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Joined 10 months ago

It’s specifically the US that calls main courses entrees. No clue why.

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In this niche art field I was in, the most successful people either grew/sold weed or had wealthy parents. Makes a huge difference when both your parents are doctors and can just buy you a $50,000 studio, and you don't have to worry about making smaller work or having a sustainable business for years and are free to experiment and think big.

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It's pretty insane how these people were told, incorrectly, that Mike Pence could just wave his hand and choose the next president, and are totally ready to murder him because he didn't do something crazy that he didn't even have the power to do.

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Exploring a cave is great, but I sure as fuck wouldn't try crawling down a tiny hole going down at a 70 degree angle. Some spelunkers are straight nuts though, like they get to the end of a cave and say "wow, the wind is whistling through here!" and try expanding small openings with a hammer and chisel or even explosives. I went caving one time in a well known but very long cave, with experienced people, and that was really interesting. When i got back I read my friend's cave incident journal, which details all the rescues and deaths that happened in the last year, and it was... interesting. Shit like "oh, jimmy got stuck, so we had to break his ribs to get him out". Great.

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It’s really confusing how people view this twee whiny bully as ‘manly’

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I'm so tired of this psycho Christian bullshit. When you teach people to fervently believe a bunch of things that make no sense... it's too easy to make up nonsensical excuses, and there are people who 100% fall for them.

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Cavuto went on to shoot down his claim that gas prices are at $6 a gallon, sourcing the real price as being an average of $3.26 a gallon.

Good. I’m so sick of the wild bullshit like that this baboon makes up. Gas is around 2.80 where I live which seems quite cheap given that it was that price 20 years ago and everything else has gone up so much. Then, of course, there’s the fact a lot of people are super-confused about that presidents don’t set the price of gas.

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'We' didn't elect him. A horde of deluded, ignorant douchebags in just the right states did.

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As the article mainly states, this isn't just because Trump can't help it but also as a strategy to make it easier to get a favorable appeal. Plus, it would stoke his favorite way to portray himself, as a victim, and fundraising:

there have been recent conversations among some of Trump’s 2024 campaign brass of how much of an immediate fundraising boost they would enjoy, if a New York judge were to try to put Trump in a cell for even a minute. “All the cash in the world,” one Trump political adviser says.

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Wow, imagine willingly providing that information to what you know is a criminal organization. The people who signed up are obviously a major security hazard to whoever they work for.

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Of course... as intended. A way for abusive men to control women.

send the video directly to her family members ― unless she continued to do his laundry.

almost funny how pathetic that is.

Huh, almost like this has being going on for 50+ years

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“They asked me why I didn’t approve [friend requests], and why I deleted and blocked people on Facebook and Instagram,”

What an insane thing to be questioned about by police.

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His full-time job is pretending to be a martyr/savior and asking rubes for money.

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People should shower regularly, but I find the aromas wafting from people who use many fragrance products far more offensive and offputting than someone smelling like a human. Some people's shampoo, laundry detergent and deodorant (not to mention body spray, cologne or perfume) are so strong that I can smell them from 5 feet away, and the odor lingers for several minutes after they leave an area. I don't really care what it smells like as much as that I seem to be allergic to these fragrances, and sneeze, get red eyes, my nose starts running my lips swell a bit. This is why some places have instituted a fragrance-free policy - as many as 25% of people have an allergy to various components of these perfumes. Unfortunately it's a very touchy thing to explain to people as the average person thinks they're doing something virtuous by wearing a bunch of fragrances and it makes them more appealing to be around.

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Who could have ever guessed that a dumbfuck football coach from Alabama wouldn't be a great pick for the senate?

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His supporters have been groomed (ahem) to think it’s all fake. From something I saw recently, 91% of Republicans don’t believe he has committed federal crimes.

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Splendid! According to his own beliefs he'll be tortured by satan for an infinite amount of time.

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What kind of ridiculous thing is that to say to a judge, anyway?

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Great, it's terrible for the environment and fairly insane animal welfare-wise. So it's cool that we can just stop doing that. The business already doesn't make economic sense and has been heavily subsidized in various ways by the government for decades. I thought capitalists loved the theory of supply and demand?

His entire personality and life constitutes a major argument against inherited wealth. He knew that he was set to inherit a ton of money and a business that would enable him to coast through his whole life and never bothered to develop maturity or intellectual curiosity.

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It’s something slightly different than hypocrisy. They’re not only criticizing people who choose to be vaccinated, which is hypocrisy, but the vaccine itself. It seems like a pretty fucked up political agenda to have, but what we’d expect from fox - be contrary, divide people just for the sake of profit and sowing discontent and confusion, and fuck the effects on the country. Or they actually want to harm the populace…

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There’s a saying that everyone picks their noses, but what you do with it is a measure of your character.

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Ireland has a history of suggesting Israel chills out a bit.

Well good, fuck ‘em. Pepsi I mean. I had a gf who was obsessed with Diet Pepsi and the price has over doubled in the past few years. In 2020, you could easily find 2 liter bottles for $0.99, $1.25. Then they went to $1.75… $2.49… $2.99. You can still find them on sale 3 for $5, not not often or all the time. I’m pretty sure that the cost of bringing Diet Pepsi to market has not increased 300%.

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The US is in for something similar in about 40 years now that the "job creators" have made it entirely unaffordable to live, let alone raise children, while also opposing legal immigration.

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Of course Trump wanted to do one of his usual "omg witch hunt" speeches. He didn't seem to realize that the trial was already over, and in the penalty phase, or that the speech would not be on TV. The email chain between Trump's incompetent lawyer (who had previously been reported on as one of his 'good' ones) was hilarious but also just sad, I mean, the guy can't even be bothered to capitalize words starting sentences and the request to 'delay until Jan 29th because Melania's parent died' is ludicrously transparent. Anyway, his lawyer needs to be fined or formally censured some more.

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He's been very clear that a second term would be based around revenge against everyone he can think of who opposed him, including broad swaths of society (all liberals, certain states, black people Democrats) plus violence and torture of races/ethnicities he hates (black people Democrats and non-white hispanics, of course), plus of course women. Pure fascism. Someone said something to me today like "people might vote for Trump because they know Biden isn't good but Trump's plans are unknown" which made absolutely no sense to me. We've had years of his bullshit in and out of office, and he's made it very clear what he would do if put back in office.

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Could someone please handcuff this guy, even for 10 minutes? People get beaten with sticks for stealing $20 of groceries.

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X also warned advertisers that beginning Aug. 7, brands’ accounts will lose their verification—a gold check mark that indicates their account truly represents their brand—if they haven’t spent at least $1,000 on ads in the previous 30 days or $6,000 on ads in the previous 180 days, according to the email.

Wow, he just can't stop making verification more useless. I'd expect that most brands would respond to this by not using Twitter (oops, 'X') any longer.

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He seriously thinks the public will blame the former advertisers and be angry at them when the issue was obviously Musk running the company into the ground?

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Some of the materials inaccurately warned voters that they could lose Social Security benefits, unemployment benefits, child custody rights and more if they did not vote. The election-related materials also falsely claimed that “[g]etting an absentee ballot… may prevent the loss of government benefits, tax credits, and seizure of your personal assets.”

This isn’t political speech. This is dishonest bullshit.

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Reminds me of when someone came to fix my bathroom floor, which had a hole in it the entire time my house was on the market because some morons from Home Depot who ruined it were disputing whether they'd fix it. So this guy removed the toilet and sink, finished the bathroom floor, awesome... then he said "oh, I can remove the toilet and sink, but I'm not licensed to put them back, sorry" and left. This was the day before closing.

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No surprise that he's a Trump supporter who, after losing an election by 50%, said it was 'rigged' and he didn't accept the results and wouldn't concede.

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Conservatives don't mind being blatantly hypocritical, though. They'd support it with some rationalization. Just look at their subs on reddit, for example... constant whining about being 'censored' when they're downvoted on other subs, but their subs would be 'flaired users only' and when people dared to disagree with whatever BS in other posts, very swiftly permanently banned.

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Incels think of lots of complicated theories about society and appearances to explain why they think women are not attracted to them

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Another unfortunate thing is that surely rivals and enemies of the US noticed how unprepared we were for an event like that, and while as various pundits and news organizations pointed out, our institutions did prevail and were strengthened, they sure weren't rock solid. And we're still having to deal with this orange-painted douchebag, who is not only not in prison, but almost as popular as before and running for president. But anyway, it's a concern that someone like Russia or China could sponsor and a stage a coup by manipulating the crew of violent mouth breathers into it. I mean, I'd be surprised if foreign influence wasn't involved in the last one.

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Looks like it was an arrangement with a group called Dairy Farmers of America, Inc. I’m sure they only served as landlords in a market rate agreement and surely didn’t seek any favors or influence.

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I don’t get why she would take her mouse to the grocery store rather than just ask her son, who installed it for her. All I could guess would be, her old mouse didn’t work so she went out and bought one?

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Fine, who would want Walgreens, Walmart and CVS to be where you get your weed? I would rather buy it at independent stores both for atmosphere and that large pharmacies are shitty companies in every way possible.

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