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Joined 11 months ago

Reading this new CEOs job history on linkedin is kinda infuriating. She goes from intern to head of consumer products at Skype in less than a year. Just... Frustrating to read that while I am and manage really good people who struggle for decades in the trenches to get even paltry job opportunities.

But she got her MBA from Stanford so nepotism ahoy I guess.

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It's 2024 and congress still wants people to come in to the office to raise their hand.

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Definitely no shady VPNs run by white westerners though. Theyve all got impeccable morals through ans through. Glad you cleared that up.

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The entire web is built on standardized e2e encryption schemes fought for by techie nerds so that we don't have these problems there.

I was in dehi recently. Poverty is kinda nuts there, but I noticed everyone had phones, even people who obviously had no home. I assume kinda shitty phones, but it makes you realize a bit how important access is. If someone releases an iOS only app with no web version, they're basically saying fuck you to all those people.

Same same for this though. Googles saying "as long as you use our stuff you'll be fine, and why wouldn't you use our stuff because it's free! (Sometimes kinda sorta). And if you're stuck with something else for some reason, fuck you."

Immunity isn't in the constitution for anyone. The supreme court just made it up at one point to try and keep themselves from being sued. I assume that's what they're appealing with here. No one knows how it works because, again, they just made it up.

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These people will literally apply the death penalty for jaywalkers as long as the jaywalker is "them* (i.e. non white l, male, or just someone they slightly disagree with) and then scream online about how theyre protected from censorship by the first amendment.

To be fair, the supreme court has made the same argument when granting themselves absolute immunity. But it was just as stupid then (and still theoretically only applies when executing their job).

"We could never do anything if we had to worry about lawsuits all the time" yes, that's how life works for everyone who makes decisions.

Their entire party is built around making their constituents angry at other people. Earnst us trying to enrage people because she's ameyeing a national positikn.

I think it's time to just call them on it. Everyone believes in feeding kids. It's not controversial. It's the ethical right thing to do. There is no disagreement between parties here. She's just doing this to try and stir up anger at "them/"others" because she thinks it will make a subset of people vote for her.

They've taken things yo faster before when there is a time imperative to do so. There is here. They're breaking their own precedent.

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Signing doesn't provide security of privacy protections. It just means you paid apple a fee.

I doubt you'll hear any docs about failures. I think that's what this article is about? I.e. a lack of transparency?

I have no idea about air purifiers, but Meredith (and better homes and gardens DO have a test kitchen in Des Moines and I wouldn't be surprised if they test other stuff there. My dad worked there and as a kid we got to come through a and try out recipes they were thinking of publishing sometimes.

But ANY site running these review articles at this point, be it for hotels or air purifiers or food kr *30 under 30" lists, are all just paid shills. I don't really have any reason to think "housefresh" is any different either. I don't even really trust consumer reports at this point after seeing them shill really shitty products a few times. Maybe ifixit is ok?

Go to Amazon and filter by one star, then try to ignore the crazys.

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Isn't this in violation of the gdpr?

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because it probably can’t get less bulky and look less dorky,

Airpods are probably one of the ugliest pieces of tech ove seen in the last decade and yet somehow it doesn't seem to matter. Never overestimate apple's customer base.

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As an American who left, it looks batshit insane to me. Everything is crazy expensive and they're passing restrictive laws that, if passed anywhere in Asia or Africa, would be run as "look at these backwards shitty country" news stories.

I've got a trans kid. We're not returning any time soon. It seems unsafe for them to exist in the us for the foreseeable future.

But I've got us friends who feel the opposite. We visited a friend in Bainbridge a few years ago who really couldn't comprehend why everyone wouldn't want to live on their island.

Asia (here) isn't really any more unsafe. I visited India recently and it felt less safe, but everyone I know there also said it wasn't really. It depends on areas as well, and much of it (everywhere) is just media depictions and racism telling your brain to panic.

The real advantage of the us is just cash. You can make a lot more money there. They're rich. Money is good. It makes life easier. Its also expensive there. To save at any income level, you have to be thrifty.

Things I haven't seen.

' Steve mould - does cool little kiddie explanations of physical phenomenons.

  • Foureyes furniture - a bit asmr, but a woodworking channel. Guy makes neat stuff and talks about life while doing it.

  • Wristwatch revival - alsp kinda ASMR, but guy takes apart and repairs mechanical watches. Very repetitive after the first few watches, but I keep watching anyway.

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And on top of that, the tech they're being asked to use is literally a decade old next year.

I will never understand how people expect software to gather no telemetry or metrics whatsoever.

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Literally all he has to do is work with democrats to end all of this. Just actually work with them on something and the freedom caucus goes away.

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We moved from America to see Asia years ago. We were just talking last week about how racist we still catch ourselves being. We have a sick relative at home who we talked about moving here. They'd be close to us so we could help. And healthcare here is cheap/free often and pretty good.

But there's part of me that just thinks American = superior. No matter how long I live here I'm not sure it will ever go away. It's been psychopathically programmed into me. "Yeah it's expensive, but at least you're getting a good doctor". (I've had awful and great doctors in both countries) It's infuriating to realize.

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All those people who told me they voted for him because he was rich and therefore couldn't be bought seem to have gone very quiet.

That last paragraph is hellarious. "I'm just shocked that society isn't heeding my admonition" Is so much a supreme court justice with his head up his own ass. And to top it off his "admonition" is "please don't be mean to these people just because they want to be mean to other people".

Bum gun >>> bidet

Can we finally give him a nickname? "Smelly trump" works fine for me.

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Not just the attack, but he actively tried to secretly replace electors in states as well. We literally know he tried to cheat and are like, "it's fine".

Plumbers. He's talking about people who've done plumbing appreticeships. It seems pretty obvious.

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LoL. Western governments still aren't even saying "please stop" let alone pulling the billions in funding that's being used to do this.

I expect Israel just out and out kill everyone is Gaza this time and take the land thinking it will end this problem forever. I expect in 10 years they'll figure out they failed when another attack happens.

It's not trolling though. They teach kids good things.

The same people will have chrome eat ram or crash and just shrug and restart. It's not about the browser. It's the same "I use chrome because everyone else is insecure" "a zero day was reported for chrome last week" "yeah, everyone has bugs sometimes". They have a narrative they want to believe and they self select to support it.

I really like pokemon scarlet and violet. I think they're my favorite Pokemon games ever.

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I'm surprised to hear /home is non standard.

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I worked at a restaurant as a kid washing dishes and servers did fuck all, made bank, and complained about how it wasn't enough. I lost all respect for waiters at that job (but I saw the same behaviors repeated too later in life. In the bay you'd notice that as soon as you didn't order an overpriced cocktail with dinner, your waiter would peg you as a low spender and basically just never come back unless you flagged them down).

Cooks... Good cooks are nuts to me. They'll be cooking 10 different things simultaneously with timers running in their heads. I had no idea how they managed it.

I am too. Is the agreement to charge per mb downloaded? Do they not have some sort of "turn it off if I hit this max?* feature?

I usually avoid hosting solutions like this just because of this shit. I wanna know how much I'll owe before the month starts even. Anything else feels like gambling.

Firefox already runs a web store that supports v2 extensions and is open source. But... You'd just be chasing your tail forever trying to keep your fork of chromium updated until you gave up and forked it. We've seen this happen too often.

I think I'm the opposite here. Live in the city. Commute is short. Things I need are nearby and walkable. If I want to go hiking or something it's a 20 minute drive. Living in the suburbs means basic needs involve car rides and parking.

Just be clear, there is a reason that's not in the quotes of the title. The author basically makes up that they're "treating staff well* because they're not randomly firing people right now. (The empowering bit is basically fabricated)

I think they're probably more worried about the us invading them. We're the ones who've been invading countries most in the past 100 years, not china.

How does the security counsel prevent global war? They're powerless to do anything to any of the super powers and by proxy also won't do anything to anyone else either.

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Many people in abusive relationships don't "fight back" because they're emotionally abused as well, which seems likely relevant to someone searching for "x is yelling at me" (whatever the sex race or age).