CEO Bobby Kotick will leave Activision Blizzard on January 1, 2024 | Schreier: Kotick will depart after 33 years, employees are "very excited."

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CEO Bobby Kotick will leave Activision Blizzard on January 1, 2024

CEO Bobby Kotick will leave Activision Blizzard on January 1, 2024 | Schreier: Kotick will depart after 33 years, employees are "very excited."::Schreier: Kotick will depart after 33 years, employees are "very excited."


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I think you're right. I'm pointing moee to his leadership and how he has allowed sexism and other bad behavior to go on without any consequences. He even told an assistant that he would have her killed..

He might earn himself and the stockholders a lot of money.. But in my eyes he's a great example of why I don't like capitalism, but that is another discussion tho!

He’s obviously a terrible human being, I think you have to be to be a wildly successful CEO.

But those are the people who are best at running companies. I wouldn’t be good at it, because I’m not a piece of shit

That's what sucks about capitalism. We're allowing thhattype of trash to run it.

Wow I'm very anti capitalist today!

The thing that sucks even more about it is no one even has to 'allow' that type of trash to run it, it's just what tends to happen if the profit motive is the main driver of people's behavior.

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