1 Post – 318 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Swiss and fucking everyone over getting in bed with authoritarian governments. You'd think the mountaincunts had money left over from the gold they pulled from the mouths of victims of the holocaust.

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There absolutely are private schools here what the fuck

Edit theres literally a set of laws surrounding public and private schools

Do journos even do research anymore?

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It's not edible. The chip is in the packaging. Chipping packaging is normal and the headline is funny but sensational

Now producers have been trialling the most modern of authentication methods ā€“ microtransponders about the size of a grain of salt inserted into the labels found on the rind of 120,000 wheels of parmigiano reggiano.

Edit or it might as well be edible no one knows since no ones eaten cheese with the packaging

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Lmao just put them under oath

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I don't understand these comments. You were given a good piece of climate news, a rather rare W that should be celebrated and replicated. Everyone also knows what the headline means, no one thought Portugal banned gasoline cars.

Good job Portugal keep at it

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Vote with your wallet like it's your ballot. Is it gonna be the society-shattering vote? No. Is it a step on a marathon to make society a better place? Yep

Excellent. Those people must be either deplatformed or confined. Thank you .world admins for being reasonable and based.

It's so fucking tiring. Youtube is constantly pushing that shit to me for some reason so idk if it's really so widespread or if the Algo thinks I'd fall for it

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Nooo they dont work but please stop the sanctions even though they totally dont work

Love, Ivan Conscriptovich

According to OP, those are exactly the games they referred to. Which does beg more questions

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Public perception outside Israel has affected a total of 0 policy decisions in the country

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Lets gooo! Taiwanese indepence in non-negotiable.

Guys a tool and gives an audience to losers who don't deserve one, but in all honesty his interview with Brian Cox is magnificent. Though, that has got more to do with Brian than joe whose role was to be the subject of the ELI5's.

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US navy does indeed insure the safety of maritime travel and trade, as that is a net benefit for the US.

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What's up with US police and dogs, what's the beef? I used to work briefly on emergency services and dogs, no matter how demonic, were just pushed aside if they decided to come have a sniff. Which rarely happened in the first place.

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Yeah since when germany has had problems with antisemitism?

I love the military industrial complex I love the military industrial complex I love the military industrial complex I love the military industrial complex

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Always the one you most expect

Yeah but I read a propaganda piece written by some dude in russia so

Bro watch lord of the rings. It's crazy how many orcs there are

Its not whack, its lying

With m.2s around it takes less than a minute to go from the start button to the desktop. Haven't put my pc to sleep since upgrading to that

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I've always felt bad for them. They didn't really have a choice apart from befriending rus*ia. West just sort of forgot about them, apart from saying "never forget the genocidešŸ˜­" before forgetting about the genocide again.

Armenia is based and has been through a lot. Hopefully the west will help them with the redemption arc they deserve.

"5 years ago finland did aight in education but since then we reformed the system and now we're plummeting like the rest of the western world"

Everyone I disagree with is a bot

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When your dog pushes back on you trying to pry open their mouth, you know where the missing family cockatoo is.


"contrarian" is a personality trait, not ideology

I mean I've gone to countless common cold and knee-pain gigs during my time as a responder. It's insane from what people call help for and what they think ambulances do. One guy attacked us when we couldn't cure his flu on the spot

Nature is beautifulā¤ļø

It's crazy to sometimes stop to think about how many nice things we could have if it wasn't for pedophiles. Not a joke either, actually give it some thought.

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She's told us lmao

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There are more than two options

Lemmy ml ass type a comment

There are significant differences, some of which have already been mentioned. In terms of Ukraine, the difference last time they had their exercise before the invasion was that they had transported things not necessarily having to do with the flexy shit they did the previous exercises with. Autumn 21 rus*ia was transporting blood, field hospitals and some hq equipment, things we normally don't see them doing, proving that to be the first steps for the invasion. West knows very well the difference between setting up an invasion and setting up a flex to scare and coerce.

Ch*na has absolutely nothing to indicate these are but provocations. They lack the equipment, logistics and education to invade Taiwan. If this actually brews up to something, its mainlanders doing a quite literal suicide

Am I?

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I am a western satellite and I started the war

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Straigth out of congress of vienna

Those aren't mutually exclusive. Doing that with no cameras is disgusting, doing it on camera is that and stupid, proving what many of us thought of the people doing that in the first place