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Joined 12 months ago

How do you fix the opening credits so I'm not a helicopter? Ever since my first playthrough on my old computer, I've never gotten past the opening scene. It's so frustrating.

And for every subscribe and save item you have you get x% more loots.

If i could show you the amount of awful 5 gallon bucket, recycled tygon and aquarium equipment "water cooling" loops i used to use for shit, you'd probably piss your pants laughing.

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Anyone (still) running Plex chose to use a service that relies on a 3rd party. They agreed to their ToS. They agreed to the service model.

I run Plex and am fully aware at anytime they could F me in the A and I'd have no one to blame but myself. I don't agree with their actions at all, in any way but it's their software and they can do what they want with it.

I think it's even worse: It's just shit writing.

That's not a bug, that's a feature!

And have been passed on to the consumer in doing so.

They violated ToS. I get what you are saying but the scale can be massive and while i also don't agree with Plex's course of action at all, they pushed back in the face of tos breaches.

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Imagine claiming to support freedom while also supporting anything even remotely as ghoulish as this.

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Free is one thing. Fuckin duder is campaigning. Like what the actual fuck...

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I agree. He was joking about it only being one day.

That's usually what happens when a douchebag worms his way into a company, takes it over and squanders it.

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That's really what it boils down to. The government is finally afraid of it's citizens but unfortunately it's for all the wrong reasons. Proper fuckin show America.

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The US is a wild west of suggestions masquerading as regulations. If your ledger doesn't have room for the decimals places needed to record the fine, it's not a fine.

I'm 40 so no, not even remotely.

I'm not sure if you realize this but using that term when it's not really applicable looks silly. Using that term when it's 100% not remotely applicable makes you look like a moron.

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I got into datahording pirated media out of spite, youthful angst and complete lack of funds. Now i literally consider it an act of preservation.

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The amount of money i invest into my homelab is oddly proportional to the amount of money i have after not purchasing 17 different subscriptions for bloated catalogs of doodoo.

My end user experience is incredible and i was willing to pay for it.

40 dollars a month to help feed a family is just far too much money. Unsustainable.

Never use /dev/sdX device paths, use UUIDs. They exist for a reason.

This is absolutely fantastic advice.

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Only if it's approved

I mean I think the intention was the votes go to people who will put competent judges in place rather than for hire judges not so much actually vote for the judges themselves.

Now you are cleared for more debt. System is working as intended.

Tesla is know for shoddy panel alignment correct? This is gonna look horrific.

Aaaaaannnnnnnd they just made enough money to cover the fines.

MPAA is the organization that took 2600 to court over linking to DeCSS source code. All they understand is money and power and so far is worked really well. This is an organization that literally inserted itself into our society. Remove them, by force if necessary.

Imagine living in a country where some people's only way out is to sign up to die for their country. Now imagine there's someone making fun of them for it.

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A bunch of people drove a long way to, at a minimum, observe human struggle. Some probably went to participate. Fuck these people.

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Are you telling me that Democrats are once again maybe having a hard time connecting to the major demographics they need to win an election?


I don't care what the source is, if there's a Gen [insert whatever] or Millennials might be to blame for [insert whatever] I'm already at a -10 on the trust meter right out the gate.

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Honestly, why the fuck should they? Mohela is a perfect example of how impressively bad the restart of payments went. Absolutely bottled it. People paid, didn't register, they reported late payments then magically everything was ok... until the next payment.

The entire restart was an absolute shit show. Fuck em.

Do you happen to take... These?

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It's almost smells like an out if the IPO tanks. Stinky.

Yeah he's wasting money but it isn't his lol.

His wife won't let him. He's gotta play the part of an owned man.

From the party that's blurring insurrectionists faces in surveillance footage. Gold medals in mental gymnastics for everyone.

You get a buzzword, you get a buzzword, everyone gets a buzzword!!!

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Translation: We are gonna gouge the ever living fuck out of every single customer.

As a Democrat from upstate NY let me tell you why the rural areas are dark red: NYC seems to be all that matters.

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Better yet:


See? Ya sound like a fuckin dick when ya say shit like that.