Trump and His Lawyers Dare NY Judge to Throw Him in Jail to – 553 points –
Trump and His Lawyers Dare NY Judge to Throw Him in Jail

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As the article mainly states, this isn't just because Trump can't help it but also as a strategy to make it easier to get a favorable appeal. Plus, it would stoke his favorite way to portray himself, as a victim, and fundraising:

there have been recent conversations among some of Trump’s 2024 campaign brass of how much of an immediate fundraising boost they would enjoy, if a New York judge were to try to put Trump in a cell for even a minute. “All the cash in the world,” one Trump political adviser says.

I think the solution here would be for the judge to go after Trump’s lawyers. From the article they’re engaging in some of this behavior themselves, in addition to encouraging it in Trump. But, they want the optics of Trump getting imprisoned in order to play victim and try to help an appeal. Seems the judge could side step that and go after the lawyers instead, who have more to lose.

Winner winner chicken dinner!

Lawyers are officers of the court and she can grab them by the short and curlies.

She should remand the entire Trump legal team to the jail for a day, and require Trump to stay at his home for that day as well.

Can the judge jail the lawyers for repeatedly violating his orders? They should know better than to antagonize the court.

Sure. A judge can hold anyone in contempt of court, and they can fine or jail them for any length of time.

But could you hold a lawyer in contempt of court for something their client tweeted? That doesn't seem likely.

Yes you can. It's the lawyers job to keep their client in hand not the judges or the courts.

It seems like putting a lawyer in jail would just be a recipe for delaying a trial though. They can't be expected to provide defense if they're locked up. Or do they just require you to find new counsel?

I'm sure he has a whole team. If it was a small case, with really only one lawyer, then they would probably not jail them.

I am far from an expert, but I don't believe so. The court can fine them or maybe recommend them for censure and disbarment.

Yeah... Trump political advisers seem to be correct all the time...