and over.

What is your solution then? Who should upgrade infrastructure and who should pay for it? You've done nothing but complain while offering nothing to the conversation. You are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

It’s like Biden is so singularly capable of helping Israel commit genocide, but so incapable of doing anything else. Guess we better vote for trump, he’ll bring the best peace to the Middle East. Everybody says so.

All the best people are saying so! Plus he’ll end the war in Ukraine!*

  • by cutting off funding and letting Putin take whatever land he wants, but you know, details aren’t important right now

Anyway, that’s the common fascist trope, right? The groups they make their enemies are made out to be super-powerful at doing bad things, but unworthy and incompetent at anything positive. Huh…. Oh wait, that’s more projection from them.

Does it hurt being you?

Part of being a contrarian is making sure that people I agree with don't fall for some basic bullshit.

Had you just went with the good point about the planned infrastructure not able to stand up to a Carrington event, fine. That's contrarian. I agree. It should be a resilient as possible to not just extreme weather, but CMEs too.

The thing is that 1.3 billion isn't going to bankrupt America's future. Saying that like it's a sure thing and as if a loss of that amount of money to the US could bankrupt it isn't contrarian, it's just emotional language meant to sow FUD. And wrong.

Never look into how roads are repaired and how much it costs. If 1.3 billion to build things that could last half a century or more (unless of course the random super strong CME hits and destroys everything else along with the new power lines) you might lose your mind. Roads dont even last a decade in cases and cost so much.

And we all get the classic Biden comment. You represent a group of people that act like the world revolves around only them and nearly stroke out when the gov't sets money aside to improve the country or help anyone else that isn't your group.