Melody Fwygon

1 Post – 261 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This feels like an obvious bullshit cop-out reason to defederate against a specific community that they don't like for whatever silly reason they can't reveal to the public.

Never have I seen an actual link to content survive very long on or Just like the good old /r/Piracy we discuss piracy, but we do not directly facilitate it.

Someone please slap the back of their heads repeatedly and aggressively with these facts. This excuse is disingenuous as hell.

If you are a user of; RUN. NOW! Find a new instance. Switch away from them before they reach terminal enshitification velocity.

16 more...

Uninstall and Delete with extreme prejudice. Find an APK that has this removed or cracked; or make sure your system locale or language do not imply you might be Chinese speaking.

Yeah this isn't surprising.

What's funnier is how he acts like a toddler with his hand caught in the cookie jar; blaming it on his imaginary friend or whatever else is convenient to blame at hand.

Make no mistake; this is their plan. For far right extremist believers; this is their most fevered and deepest desire dream. They are, unfortunately, thinking that they are the only ones who are "right" to rule the world; despite how wrong they are and despite literally everything and everyone telling them they CANNOT do that.

To be clear; these kinds of minds have fallen to the trap that religion breeds.

When used in moderation; religion can be helpful for people both mentally and emotionally. It can allow them to cope with, and accept, reality and when they abandon all fear and put faith into something it can bring themselves back to focusing on things more productively.

When used in excess; religion can breed utter lack of reason and sanity. This is the trap. This is when someone loses touch with reality. When you abandon all fear and put faith into something; you become the most reckless thing imaginable; and the damage to the world and others you can do with this is virtually unlimited.

As they say; "The road to Hell is paved with 'Good Intentions'.". There is nothing more dangerous than a fool who believes he is doing the right thing. The foolish cannot be reasoned with, or dissuaded from their path, for they are a fool.

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WEI’s goal is to make the web more private and safe

Bull. Fucking. Shit. You do not get to pick and choose who you treat differently based on software level indications. You absolutely cannot justify this technology with fraud-prevention; as your fraud prevention should be baked in elsewhere in your logic chain and service delivery anyways. Developers do not need yet another magic number. Your typical fraudster is going to be an Authenticated Human anyways; and will easily bypass this attestation if this is actually implemented as intended. Because of that fact; this will drive desperate developers to implement this in consumer-hostile and privacy-hostile manners. You cannot simply say "That's not how it's intended to be used" and expect those devs to play along with it!

TL;DR: We must not give developers tools that can be abused in ways that run counter to the open internet

WEI is not designed to single out browsers or extensions


You absolutely ARE singling out browsers; particularly ones that may be older or "Un-attestable" for other arbitrary reasons. This will impact a large number of people in the disabled community who may use specific, webpage modifying extensions in order to make the web more usable for themselves.

WEI prevents ecosystem lock-in through hold-backs

This won't work; your devs will just write other server backend code that is forked off of yours that won't "hold back". This is a ridiculously tiny band-aid for a gaping wound that needs stitches;

WEI does not disadvantage browsers that spoof their identity

Wrong again! You cannot trust developers and companies with financial motivations and interests to not mark spoofed browsers as fraudulent; nor can you obligate them to treat them exactly the same as a properly attested browser agent.

Let’s work together on finding the right path

This proposal is not working together! This is a blatant attempt by Google and Alphabet to further bully it's dominance over standards for the financial gain of itself and it's partners. Please don't pretend otherwise.

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For the love of god; the media needs to start ignoring the orange idiot.

Report only on his court cases and their outcomes and nothing more. Give this fool no airtime.

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She's such a narcissist that she couldn't stay out of the spotlight. lol.

Regardless; I doubt that any game she could develop would be any good; and I shudder to think of what deranged DRM scheme she will cook up to protect her own game. It'll probably be worse than Denuvo, knowing how unstable she is.

Genuinely, the scene is better without her hate filled screeds polluting the web. Her abilities might be appreciated more if she got some mental help and she could rejoin the scene as a positive force; not someone who lets their ego run rampant and spews hate at the slightest provocation.

Unfortunately the scene is too cowardly to NUKE her output into obscurity until she cleans her spew up.

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It's sad that a teacher could possibly have no private life. It's even more questionable how the account was "found". I see no one is mentioned as having found it and reported it.

I think it was foolish of the district to fire her; if no student knew about it. The article also neglects to mention parental outrage; so it would seem that not even a parent discovered this either.

If all of this was done explicitly outside of the school, off grounds, and not mentioned ever; it makes no sense other than a few adults finding it awkward.

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Empress is a neurotic narcissist who needs to be NUKED at every release and HARD MUTED, IGNORED, AND DEPLATFORMED by every sociopathic rant she makes.

We should not be giving her attention by talking about her; she needs to be SHUNNED into OBSCURITY. Let her fucking philosophize in her own damn isolation. Her behavior is unacceptable by most social standards and her contributions to society are not so significant we can't do without them.

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Here's a rule for uBlock Origin.

Credit: && original link:

! Anti-Youtube Anti-Adblocker, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false), Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0), ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []), Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)

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TL;DR: This article is misleading and sensational. Do not take it at face value.

The cups were placed in temperate water or sediment and left to leach for up to four weeks.

This isn't how the cups were intended to be used. Yes this can be used to model a threat caused by cups littered into our environment; but this article tries to spin this out first to scare you.

Coffee cups are made of a complex mixture of synthetic materials and chemicals. Manufacturers add processing aids, heat stabilizers, and other substances, many of which are known to be toxic. Even if plant-derived materials are used—such as polylactic acid, a material derived from corn, cassava, or sugarcane that’s used to coat paper cups—cup makers often add a number of other chemicals during processing.

More scare tactic information; preying on your lack of familiarity with how these things are regulated or tested. Scaremongering continues for two more paragraphs before it abruptly changes tone midway.

Improving recycling practices would be a logical step in trying to keep harmful chemicals from ending up in nature, but researchers say it’s best to retire disposable paper cups altogether. It’s difficult for most recycling centers to separate the plastic coating from the cup’s paper. In the UK, for instance, a mere handful of recycling centers take paper cups. Many coffee shops will collect them for recycling—but having to drop paper cups off takes the convenience out of a single-use product. Today, only four out of every 100 paper cups are recycled in the UK.

By now the author hopes you're scared enough to do as they ask; but if you weren't convinced; they threw in some other statistics at the end, and even breaks their suggestion by showing how inconvenient and impractical it is to recycle them.

In 2019, a research group from India filled paper cups with hot water to see if plastic particles or chemicals were released. “What came as a surprise to us was the number of microplastic particles that leached into the hot water within 15 minutes,”

They're still not done scaring you though.

On average, there were 25,000 particles per 100 ml cup. The researchers also found traces of harmful chemicals and heavy metals in the water and plastic lining, respectively.

They dump some number of particles on you; giving you zero context, and zero information about how dangerous that is. They only mention in passing the "harmful chemicals and heavy metals", giving no specific concentrations nor giving you any clues as to how much of it is in there.

Unfortunately the above article is pay-walled; and is difficult to access. I doubt the journalists read the full paper. Everything mentioned in the article is accessible from snippets on this exact webpage; which may mean things are being taken out of context.

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People need to stand firm against the needless RTOs and demands to be present in a workplace where your work consists largely of things you can do safely from the privacy of your own home.

Without more mass resignations when companies start to roll out RTOs like this; they will never learn. If you work at such a company; start looking for another job, even if you are willing to work in the office a few days a week. Punish them harshly for enforcing RTOs.

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Exactly. That firing does the harm they were trying to prevent.

A spokesperson for the supermarket said they were disappointed to see “a small minority have tried to use the tool inappropriately and not for its intended purpose”. In a statement, they said that the supermarket would “keep fine tuning our controls” of the bot to ensure it was safe and useful, and noted that the bot has terms and conditions stating that users should be over 18.

In a warning notice appended to the meal-planner, it warns that the recipes “are not reviewed by a human being” and that the company does not guarantee “that any recipe will be a complete or balanced meal, or suitable for consumption”.

“You must use your own judgement before relying on or making any recipe produced by Savey Meal-bot,” it said.

Just another bit of proof that humans are not ready for AI. This AI needs to be deleted. This is not simply operator error; this is an administrative error, and an error of good common sense on the part of many many people involved with creating this tool.

You cannot always trust that an end user will not be silly, malicious, or otherwise plainly predictable in how they use software.

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With all likelihood; it would have been 3 to 5 whole years before anyone could have purchased a localized, legitimate copy of the movie in Lat.Am.

So no; I do not blame them for doing this. Considering that this movie was even broadcast as a "Public Screening" and likely nobody paid anything in admission but for food and drink...I'd even argue this was a 100% non-commercial use. Depending on the laws in Brazil it might even be "fair use" for a city official to do this; as informational and educational arguments can be made for it depending on the audience.

Rationally; she did break a rule. Logically; that should've seen her placed in the 'Female Solitary Unit'; as she was already classified as female.

Unfortunately, the prison also made a large mistake, and she should not have been 'transferred' to a Men's Facility.

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I mostly agree here.

Although; I have a slightly different experience as well that makes me highly distrustful of people who tout being 'sapphic' as well; as I've seen quite a few people who identify with that label participating in the same kinds of toxic and exclusionary behavior that the self labeled 'lesbians' that are referenced in this article are participating in.

In general; excluding members of the rainbow who are less numerous than our identity group is; is in fact punching down on them and is not cool. If you bear any label in the whole spectrum; you should at least try to know better, and reject exclusionary behavior.

Of course people will be exclusionary to the extent they can get away with it. Don't let them get away with it when you see it. Call it out and educate them kindly if possible; especially those who should know better.

As someone who is as deeply queer as she is transfeminine; I do experience some strange bouts of gatekeeping; especially around people who think I am inherently less feminine than they would prefer.

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First of all, take the HDD offline. That means power it off (Turn off your computer) and do not use it, by removing it AND unplugging GENTLY from your computer and putting it in a safe, dry non-vibrating place. If this drive is the only drive in your computer, you need to stop using that computer.

Second of all, you must purchase a new hard drive! Save up for it if you must, you must have a new Hard Drive or SSD to save the data.

Third, you must wait until you have purchased a new hard drive for the data. once you have done so, you can take your computer offline again, and reinstall/re-plug in your drive, then bring it back online and copy the data over to the new drive immediately!

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What happens is what's intended.

Everyone is going to do it; and it will cause companies, artists and creatives to step back and rethink a bit on how they monetize their creations responsibly. The ones that refuse to rethink and adapt will fail and flounder under the tiny handful of straw that Piracy adds to the load.

That's a GOOD thing.

What's unfortunate is that companies and people still think it's productive to worry and handwring over piracy as if it's killing someone; instead of being the thing you "don't fly too close to, lest your wax wings get melted off and you plummet to the ground."

She should be ejected from the chamber(s) for a while in my opinion, and forced to "telecommute" her votes and participation in, if they even choose to let her participate at all in the lawmaking, for the rest of her term.

There's no reason that behavior should be excusable.

He is literally admitting to committing a felony here. Saying "Just Kidding!" doesn't let you off the hook. I hope the Secret Service looks into this clown.

Federal law pretty much says [IANAL] that passing fake cash off with intent to defraud the recipient into believing it is real; is in fact a felony.

It's likely they are trying to deflect on a technicality; something like "Medical experts say ...[etc etc]... at 108F."

They tend to do that a lot. Unfortunately that's probably the heat lethal point; and it can vary a lot based on weight and size; which a doctor or educated practitioner would know; but not an average prison guard, captain or warden who is only intelligent enough to go by what their little book says.

Obviously they are not taught nor instructed to have any compassion whatsoever; and prisoners' complaints are routinely ignored, intentionally misrouted, mishandled and withheld without good reason.

It's oftentimes 10x worse in states like Texas...where the usual attitude is to dehumanize prisoners. I genuinely hope they are forced to reform things and stop slacking.

Please keep the bots to a minimum.

Approved bots that the admins manually review the use cases for is absolutely fine.

I just don't want things to revert back to reddit days where I'm constantly BLOCKING new novelty bots that are absolutely freaking useless and add nothing to a conversation.

Also; PLEASE; implement the following ideas into a(n) agreement/covenant for bot operators; I quote this directly from the Tao of IRC:

The master Nap then said: "Any automata should not speak unless spoken to. Any automata shall only whisper when spoken to."

Disgusting. I hope this stupid cop rots in jail for life.

It's apparent there's a crisis brewing in Law Enforcement and Officers are not getting trained properly. Frankly, I don't care what police training says; it isn't smart to use a sidearm on somebody who does not have any kind of weapon on them equal to that sidearm.

Similarly we need to quickly dismiss and retire officers to a desk job or no badge at all; who are showing signs of psychological trauma and problems; regardless of if they say they're OK or not.

Similarly departments should not be operating in a manner that can send a stressed officer out to assist someone. Make sure duty rotations do not overly tax them, make sure they have plenty of breaks, and make sure they're fresh, properly trained, calm and relaxed. Don't send the wrong officer out for the job if possible. Don't hire assholes, don't hire felons, don't hire people with dark triad tendencies, and don't hire people with psychological problems or problems with authority.

Being an officer of any jurisdiction is a privilege we should revoke in an absolute instant the moment that any indication of problems arise in their empathy and cognition. Officers need to be good and sensible people with no issues.

There just isn't any valid excuse for a police officer murdering an innocent, unarmed and scared woman like that. For any reason. It was his duty to protect her, and he not only did not do that, he intimidated her and killed her.

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Reddit fucked around and it found out.

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It's because ANY COMMERCIAL TRACKING AT ALL is unacceptable!

Chrome is trying to have it's cake and eat it too by removing 3rd party cookies and baking in another tracking methodology anyways.

The User Has Spoken and we DEMAND that there be NO TRACKING! The browser devs are complying with that demand in various ways to various degrees.

Firefox complies with this demand openly and honestly. Third party cookies are not a thing much anymore and the browser actively tries to punish companies who try to do it anyways; while also allowing us to turn to other plugin developers to further punish companies who try to aggressively invade our privacy.

Google Chrome, on the other hand, complies very maliciously because it's made by one of those companies who are trying to track us anyways. It removes third party cookies on the one hand and on the other hand tries to introduce other tracking technologies and WebDRM while also trying to severely curtail browser plugins that we choose to install to assert our rights to privacy our way.

You can't tell me that's not an evil dick move on the part of Google and the Chrome team. Chrome needs to clean up it's act and the development team of Chromium needs to forcefully eject it's Google developers and find new ones to retake the internet.

Google developers cannot be trusted not to put the interests of Google first; it's literally what they're paid to do.

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I would argue that federating with either of the biggest companies on the fediverse is a monumentally bad idea.

Not just because of "Reports of genocide" or anything specious like that; which can be debated for days and days on end by people in both good and bad faith; but because both Threads and Meta are simply too large to be moderated correctly and be capable of managing basic issues such as harrassment and extended bouts of hate-speech which should never be considered acceptable; even if you do not necessarily agree with all of the goals and policies of the Fedi Garden; as strict as they are.

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Every time a brand falls onto the "socially conservative ban list" I just cackle evilly.

Yes. The death by a thousand cuts is very fitting for these people who seem to lack critical thinking skills and won't learn.

It's almost like people think children need to know how to be decent human beings and they know that some parents will refuse to teach that skill.

It's almost as if society at large has already decided that the "status quo" they are vehemently defending needs to die. It's like society has decided people need to be better. So that we don't like; kill each other off stupidly over stupid fucking bullshit in stupid wars like stupid idiots being stupidly fucking greedy and unrelenting.

TL;DR: It suggests several methods and makes a few mistakes which he had to point out to which it suggests even more absurd solutions to.

The AI recommends doing things in long and hard ways and does not conceive of new or novel technologies; it just mashes together existing ones despite their implementation being difficult or impossible by simply waving away these issues by saying things like "Much research and development would be needed but..."

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The "Gender Critical" crowd has long been a large crowd of trolls who just love sealioning their way into communities and gaslighting people into doubting themselves.

I speak from experience; I'm a former moderator of /r/Genderqueer.

Best thing to do is to ignore their questions and deplatform them. They're no better than your average transphobe who hides their phobia behind "just asking questions" and "peaceful debate"

I firmly think this would be a boon for many people; owning one of these is likely a lifeline that even small town physicians could utilize to dispense drugs freely or cheaply to patients in need.

This is something that I think small-town pharmacies could use to create compounds in cases of drug shortages. I think tools and programs and small labs like what are discussed in the article are a positive force for good; and that they should be not only allowed, but encouraged, for many drugs that are expensive, unavailable to someone in need and can be readily synthesized safely with a basic college level of chemistry training by someone in a pharmacy.

I think the potential risks and downsides are small right now; and I think more of it should be encouraged gently so that we can find out quickly what the flaws and limitations are so that we can put regulatory guardrails around it so that people do not harm themselves.

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We need to tax them on a different basis once they achieve far more than is reasonable for themselves and their family.

Instead of taxing them for the value of liquidity moved into or out of their care; we should tax them based on how much their value grows each year as well as assessing any normal "wage tax" as needed.

So if you grow in net worth value by 200%, so too do your taxes grow by a certain percentage. This tax is then paid directly each year. Your losses in worth do not count, and do not decrease your taxes until several years later. This should prevent anyone from tax dodging this, as even if you only held the money for long enough to activate this tax, you still held it.

This tax also applies to companies holding, far in excess, more money than they reasonably need to operate normally. No business shenanigans should save one from being taxed for accumulating more wealth than reasonable.

While most people in the world need not fear tripping this tax, anyone who is within the top 1% should be wary of it.

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Yeah there's no reason why they should let him.

The UAE will shield him from extradition if he is allowed to return home because he is rich.

He is the very definition of "Flight Risk" because he has:

  • Means - UAE will support him if he seeks asylum and/or legal aid. Binance is not based in the USA; so it cannot be dissolved by a US court finding. It will likely not fire him because of these charges, due to the nature of cryptocurrency.

  • Motive - The USA will not be able to quickly extradite him if he flees, and fleeing is in his interest to avoid being charged or jailed and ensure he keeps his job.

  • Money - He still has lots of money. Unlike SBF; he wasn't suddenly bankrupted by Binance failing. Binance still exists and will continue to do so Without the USA allowing it to do business in it's borders!

This is why technologies like DoH and DoT are needed. To prevent this kind of tampering.

That's not surprising.

It's irrelevant. I ran that subreddit for 11 years. He did nothing of note beyond requesting the sub and appointing mods. I have no cares about what a scab thinks.

I don't use Brave, won't use Brave, and have my reasons for it.

  • Brave is Chromium based; a project which is slave to the whim of Google.
  • Brave integrates an unnecessary cryptocurrency. ::: spoiler I hate shitcoins I don't trust small crypto projects, and I doubly do not want this to be integrated into my browser. It's a good way to lose your stable crypto-holdings if you have them. (I don't; but I've seen lots of anecdotes about catching malware that subsequently stole their crypto wallets, including any BAT tokens they owned) :::
  • Brave does not block ads! It does not 'enhance' your privacy. It just absorbs some ads, replaces some, and blatantly lets first-party advertisements through the filter. That's not ad-blocking
  • Brave does not protect your privacy. As per my previous point; it does not block ads, it injects it's own right into browser chrome! That's worse than plain Chrome! Your privacy is automatically violated when you watch/view even a single ad.
  • Brave does not have many benefits above "Ungoogled Chromium" or other competing projects. It just doesn't. Unless you like marketing fluff.
  • Brave is NOT BETTER THAN Firefox. It's worse; because it's Chromium; which is enslaved to Google whims. Don't believe me? Try to contribute something to Chromium that goes contrary to Google's stated goals and watch how fast you get shot down.

::: spoiler But sometimes... Yes, Sometimes a programmer does succeed. But only sometimes; and this is usually because they have the clout, coding skills, chops and public reach to embarrass the fuck out of the Google PMs. This will never be you, unless you put an extraordinary amount of effort into becoming a very well known and respected contributor in the OSS space. If you already are a respected contributor in the OSS space, Congrats! You're still likely to be forced to fight a long and protracted battle against the Google nerds to get "Google-Hostile" code changes approved. :::

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just two years? just $5500? Whatever happened to gitmo?

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Yep. It's official. Google is straight out bribing it's way to dominance just like the Ferengi do.

She should remand the entire Trump legal team to the jail for a day, and require Trump to stay at his home for that day as well.

It's good to hear that some are starting to speak out. The damage that these "Christian Nationalists" are doing to our churches and our nation in general is extensive; and the corrupt views they're clinging to dearly have never been a wish of Jesus Christ.

This is Google's way of throwing a fit. They've been thwarted at every attempt to replace cookies with something WAY MORE creepy and WORSE by privacy advocates.

They're quickly realizing that people will not give advertisers free reign anymore.